Designated Spittaz: Randy Wilkins @pamsson Interview, Correa Switches Agents @1FrancisLee @SimonettiSource @NYYNEWSTV New York Yankees News and Rumors / nyynewstv - New York Yankees News and Rumors

58 HR
144 RBI
.322 AVG
180 HITS
3.41 ERA
x94 - 68
91 -71
81 - 81
80 - 82
74 - 88

10 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Yankees Interested in Matt Olson, Eric Chavez On Coaching Staff: Rumors @SimonettiSource

09 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Carlos Correa, Luis Castillo, Matt Olson, Justin Verlander. @_NYYNEWS Discussing JAM PACKED Hot Stove


yo new york fans yet again it is felix from like always welcome yankees fans is that time of the year congratulations to the atlanta braves i know i'm late but um i haven't uploaded a video since they won the world series and it's amazing they want it without utilizing a whole bunch of players that they don't for an example like johan carmago who is a sleeper might i add a switch hitter third baseman utility infielder that the braves barely utilize and they did it without acuna either so congratulations to the atlanta braves it doesn't matter well it doesn't matter how many games you win in the regular season but it matters when you get hot and get on a roll the braves certainly proved that and so did the uh washington nationals in 2019 so again it's that time of the year again the hot stove that time of the year where yankees fans in particular are on the edge of their seats waiting for the yankees to act like the yankees and you know sign everybody and their mother if you ask me that's what's going to happen you have a whole bunch of disgruntled fans out there and what better way to make a splash and let's say sign a carlos correa i don't think the yankees are going to sign seeger i think they're going to sign correa to be honest with you guys yes uh seeger is a left-handed bat but carlos correa has the numbers when it counts his post season numbers are incredible and uh the houston astros uh insulted him i mean you know 30 million dollars per year but the years weren't there it's not that insulting when we're talking about money and we're just regular people not making that kind of money but it's pretty insulting when you offer a guy in like calls correa that kind of contract after what he did for your franchise you could call him like a franchise player as well so uh yeah uh carl's career is not resigning with the astros also for an example you got guys in the minor leagues like volpe peraza waiting for their shot volpe has a lot of uh fans out there rightfully so he's been performing he's basically the best uh farmhand that the yankees have and if you sign a guy like uh calls correa he has the body frame to move over to third base and again you guys know that i would love the idea of carlos correa on his team i've been saying it for over three years now when it was the unpopular thing to say and plus i like it even more because it triggers these um screw correct he's a cheater i don't want him on my team he bit the yankees by cheating you know it triggers those kinds of fans but um you know the astros have reached the world series over and over again after that scandal so and carlos correa's numbers are still there when it counts the postseason and you could say he's a semi uh all-star in the regular season i'm not saying they didn't cheat but obviously carlos correa's numbers weren't that affected that much you know like his arm his defense that guy has a cannon for an arm he's just clutch he has the uh the attitude of a player that i want on this specific team see i've been complaining a lot that this team is soft they need a boater like carlos correa simple as that so moving along there's talk out there that the yankees or i haven't heard this specifically that the yankees would be interested in signing a verlander you see back in 2017 i took a lot of flank when it came to the yankees training for sunny gray or the uh talk that they wanted to trade for sunny grey was between vern lander and gray and a whole bunch of people are pushing sunny gray to the bronx even the new big newspapers i'll give credit to the yes network they were actually pushing for a justin berlander but some long story put short i told my boy pete i said hey the team that trains for vern lander they're going to be your 2017 world series champions and bam it happened i was 100 pushing for the yankees to trade for verlander but if you ask me today do i like to see verlander as a yankee i would have to tell you no you see this is going to rum some people the wrong way but i'm going to be 100 real the 2022 season is going to be an experiment for garrett cole as we saw his numbers get wacky after uh sticky substances being banned there's been talk in the past that justin bernlander is that same kind of picture that he needs help with the grip gripping the baseball so i would not like a 39 38 year old joining the yankees when i know he's that same kind of picture and i'm not trying to bash garrett cole i'm not just trying to experiment with two guys and knowing that justin verlander is an all-star type picture imagine if he implosion in new york this guy's just going to get destroyed so yeah in 2021 and juan used felix is now passing on justin rolander after being a fanboy of his back in 2017. moving along luis castillo and i'm going to tell you this i'm going to take credit for sparking that rumor that got so big that the rest gm had to come out and say uh luis castillo is not on a trade market i'll take credit for that i've made numerous videos about louise castillo but he's another one he had a weird finish as well he finished about one eight and 16 or something like that but his numbers were somewhat there was he another picture affected by the sticky substance ban who knows there's a lot of talk that it's going to be added or whatever taken out of the negotiations the cba where they're going to put a better grip on the baseball i don't know but it seems to me these uh power pictures you know curveball pictures were basically destroyed by uh this band so who knows if they uh allow these pictures to somewhat get a better grip on the baseball with these negotiations we we don't even know if there's going to be a season in 2022 who knows but if you ask me if luis castillo's out there i've made plenty of videos about him i always wanted him as a yankee but something tells me that brian cashman is not that smart and he's going to pass on him hey maybe he could prove me wrong but brian cashman his credibility with me has gone down the drain for obvious reasons and when i say me i mean mostly the yankees fans out there yes luis castillo is available confirmed by the reds themselves let's see now moving along to the first base situation do you resign rizzo do you make a trade with the half linux for an olson or do you move dj la mayhew who's going to be a yankee for seasons to come do you move him to first base permanently you see here's my take i had this opinion a few weeks ago you trade glamour torres you make that train with the oakland a's you sign the calls correa and boom that's your uh 2022 infield uh matt austin dj lemay who at second base carlos correa at shortstop and geo urchella at third it's that simple play dj lemay here in his natural position you have a chip and taurus you could basically include them in the package for any player out there and you know matt austin would fit perfectly in the bronx that swing would dominate in the bronx and he's on the trade market so yeah i would do it uh nice knowing you glabor wrapping this up here's the time here's the players that i wouldn't like the yankees to obtain just wrapping it up from what i was saying earlier matt olson carlos correa and maybe a luis castillo all these players one of these players you get via free agency two of these players to get retreat and oh yeah i just reminded myself of this that luis rojas the former manager of the mets is potentially going to join the new york yankees as a third base coach or whatever and a lot of yankees fans hated that idea or hate that idea why it is a positive in my opinion bringing in a dominican coach are these guys forgetting about tony pena luis rojas comes from a baseball family do you guys forget who his father is so hell yeah i like that idea bring him over here he's going to help a lot of latin players on this ball club i'm not saying the yankees don't have latino coaches like mendoza but this guy there's a whole bunch of dominicans playing for you guys so yes make it happen it's close to happening but yes make it happen i know there's a lot of players that are left out if you guys want to uh leave your opinions we have a new segment called ny news mic pass and the information to submit your audio was left on there hey if you guys disagree with me or need to chime in some more send me your audios so again leave your opinions in the comment section below and like always this has been felix from share like and subscribe and i will check you out next time friends

09 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Yanks Watch Verlander, Castillo Available, Ray Gets QO @SimonettiSource


what is going on everybody pete simonetti here for ny news guys starting pitching has not been a major topic of conversation really among a lot of yankee fans um there's a lot of yankee fans out there who want them to add but there are some who are kind of in that mold right now that last year we pitched well so you know maybe we invest elsewhere guys i have always been very very big on adding to your rotation look it's cute some guys did well last year right you don't know if that's gonna happen again you want arms arms arms that's what this video is about today talking about some of the news and the rumors of what is going on out there the first one being we'll jump right into it justin verlander is working out um at creasy's spot who eric creasy as he knows with the new york yankees one of the main reasons why the yankees got kluber they kind of got the quick heads up on it and all signs point that verlander looked absolutely terrific in his showcase throwing mid 90s still uh he's going to be 39 years old so i mean where we are right now i don't know how i personally feel about verlander i think he gets more than just a one-year deal i think he gets a two or three-year deal to be honest um or a year in an option but i think maybe a year in an option maybe it but i expect him to get a two-year deal and is that best for the yankees i know you know the tigers are involved there's going to be teams involved there with a lot of teams there to watch verlander pitch so for me you know i wouldn't be against it against it now if you guys remember when the astros got verlander the yankees got sunny grey back in the day i always give my boy felix credit cause felix told me pete whoever gets justin verlander is winning the world series and he told me he says sunny gray's not gonna be good here i was all for sonny gray i thought it was a terrific deal we know how that went i even think felix himself is not as comfortable with verlander right now than he even was back then i mean we were talking about multiple years ago but as a back end guy and that's kind of maybe what you get him for and kind of depend and see where he's at if you have that luxury if you go all pitching maybe and then you make some trades for the offense maybe that's something you do maybe that's something you do but um for me as of right now i'd be okay with it but i wouldn't be jumping up and down to go get this guy he wouldn't be my primary target he's something more on the back end the numbers look right you go for it but for now let's move on to the next guy luis castillo this is one that the yankees have been connected to before a rumor got so out of hand that the gm i think was was it last year the year before had to come out and be like yeah he's not being traded like calm down everybody this is a fake rumor but um it got so like crazy out of hand that this could happen and he just came out like yeah shut up drop drop the mic it's over this is not this is not happening um but luis castillo's another very very good talent got off to a rough start pitched really really well i think he pitched under a three era for like the remainder of the second half maybe even a little before the second half uh started so he has been terrific we know who this guy is it's gonna take a pretty decent haul to get a guy like luis castillo i believe he's a free agent after 2023 so you got two full seasons with him this is the type of move that you know a team like the yankees look to make they want to make moves like this you got some control he's not too expensive yet and you go from there he could be a legitimate ace he could be a one two three wherever you want him in there yankees have a chance now i personally believe to have a top three that is terrific and i'll tell you what i think it's gonna be what i hope it's gonna be and we'll go from there but that rumor came out because cincinnati is looking to shed salary and they've basically opened up the field and say look we'll deal any of these guys including luis castillo will move this guy if it's a deal if the deal is right for us and it looks good we will not be concerned to make this move so again luis castillo's on the table you're probably looking at multiple top prospects in this deal if that deal were to happen and the yankees take that route rumor is there's already teams you know reaching out seeing what it's going to look like what that deal could take the yankees have the prospects there's no doubt about that they got the players of the major league roster to that you know cincinnati may have some interest in they do trade with each other so that's a familiar thing if you guys watch the conversation with kevin kernan the one thing about brian cashman if you see him make trades a lot of times is with the same teams and general managers that he's comfortable with so he has worked with cincinnati before so maybe there's something there you never know um i would be all for i would love this deal um i would deal um you know again i tell you guys all the time i'm not a big fan of of trade scenarios and what that might look like and using a trade calculator and blah blah blah kind of just let it roll but i would be very very interested in going after luis castillo no doubt about it i would be 100 on them next guy as you guys know information i put out today i was told that al cy young i'm going to say it right now the a.l cy young winner robbie ray is looking for 20 plus million a season so a lot of predictions out there have them at four or five years guys i tell you what if you guys have been regular followers of this channel there's two pictures that i'm interested in that only cost money that i have been speaking about probably for four five years now on youtube and the guys who have been with me from way back in the day you could confirm this the yankees have tried to trade for robbie ray multiple times i was actually leading on those fronts two different times when they did try to trade for robbie right he held him back because of clint frazier and a few others so they've tried to trade for robbie ray brian cashman really likes him the other guy that i will talk about after this the yankees have also tried to trade for in the past and they do like him so it's potentially you know something could happen there but robbie ray guys i'm all over um the potential was always there i see people comparing andrew heaty heen dog which i hope i'll never have to say anymore because he's with the dodgers he's on an eight million dollar deal with the dodgers god bless you andrew heaney for getting that after what you did with the yankees god bless you god is good let me tell you um andrew heaney yeah he he's away so he's not an option for the yankees thank you lord that's our blessing his blessing is the 8 million our blessing is that he has no shot pitching for the yankees next year uh never rule out the future um but andrew heaney is gone but there's a lot of comparisons maybe that he's the next robbie ray and this and that guys i understand he's a lefty he strikes batters out and that's kind of it that's kind of the end of the comparison personality wise that nowhere near the same if you guys remember when heaney got here i told you guys i got a message from a friend he sent me the message and he said this is from a 20-year scout with the angels i said it right there i said it live flat out he doesn't have the stomach to pitch in new york he's not going to be able to handle it it's not going to be good it's not just by knowing him it's not gonna be good and it turned out not to be good i don't know if it was nerves i don't know if it was just bad pitching i don't know what it was but that was the early word i put that i put that information out there and his performance wasn't good we know that but to compare him to robbie ran like hold the horses a little bit i mean the comparisons really stop at that you know what i mean they're lefty they strike guys out and they're they were a little wild in their career that's that's it that's that's really it personality-wise they're different guys robby ray is a bulldog robbie ray is in the mulders roger clemens pedro martinez type this guy is a bull dog more so maybe than garrett cole robbie ray will throw at you robby ray is not scared he's not backing down so a couple of disclaimers though why i want robbie reagan to yankees one he's a bulldog as i already just said because i really think the yankees need more of that edge on this team they're too soft they're too soft i'ma just keep it real they're too soft they got the softest manager in the league you know what i mean he got them eating unicornios daily they're soft these guys throw up rainbows at the end of the day that's soft so when you look at the yankees adding a guy like robbie ray now you have two horses up top are bulldog types they're two horses up top that are workhorse they go out there and they give you some minute that strike you to hell out if the yankees and robbie ray they got a top two that could strike out 500 guys in a season that's a possibility they could potentially have one of the greatest strikeout rotations of all time bringing robbie wright also he's pitching the a at least also take him away from the very quickly rising toronto blue jays three he's pitching all the ballparks into the division we know that he's pitched in big games you know what i mean the negative to robbie ray let me just say this real quickly for the yankee fans and any fan out there who's gonna you know expect the same season as last year it's very possible but if he pitches to a mid-three era i still want him i still want the reason i say that is he's always gonna give up home runs it's the same reason why i got like guys like cole give them homers guys that work off of fastball excuse me guys that work off of fastball they give up homers because again they work off a fastball pretty straight hard but pretty straight guys hit it but robbie ray really really changed he really developed so much and a lot of that a lot of that really goes to the work and the dedication put in by the toronto blue jays so you got to give the blue jays a lot of credit the one thing that pete walker did who is the pitching coach for the toronto blue jays he figured something out with robbie or robbie ray if he's wild he's effectively wild and he's not walking to ballpark as he did in arizona he's effectively wild enough where he could just dominate through lineups because that's all robbie ray ever needed was to bring those walk totals down just a little bit the guy has the best k-9 ratio in major league baseball history get this man i cannot say it enough the personality the attitude it is worth the risk there's people out there that'll probably say pete don't you expect them to be worse yeah maybe maybe but that is a risk i am willing to take on a guy like robbie ray because if robbie ray i have no concerns on pitching new york by the way none whatsoever guys ice in his veins i have no concern about robbie ray pitching in new york he's not scared he's not going to back down if robbie ray could pitch to a mid 3 era 3.65 3.7 it's still a really good deal but i think he's even better than that i think robbie wright could even be better than what he was last year i don't think it's a fluke season do i expect his numbers to get much better no can i see him averaging out around that maybe low three high two that would be tremendous but this is the potential this kid has so you kid this is the potential this guy has so at the end of the day if you're the yankees you're gonna put money just cash towards something if there's a starter robby ray's your guy for me robbie ray's your guy a lot of people are throwing other names out there they're talking about hey p what about clayton kershaw um all these other names of guys that are available one of the other free agents that i know for a fact the yankees have interest in and they've had interest in is colorado rocky's pitcher john gray the yankees have an interest in him in the past i've reported on all that of the yankees being involved in john gray he turned down a deal i think it was three or four years for about 11 to 12 million a season with the rockies i still expect the same i think honestly at this point john greg was like just get me the hell out of colorado i i feel like that was the big thing for john gray he's probably like at this point just get me out of colorado enough was enough they have done such a bad job for really their fan base in the organization overall they have just done a terrible terrible job of of really working out guys leaving this organization they never traded trevor story as you guys are they didn't trade john great they thought they could resign them and as of right now it looks like that's not gonna happen they've just done a really poor job um of what they what they're doing with this team now a lot of people are gonna see john gray and they're gonna look immediately at his erase and say pete hold on buddy i can hear it you know 2016 461 2017 3.67 2018 fi uh 5.12 3.84 nineteen six i only only pitched eight games in 2020 the cove of the year six point six ninety array and then last year uh four point five nine era 29 games started and they're gonna immediately just sit there and say pete what are you thinking why can't do this no no no no no we can't do it well there's a lot of good signs um from robbie i'm not robbie rex from john gray last year first of all his feeling independent pitching throughout his career is way better than his era so his career era is 4.59 his career fielding independent pitching is 3.91 i don't know how much that has to do um with who robbie i like robbie ray i can't help it who john gray is but pitching in colorado isn't cute it's not the best thing in the world that you want to do as a starting pitcher and he's done a fairly decent job but a couple of good things last year's hits per nine were right about his best of his career so wasn't allowing as many hits home runs still around the same he didn't you know jump up with that walks were a little bit up walks were a little bit up but his strikeouts were really good 9.5 per nine it's another strikeout guy throughout his career there's been some injuries nothing too much you're looking at a guy's likely gonna give 150 plus year after year and he's pitched if not more than that there's only really the covert year we won't even count so there's only one full year that he didn't go over 150 innings that's going back to 2017 through 110 but then 172 150 last year 149 i count that as 150. who cares what's the difference so for me guys i i said it already i'm pretty sure you guys have probably heard me talk about this i am all for i am all for the new york yankees adding two starting pitchers you guys have seen me make my infield a lot of it is based off of trade and i go that route i believe this offense could be filled via trade i am not against signing a shortstop i would be all for it i'd be all for it but but i oh i really feel like pitching is so important then you get a guy like jacob stallings behind that plate that could really work with these guys sit back and enjoy sit back and enjoy so for me i look at a guy like robbie right no doubt about it you have a top two top three right there let's just say for the hell of it of garrett cole robbie ray and potentially a full and healthy louis severina that is nasty you could even take sevy out that picture right and you could just say we got cole and rey back to back two finalists for the cy young rey is gonna win it in my opinion i can't see how he doesn't but that's nasty it's about as nasty as it gets and i'm seeing what it takes to get a guy like john gray because again look you got james and ty on who's gonna miss some time jordan montgomery has shown himself to be a legitimate starting pitcher have him in the back end but let's have another veteran back there too let's not depend on the young horses let's not depend on the young guys imagine a nice rotation to start the year of coal rey sevi gray and monty or monty gray flip it however you want and then guess what you have when taion comes back a little thing i love to talk about team competition you want a pitch okay gotta do better somebody struggling the rotation no problem i'll take you out a couple of starts i love team competition i feel the yankees don't do that enough but give these guys whoever they get give them a good catcher you guys saw what jacob stalin's done pretty sure he saw my tweets guy has no past balls he doesn't allow he doesn't allow it this is what the yankees need so you guys are gonna do me a favor in the comment section below you are gonna let me know what you think the yankee rotation could be would you go after justin verlander would you go after louise castillo what would that trade look like would you go after robbie ray would you go after john gray is there another name out there did some of you want andrew heen doghini dog might as well get out of my system i'm not gonna be doing it thank the lord again i will not be doing that a lot so guys again for ny news one second i forgot we are closing in on 5 500 subscribers guys get your friends family members whoever you know that is a new york yankee fan to subscribe to the channel this is where everything is going to go down in january right here do not miss it so guys again get your friends to sign up we have a goal here that by january 1st we are trying to hit 6 000 subscribers we are about 509 subscribers away so not far away at all and you guys are gonna be the ones that will make it happen so again greatly appreciate you guys comments below make sure you tell us who would you want what would you offer how much what trade you will make what would your rotation look like again pizza manetti for ny news i will talk to you guys again next time i really really really wanna

07 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Designated Spittaz: Yanks Make Roster Moves, Correa Teases Fans @1FrancisLee @SimonettiSource


we designated spitters live every week live designated homie cause we spit heat we designated splitters friends sis and pete yeah talking yankee baseball hip hop on the streets yup we designated yup we innovative yup we designated spit it's time that you know we designated yup we innovative yup we designated bitters let's start the show well everybody what is going on the new york yankees are already off to some move some deals have been made when not really deals have been made but the roster is clearing itself out for a little bit anyway with introductions do i do we do we even have to introduce ourselves anymore you guys know us come on yeah you already know who it is man stop stop messing around go follow one at one francis lee would you yo shout out to i got another 12 followers this week it's been a good week we gained close to 400. i feel like larry david i was about to i was about to pull a curb your enthusiasm man remember that episode when um he was playing bingo and uh with all the old people and every time he went he just go bingo bingo he kept winning yeah they got so mad those old people oh man they got hot they got he's cheating they got hot man they got hotter poor larry but yeah man the yankees um making some moves um clearing up some roster space we got uh squid is sent back to the ocean so he's swimming around out there now with the angels rob brantley was sent to triple a he elects free agency timmy low timmy low uh recovering from the acl is heading over to boston and then the last one who's the last one i'm missing what am i missing timmy low who the hell am i missing i know i'm missing somebody timmy low timmy low square rob brantley brantley and there's one more greg allen greg allen how did i miss greg allen look at that greg allen our good friend fy everybody i'm on medication all right that's good let me let everybody know ahead of time in case i fall asleep on the mic any minute you guys already know that um but that is the four that is on the way out yankee fans i gotta keep it real with you it's like almost many of us especially in the twitter world of things want to be upset about something because timmy lowe is probably in his heart feeling unbelievable love because a lot of you cats wanted dude to be the starter shortstop and a lot of you cats were really heartbroken you mean squid you mean squid you said you said tilo see i'm out of it squid oh quick you guys want a squid if they wanted tilo that's a problem they they wanted squid to beat a starting shortstop on this club on our yankees yes and they were very upset that squid was gone quite a few people greg allen too greg allen got some love people were very upset about greg allen also yeah people were people were uh not shockingly i mean greg allen did his thing when he was up here but i i hate to sound like insensitive but i was just like bro they didn't even let them stay up and on top of that too let's be real where are they gonna play they didn't let them play on last year's roster somebody's raising a hand right now be like pete you know there is shortstop's open short source is open shortstop is open but i could have used squid it didn't open for him i had no offense no no no offense to squid love to the kid new york kid definitely you know congratulations bro you live in the freaking dream and you lived the dream you started for the new york yankees in a wild card game and he got and he got a story for ever he could never he may never if he never played in the major leagues ever again my man has a story that you know yeah bronx native plays for the homers at yankee stadium come on man yeah this kid's a new york legend for life now let's say he doesn't have to do anything like that's it like but basically look guys if you're looking at the first let me get this music queued up because some of y'all were really you guys are really sentimental so i just want to i just want to make sure i know that we we want to make sure today you know that we sharing our feelings we understand it's hard to say goodbye to squid we get it okay timmy lo castro we understand timmy low come on rob brantley come on how could you say goodbye to rob brantley i mean jesus brian what were you thinking and greg allen he's gonna go and join park remember that remember he was all crying about park not pete he knew better i was crying about park i know it's sad it's sad all right guys oh yeah you want to but i'm ju yeah if that went about another minute they would take us they'd take us right now i had to start talking to my arm being like man come back no no no no no no no no come back listen i'm telling y'all i'm telling y'all look if anything we should we shouldn't be that upset about this why because moves had to be made the roster needed to be cleared up because we have prospects who need to be protected before the rule five draft so a lot of guys i'm really excited about too man um aldo cabrera one of them yeah ever since who's coming off a great season another one coming off a great season like we would have been upset if those guys weren't protected yeah if you guys if you guys missed oh my god he hit him with a i'm sorry i'm watching a ufc fight cheeto vera just hit him with a front kick right to the mouth and knocked him out cole um but if you guys did not see my live when i talked about that i talked about a lot of those rule five guys that are eligible you know even this smaller guys um uh steven writings is is you know gonna get picked up by somebody if the yankees don't put them on a roster if they don't oh hell yeah 100 miles an hour i mean anybody would throw them in a pen and try him out his stuff is disgusting there's a lot of guys there's a lot of guys there i talked about oswaldo cabrera who could could be a utility guide i could play all over the field for the yankees now everson pierre is another guy um who was right there so they they have a lot of guys they need to add squid no disrespect like you said to squid to allen to brantley to bret we'll talk about brett to all these guys who are not there right now yeah you got to add these other guys that that's the talent this team is looking forward to moving and and and that that's what it is right now that's the gist of the story i see some people talk about oh pete is this um you know is this meaning that a big move is coming no it's not right now all right yeah guys it's rosters i think it's not so let's uh share some knowledge with some of the you know our fans because we want you guys to be educated because like you know we we we're yankee fans just like you so if they're yankee fans out there uneducated going out there making some crazy outlandish takes regarding moves like this it makes the whole fan base look bad so i'm gonna give you we're gonna give you guys a real quick crash course on what's happening here you gotta protect top prospects from rule five drafts because if not they can get picked up by another team if they're unprotected and meaning they're not on your 40-man roster garrett lock exactly garrett whitlock perfect example we chose not to protect him boston chose to grab him he became an elite reliever this season so do you we don't want that to happen with our prospects who are rule 5 eligible allah everson pereira allah oswald like you can't have these guys get picked up by another team when we still have plans for them steven writings who's a guy like we just said throws 100 has nasty stuff do you want do you want tampa bay able to just pick him up and have him killing us for the next three four five years like right no so we have to some people are have to be you know released in order for that to happen so that's what these moves are now these moves are not the moves that preclude signing the big shortstop or a starting pitcher or whatever no first of all it's november so no big moves happen in november anymore this is not 90s baseball like december is even early for big moves these days i mean look at how slow free agency has moved the last two years obviously kovit had a lot to do with that the other year but free agency has been moving seriously so i mean how how long do we know that gary cole was signing with the yankees everybody thought it knew it was almost a foregone conclusion right and they did but it look at how long it took you know what i mean look at how long it took to even get him in the building i think the meeting was not even until like december something that was late it was late yeah guys these moves these moves aren't going to happen right now especially this year with a player that could potentially be a shut a shutout or shutdown exactly exactly the most important thing to keep uh you know present in our minds as fans this year is that as of december 1st there is no uh collective bargaining agreement between the owners and the players the first thing that needs to happen before any of the big chips fall is the collective bargaining agreement so you can kiss seeing carlos correa sign or robbie ray or seeger or story or and simeon any of those guys you can kiss seeing them sign goodbye until there's a cba they're not signing anything until there's a cba right because those contracts are way too important for the players association for them to have them sign before they know what the parameters of the new deal are going to be it's not in their best interest the only thing we might see and this is a maybe a big if is maybe you get someone accept the qualifying offer which is due by this sunday or something like that right because if they know like i'm not gonna get like i thought it was interesting right the mess extended noah syndergaard a qualifying offer right mm-hmm i think i thought that i think that's a really interesting case right noah syndergaard coming off a year where he didn't pitch pretty much he's coming off injury and right now his value is really really really skewed right so the let's offer him the qualifying offer which is worth 18 almost it's like 18 almost 19 million which is basically around the neighborhood of 20 million dollars for a year if you're noah syndergaard you're gonna take a long hard look at that that's 20 million dollars right that you can get go pitch well for a year and then go into free agency as one of the top starting pitchers next year or you could say nope i'm gonna test it anyway this year even though i didn't play or pitch this year i think i'm going to be able to get a deal with more years and more total money on the end take that gamble but now the team who science is going to have to give up a pick on top of signing you as a risk right right so right that's the only thing that you might see a guy like him decide quickly and say you know what nope i'm going to take the qualifying offer i'm you know i'm comfortable here it's a show me deal i'll just accept it right now here in november no need to play it out but any big moves aren't going to happen anytime soon so these roster moves for the yankees have no no bearing on what's going to happen at first base shortstop centerfield catcher the only thing that now catcher is an interesting one right because gary sanchez has to be tended a contract by a specific date in december i think it's somewhere near the first week of december but i couldn't it's coming up i think it's like the fourth it's coming up for some reason i want to say the fourth okay so then it's it's early in this it's early in december and he needs to be tended a contract by then along with everyone else who you know needs to be tendered right or all the other non-tender questions that we have right uh clint frazier and duhar like there's a couple non-tender questions on the yankees that's going to be interesting to watch because regardless of what the cba is the yankees are going to need to make those decisions on whether they're keeping these guys and paying them or non-tendering them and seeing what happens so it's december 1st december 1st all right so so it's the same day so basically that's the deadline for non-tendering yes so that that's basically the time where um the mlb non-tender deadline that's when you basically after that you'll see a lot of guys out of the free agency so it's typically early so this is telling me it's the it's december 1st is the deadline so basically so basically what we're seeing is that the yankees have a couple weeks to you know get together and make these decisions on what's what's going to happen with guys like andujar frazier and gary sanchez um because these decisions need to be made frasier to me to me and i mean you know we'll talk about all these guys i know we're on catcher but i think frasier i mean i i non-tender frasier to be honest at this point i'm 100 i'm 100 with you i understand you know what people well what what if you can't you can't work of what ifs you really can we got to stop doing that as a franchise and the yankees do that too much you know we do this oh well maybe this or if this happens if that no no we we need some short bets here we need some we need some guys who we have an idea and i know nothing's ever for you know you don't ever take anything for granted you don't know if a guy's going to come here be the same guy you know if a guy's not going to get injured or anything can happen we know that but this team definitely needs some sure things on it and you know whatever whatever whatever it could have been for for uh clint frazier we have no idea what position he would have played even if they bring him back let's say what is he doing yeah is he on a major league roster is he is he brett gardner not a fourth outfielder but but again again they got hicks yeah they got hicks they you know who's gonna be the fourth outfield now we don't know these questions yet the big the big story to me that's gonna really tell you what the yankees off season is gonna look like it's catching her everybody knows this already the yankees they both you know declined options and whatnot gardner's a free agent we know that now doesn't i i see a lot of people already jumping into the celebrations hey brett garner's gone which is kind of [ __ ] up if you ask me but it is what it is i get it i get you don't want it back the guy's been a terrific yankee he's a role model for players the guy's never i don't think i've ever seen him not run a ball out you guys defend no you guys defend gary sanchez and what do you defend brett gardner which is pretty upsetting to be honest gary sanchez and global tourism and glebe torres when you got a guy guard a yale case towards the end of his career you could beat him up now but don't sit there and look at somebody in the face and be like you know i'm happy he's gone the man busted his ass all the time so you can't knock him on a lot of different things but um don't count your chickens before they hatch gardy can still be back and francis i agree with you so you guys hear me saying it right here brett gardner should not be back it's time to move on it's time to move on i love brooklyn i like brett gardner it is time to move on no doubt about it and gary's moves got to move on fam you got him got him no no so i'm i'm with you a hundred percent and i think those i agree that those moves like here's what i want to say right now we have no indication right other than what insiders are reporting that the yankees are going to do this and do that and they've done it before and nothing has happened but they've they've done it before i mean it happened with corbin it happened with so many i mean bryce harper there's so many we can delicious oh off season we were supposed to load up remember yeah we were supposed to yeah exactly and do you remember how long it took for those guys to sign so guys very long time like straight buckle up stay with us buckle up it's gonna be a while trust me yep um because i mean think about it if the cva negotiate if there's a way that they can figure this out and there's not a lockout after december 1st but all signs point to a lockout on december 1st yep so if that happens what what really throws a wrench in things is that the lockout happens they will meet probably for the first couple of weeks of december and then everything shuts down for the holidays you got christmas new year or whatever so they i wonder how to what the meetings would even work though well there's still trades that happen so that's they won't they won't they won't even do it right if there's a lockout the owners don't do they don't not the owners they don't do winter meetings they won't do none of that okay none of that so it's like everything everything gets delayed not that the winter meetings really has been a hub for deals these passcodes no no no they're just they're just like uh it's like a it's like fantastic at this point you know what it's like it's like one of those damn um conventions yeah exactly that's what it feels like a convention you go exactly it's becoming like a thing where it's like it's it's fan service like you go there you're gonna see you're going to see your team's broadcasters you're going to see your team's gm you might see an owner you might see a player or two it's but not like a top-tier player it's like going to be like a regular lower level guy who's like meeting with somebody at the winter meetings looking for a job a [ __ ] like that but big deals or big trades haven't gone down at the winter meetings in years so i mean it's crazy that like the cva is looming and like you don't really see much movement be like about the fact that they're gonna lose the winter meetings because they don't really care to be honest right because and i think the advent of this has really thrown everything up like cell phones really throws like everything to a different place where you don't have to be in front of people you don't have to like be at a landline having these conversations like everybody's on the phone they're texting about deals now like they're on whatsapp they're wrong so it is what it is but the most important thing for us this is this is me talking i could be whatever i could be wrong i think pete agrees with me yankee fans if you want to really gauge what's gonna happen this offseason the earliest sign you're gonna get is in early december and it's gonna be like what happens with with guys like clint frazier what happens with guys like gary sanchez most importantly gary sanchez if you see that the yankees tender him a contract and that means that make no mistake about it if he's tended a contract he's the starting catcher next year that's it it's not like oh they're going to give him a contract but like they're going to look to upgrade it no they're not no they're not if he gets attended a contract he will be catching games in 2020 you don't think they'll look to trade him if they tender a contract yeah i don't here's my thing here's my thing this this deadline came and went without any talks about gary trades and it was just like he didn't necessarily boost his trade value after the trade deadline it's pretty much more of the same i just i just hold off the fact that the dh international league i feel like you got it but like you said too that's a cba so which is something that's coming after the cba so maybe maybe maybe that maybe no i mean hey look i'm under the belief my belief is that gary sanchez is going to be the catcher i told you they got to prove me wrong on everything this year until i bought it right you're right i mean we're we're at our wit's end right now where this club is and we've been begging for the changes so we're ready to trust them none none there's no track record that shows that all of a sudden they're going to snap out of this spell and say philosophy changes we're moving on they are so bought in to analytics making all the calls that you'll see your gallows in lefty i read a quote on back gallow today and it made me sick i think i put it in the in the chat with you guys it made me sick and it's from before you know i think it was early in the year when he's talking about like oh well i'm i'm a player who bases off ops i don't have to i can hit 200. and i'm like i'm sick of this nonsense you got you cats are out there like [ __ ] on players like tony gwen for real because that's what that means oh cause i hit for power and singles don't mean [ __ ] so tony gwynn wasn't a great hitter gallo you're a better player than tony gwynn no come on i mean i mean that's my point like that's the [ __ ] those are the analytics stuff that really bought me the cats that have come out betting average means nothing so he could hit 200 get i don't want nobody on my teammate 200. yeah but i agree i i mean i agree with every like with that 100 anyone who's who's like on that bandwagon of the whole because that's that [ __ ] catchphrase with analytics people batting average doesn't mean anything shut the hell up shut up shut up what are you talking about it's damn that's the reason the whole thing started about jeter being overrated yeah because analytics because of analytics yes and it's like here's the thing because of but that that to me is there's no greater proof that analytics should not be the end-all be-all than the fact that analytics say that jeter is overrated because if you saw jeter with your own two eyes then you realize you know there's no you can't overrate that guy no what he brought to the freaking field every game day in and day out it's something intangible you can't even find it in the numbers but if you go look at the numbers career batting average over three like three thousand plus like this guy was 3500 plus hits this box office he showed up every time he was in the playoffs like what are we talking about oh because analytics say and defensively he wasn't shut up well it's [ __ ] the thing that the thing that truly really aggravates me about this whole analytic thing is not necessarily that it's just the numbers but they do that stupid-ass thing right so they'll do this you'll say um who was i looking at yesterday um i was looking at uh buster posey and pasada because people got with this whole thing that oh pasada's overrated how dare anybody compare them and i remember i said well i mean somebody brought up all these analytic numbers i'm thinking i said let me go look at something i think buster posey's career war is like two above pasada it is two points now i do understand i believe buster posey played less games than passada did he played way less yeah but the funny thing about it is like they when when people talk analytics i've had this happen so much now i'm at the point now where i'm like i'm not even arguing with these cats about it like i'll just leave it alone because if one number they'll say this this is the famous line about a certain number oh that's not a good metric to look at look at this one exactly so you're always gonna find a number that helps your argument out it's stupid no let me see what the guy is on the field okay i know who joey gallo is but don't sit there and tell me that joey gallo is a better player overall than the guy that hits 289 every single year hits 20 homers 15 homers even he's not better listen joey gallo said i'm sorry to cut you off but i just want to say that it's so stupid he said well you know i hit 200 but i have an obvious percentage of 330. so that means i get on base 33 of the time yeah not great and my thing is too joey joey if you batted about 20 points higher you'd be about 350. exactly 35 of the time so well when i hit the ball you know there's more impact or you know a homer is worth more than the single yeah but you also don't get 200 homers in a year do you no so you need guys that do that yeah i'm understanding you're saying you're not that guy and i understand that but you sound like one of these casters trying to prove to people that you're actually better than what your number show and to me that that's annoying no that's like the yankees trying to convince us that aaron hicks is his all-star this great player just because of no because he watches little hits with power and that's it like i'm like no stop this nonsense it's madness but this is what happened what has happened with analytics is that they've taken a million mediocre players right and found the one aspect of the game that they're good at and have just inflated that to be like this is why this guy is a star this is why he's elite this is why he deserves his contract or this money it's like no no no like for the ones who tell me oh batting average doesn't matter if it doesn't matter then how come all the top players in the game tend to have high batting averages you can't tell me you can't tell me oh it doesn't matter you shouldn't look at it no why should i look at it if all the players that i like happen to is it a coincidence that ronald acuna normally has a good batting average that machado normally bats higher than two hundred that price has that mvp has somebody ever won the mvp award hitting 200 no is that is that a coincidence i think not is it well francis francis the game is changing now somebody's gonna do it you just sit back and watch somebody will do it yeah i'm i will be i'll be this is how they watch the game like kurt and exactly the game's over there get your head get your head out of your freaking laptop every now and then and look at the actual game on the field because you're going to learn something from that too there was a time where we used to learn from what we saw facts and the crazy thing is though you know people will see this and they're going to oh you just you don't like the number no i like the numbers i like analytics it's funny it helps trust me it helps when i look at players i look at analytics i look at their overall numbers but there's a lot more that goes into a player than analytics derek jeter is a prime example 100 like you said before jeter's the prime example of that so i mean it's comical in a sense but you know getting back to what we were talking about i'm right there with you whatever it is with gary sanchez to me at the end of the day that's something they got to figure out pretty early on i don't think you wanna wait around too long to see your catcher as you want those relay ships to start building early catching is very important to change catcher mid-year is very important i said last year yankee should have done it because i think gary sanchez is a joke behind the plate when your ace doesn't want to throw them towards the end of the year kluber didn't want to throw to him you got two two uh two fifths of your rotation there's rumors that more than more than more of that don't want to throw them bro i'm telling you i reported on it when when david robertson was a yankee the person i spoke to told me flat out the reason robinson is getting hit and he's asked the yankees about is because he can't throw his breaking ball in the dirt with sanchez catching i mean but this is this and remember when robinson comes into games he never came into games at clean innings they'd always because he was houdini he'd get out of anything yeah that was the thing it was it was when he struggled a little bit it's because they said flat out and this is when i put all that news out there by gary and i took a beating for it they said flat out robertson does not he's he's asked him about it he cannot throw a ball in the dirt so he's elevating his curveball when he's when sanchez is catching and he's getting smacked which is not good because you need to be able to throw this stuff continues to go on and if the yankees guys i'm telling you if the yankees don't change at catcher they are not serious about fixing this club next year not serious at all about it yeah we can't we can't again i i got into you know a couple of conversations earlier in the week uh speaking of with some with some sanchez defenders you know they're still around believe it or not there's still a little there's a lot of them there's a lot of rounds around and uh i think me and uh my guy earl were uh we were in agreement like he posted something and i i would literally literally respond and you came out with a video i think that same night i literally responded i think it was actually based off of a lot of that what was being said the conversation because i saw it and i was like i gotta make a video on this yeah dude i literally responded was like here's the issue guys like you guys want to keep telling us about you know the offensive potential and whatever like that whatever and like oh there's nobody better offensively than gabriel for us right now that we're not gonna get here's what i'm here's what here's what i'm here to tell you we know we know we don't care like he can go take him and his 20 plus home runs and send it somewhere else we don't need that we don't need that that doesn't move the needle enough for this team because the way that the roster is currently constructed we could do without his 20-plus home runs bro and you're gonna and you're gonna say oh but the offense was stagnant this year we needed more offense not his brand of offense and couple that with the fact that defensively he's probably costing us even more run no we don't need that give me a light hitting catcher if my catcher bats 200 guess what gallo him i don't care about if he's batting 200 but he's framing the [ __ ] out of pitches stealing strikes and guys like clay holmes and and lawassega and everybody comes in and feels comfortable throwing whatever the [ __ ] at him then he's doing his job let him bat 200 at the bottom of the lineup i don't give a damn and let him run into 1 12 13 14 times a year that because what a good catcher does for your pitching staff cannot be like no you i don't know how many how many times we got to go through this review yeah don't understand how effective production is look if his offensive production was salvador perez this year then you got a case then we could talk something of course if he's a salvador perez if he's a jorge posada if he's a a mike piazza if he's if he's a rodriguez then yes guys it is a different conversation and trust me you'll be hearing me say the same damn thing 150 all the time i am utterly shocked by the amount of yankee fans who literally will die on the hill of saying you can't make up his production and i'm telling you right now you know what i'm saying if if when i hear that i'm saying bro you don't know baseball you don't know what this team needs i'm sorry like i'm not even insulting you but you don't get what this club needs if you're sitting there saying and i said this in my video we know we're probably going to end up with a catcher even if we don't we're going to end up with some new bats gallowing left field whoever in center who cares aaron judge g and carlos stanton d.j lemayo glaber tours were expected to be better if anthony rizzo comes back whoever's gonna be a good first base you know they're gonna get somebody that can hit there what do you guys want from a cat who cares and on top of that how long are you gonna wait how long are you gonna sit back and wait to see pitchers not want to throw to the dude you think all of a sudden garrett cole's gonna say okay new year new gary let's go no why would he he's not going to and well let's boon changes he's not going to put him in a room and say guys enough is enough let's hash this [ __ ] out here's my thing and and the more i think about it because i remember like kernin said it and i was like i get it but to me that's something that should have happened early on it's hard it's hard to do at this point at this point it makes no sense there is no reconciling that it's a lost cause at this point and you know what gary hasn't done a damn thing to help it i'm sorry i'm not saying that he was supposed to go and kiss garrett cole's ass because like i said in my opinion gary cole seems like kind of a weirdo so i'm not saying he was supposed to do that but if he would have been better performance wise he wouldn't have to you understand i think gary cole gives a [ __ ] about kyle higashiyoka please give me a break if he left tomorrow he thinks he's gonna go to the ex look that opt-out clause is happening it's happening gary cole is probably going to freaking the yankees right now talking about hey i don't know if you know but maldonado is a free agent just saying yeah he doesn't give a damn hey uh hey guys uh you might want to watch this guy on ny news guy uh talk about some new catchers that jacob stalin's actually sounds really good you're probably interested i don't know i like him i don't i mean hey i don't know just saying francis i gotta ask you guys who's your catcher who's your captain who's my catcher i mean i i saw your video the other day and i gotta say um out of the guys that you brought up if i could have any of them it's definitely stallings and it's it the one you said i like carson too but stallings the one thing i said about that in that video is if you you want so a lot of fans are talking about these guys and and this is like the big topic of trade right now because they're talking about uh moving dalton varsho over to catcher um and then you know carson kelly was he too talented he's too talented to be on a bench he's not gonna be a backup um but you look at that and the thing about carson kelly is if you're waiting for production and you're waiting for potential to kick in carson kelly's your guy if you're also maybe not looking to have the best catcher for your pitching staff right now maybe carson kelly's your guy but guys i'm sorry injuries too though that too we got it you got to think about that and guys i want to win sorry i want to win and let me tell you i i understand look if anybody was like pete yeah but i i'm not knocking carson kelly hell i was probably one of the first people even mentioned his name and talked about him since the end of last year since actually during the year of last year yeah carson kelly would be a tremendous pickup wouldn't be upset but if the yankees want to win right now you need somebody to handle the pitching handle the young guys until until antonio gomez or wells is ready and i'll tell you this right now you're gonna get two very good years barring any injury and you know what you're gonna get from jacob's talents yeah you know what you're gonna get expect nothing offensively yeah and don't get me wrong he had his best offensive year yeah so don't get me wrong with that but you're gonna get one of if not if not i'll say this the best defensive catcher in baseball yeah listen what we have to understand is we look at offense in a way that's very very very skewed like when people look at jacob stallings they're gonna be like oh but he's like they traded for this guy like what's the deal with him like he's he doesn't really hit that crazy he's liking whatever yeah maybe maybe if you're looking at him like a four five six hitter then it's like oh it doesn't seem that much or whatever stallings jacob stallings batting eight or nine eight or nine it's [ __ ] great yeah that's perfect that's perfect that's exactly where battle like that should be my argument with with these people is it's simple as this you want to argue with me about gary sanchez's numbers of him being probably one of the best offensive catchers in the game since he came up or whatever you can argue that there's numbers that support that i'm not disagreeing with that but here's my thing let's look at the past couple of world series and look at the catchers who were playing in those world series okay you had zanino with the raids you had maldonado uh in 2019 the nationals were doing were uh platooning with suzuki and who else was it no no it wasn't going yet it wasn't younger i thought i thought they had two they were platooning it was kurt it was suzuki and and gomes maybe i think i might be getting there the dodgers dodgers are another team that go that go through catchers or whatever but who who would they have this year was it uh was it a smith smith wilson yes smith um the championship atlanta braves travis darno like we can do this we can we can continue going on but i think i think you're beginning to notice the trend here um none of them happen to be lighting up the the the league in terms of offensive numbers let me tell you what they do do though let me tell you what they do do um they play in big games because the aces are comfortable pitching to them they play entire games because the bullpen is comfortable pitching to them and they make the [ __ ] plays god forgive me because i'm cursing so much but it gets me so angry that i have to argue with people about gary sanchez i was as big a pro i was as big a defender of this guy as anybody when he first came up i was like this guy's going to be great he's one of the better peer heroes on the team we have or whatever he fell off a cliff that wasn't me no i didn't tell him to stop working i didn't tell him to get to get complacent i didn't tell him that he did i didn't do that the other part was i wasn't the one who tried to make him into this great power hit or whatever and like and then automatically make a sharp left and say no you got to be a great defensive catcher that was the yankees okay that's on them that's not worked that's done if we are serious about winning a championship we need to build a championship roster i am sorry if you guys don't understand that gary sanchez is not the starting catcher on a championship roster gary sanchez can very well be the dh on a championship roster i would never argue that because i think if he didn't have to worry about catching and all he had to focus on was hitting and he could become whatever he wanted right he'd be a phenomenal freaking dh yep the problem is we have a dh that caused that's costing us between 25 and 27 million dollars already so that's not gonna happen so that means he doesn't fit guys he's a nice puzzle piece for somebody he just doesn't fit our puzzle that's what i'm trying to get to people i agree i agree 100 we shouldn't be sitting here talking about oh we can't get rid of him how are we going to replace that offense hello we can get a center fielder who hits we can get a shortstop awaits we're getting a first baseman who hits we can get a full year of anthony rizzo and joey gallo i mean or or or or joey gallo alone i mean more than making up his productions think about it give joey gallo a full year on the yankees especially coming up after the trade or whatever give him a full year maybe a little bit of comfort and look my thing is don't tell me he's not going to hit better than gary sanchez well and defensively we already know what gallow brings to the team right and the thing is too about a guy like gala look i'll sit here and tell you god forbid hopefully i'm wrong but who knows if joey gal is going to be the same guy he was last year and he's going to bat 200 or under 200 to be the same i mean 200 is kind of what he's been all his career but his career who knows it you know who knows who knows what joey gal is going to be he might be terrific he might work on some stuff and be even better but you cats that are out there talking and screaming about contract gear you guys are screaming about production but you already got it so that makes no sense and on top of it i'm sorry i'mma sit here and tell you sanchez is not a winning player he's not a winning player he's not a winning player i don't want that on my team if you guys seen me recently right on um oh that's this i don't know i kept saying like something like my shirt dirty or something but then i'm moving and the thing isn't moving um i'm drugged everyone um the funny thing about um the winning players if you guys saw i kept retweeting players that you could tell stepped up and enjoyed it and enjoyed being there i said winner freddy freeman talked and you could see the words that mank had coming out of his mouth none of that was written the dude is a winner not because he won you could hear it in his voice there's confidence he knows his [ __ ] he knows his team he knows how good he is he knows what he means to that organization he is a winner he's been a winner long before they won the world series francis do you even understand right the moment right now right now on the yankees roster there's no world series champions no there's no world series champions the new york yankees they have nobody on their roster right now in terms of winners we we don't have very much judge not as many as you guys think we can name a winner you could probably name it judge is a winner garrett cole is a winner um i'm going to say john carlos stanton oh yeah the way stanton has stepped up and the way he talked towards the end of the year i was all over him look i even i've said bad things about stanton in the past but i admit when i'm wrong i tell you what my man had me pumping my hitting my chest because he's literally winning [ __ ] no hell yeah he had the right attitude too his attitude was let's go his attitude was we stepping on the field for war boys let's go it don't matter yeah let's go he's a winner who else let me see um aaron man we telling jokes on here today he's he's the winner of a three-year contract extension he's a he's the winner of a lifetime box of unicornios aaron um let me tell you uh geo i'll give you this geo urchella is a winner gio urchella is a winner he wants to play ball he wants one he wants to and he didn't get that that story that story was it kerner who told the story yes i i want to give him credit every time i say that story about geo out there you know field and ball whatever in the room and bring it out and lemay yeah geo dj outside of that who am i missing because gary sanchez no labor torres no uh aaron hicks no i mean and don't give me the aaron hicks oh but you got you're saying just because if he's injured nope no there was that whole [ __ ] there was that whole [ __ ] with the protests on earlier in the year and trust me i sympathize with all that [ __ ] i'm a person of color don't even try it with me right to say that i'm not playing because of whatever when you could have gone out there and made a statement with your play yeah it was bad that was bad it looked bad it was a terrible call was stanton was was with you right and was another one who was kneeling for the anthem and everything but didn't he go out and play and stuff like that what was your excuse bro i don't want to hear it and stan really has less incentive stan had less incentive because he's already getting paid he's already making 20 million he has less incentives than anybody but he was out there playing under the booze under all that [ __ ] so yeah hicks no not you know what also would tell you a lot about the yankees if they go yeah yeah we know we can't move hicks but he gotta earn a spot he's the fourth outfielder and they pick up a centerfielder that right there i tell you right now and a half [ __ ] like that ever happened you guys gonna see me on here with a different tune oh because i'm telling you guys i've been saying and francis you know everybody knows i've been saying i've been talking this [ __ ] like this for so damn long i can't have i can't see brian cashman come up there and give his same [ __ ] well you know we're uh we're we're a dead star you know we're ready to go um we're gonna be looking at everybody it's kind of what we do every year and uh you know yankee fans you're gonna buy into my [ __ ] aren't you so you're gonna come back you're gonna buy some uh 30 30 bucket chickens and doesn't no i i'm done i'm done no my prediction right now one or two moves that's it what yeah like one or two moves to actually take short stops they'll get something to take a little fancy a little bit they'll take a little fancy it might be correct yeah it might be safer yeah they'll take a lot of fancy little things i feel like look if you look at uh and won't get into the career thing because i know we just mentioned korea so everybody's ears are going to go up they're going to go we'll definitely get a chat about them a little bit we'll get we'll get into that but i think the point is and i and i i sympathize 100 what you hear pete like look we're i don't know if we're the only ones saying it but i'm not hearing it a lot of other places like some of you guys sound like you're going to be okay if they make two moves and it's going to be like all right let's let's watch and that's all i want to know what team have you been watching i am telling you we are not crazy to think that we need to see four to five different names in that opening day roster than the names that were on it than the names that were on it in 2021 and look i'll help the yankees out i think me and you agree with this i think we said this before i'll help the yankees out yeah i'll count rizzo as a new name he wasn't in the he wasn't in there at the beginning okay so i'll already count gala as a new name i'll be i'll be nice catcher needs the change catcher needs to be but in there i could see i could see a new third baseman i could see a move at second base but see these are things that we could see we could see these things happening now they have the balls to do anything like that that's another story that's the question it's another story question because all of you saying that we're crazy we we're right to doubt because they've given us every reason to doubt they've always done this how many look i mean come on let's let's be real let's be real here when we talk about this and and when i say be real i know francis is gonna be real but i'm asking you guys who are listening to be real with us when we talk about the track record of what the yankees do you can't sit there and tell me that you can't hear the conversation already come spring training from brian cashman well we got a healthy aaron hicks back in center field we feel we greatly improved you you don't hear that already i mean i hear i hear it right now so i'm just sitting here saying this team really needs to show its fan base that they are willing and ready to make the right changes simple as that and it can't be a correa it can't be hey we got the big shortstop all right 28. here we come we're ready for it now it can't just be on him that's the thing that people don't understand is like look i don't even like i again like i'm not even what i forgot i think i said i was like under 20 that they would sign korea on the last episode yeah that percentage that percentage has gone up slightly i'll tell you guys why in a second but let me tell you it's still not even over 50. so don't like it's not but say they did go out and sign carlos correa the best shortstop on the market right now arguably one of the best in the game or the best in the game some people say he's about some people don't whatever that's not gonna be enough i'm sorry it's not going to be enough and to put that pressure on carlos curry would be [ __ ] ridiculous because he can't do it by himself it takes a full lineup and you have to work together look at how atlanta just did it antopolis didn't just go out and get one outfielder at the deadline and say hey i got it i know we were struggling at outfield so i went and grabbed one no he went and got four four one two three four hell of a fielders four outfield and again i'm sorry to cut you off right there i don't know but i want to bring this up because you're right you brought this up but going back to freddy freeman's speech he's he specifically said what the front office did for this team the players took it in and said let's go amen that's why i always talk that's a really good point and look cashman did it i pat him on the back we gave him his flowers for when the time was there definitely we definitely did it's not the right message and it's the right message to the club sent the right message it sent the right message nobody is saying that he didn't do that so so fyi but what i'm saying is how important a deadline really is what it means to a ball club it's very important not just a deadline not just a deadline but an off-season off-season the same way the same way that that deadline was as important as it was for atlanta i think this off-season could be even more important for the new york yankees you put out that video that this this is probably arguably the most important offseason of brian cashman's career i agree with the proof he got too much to prove i agree wholeheartedly there's too much there's too much first of all there's too much out there for you to like it's not a year where he can get away with the excuse there really wasn't much out there we didn't have a lot of options whatever there are options galore not just free agents guys the trade market if you guys have been paying attention the last week or two the trade market is already starting to take shape and we're not like i told you guys we're not even in the real heat of it yet yep this is really early for us to already have an idea that the oakland a's are gonna be shopping chapman and probably olsen and maybe some other pieces it's really early for us to hear that there's a possibility that cleveland might entertain offers on jose romer like there's gonna be a lot of players to be had cashmen will not be able to hide behind there weren't enough options because on top of all the players available to be had there's a lot of teams who are not necessarily punting but they're not going to be in the market the way that the yankees are the way that the mets are the way that detroit will be the way that the angels will be the way that the texas rangers are going to be like there's i just named what five teams just like yeah yeah that's five teams that's five teams and we're not even talking about the dh internationally yet it's going to open up a lot in terms of trades from the yankees no sanchez even luke like dude that's why miguel ander anders another guy i mean look if i'm a team out there that's like maybe we get some value in somebody and build them back i'm looking all over miguel andhar the h come on man the guy could put the ball play hits the ball hard sign me up he's not going to cost you he's not going to cost you much let's not forget to a hot he was getting before the injury gail gail anderhall was one of the regulars in the lineup he took that spot again yeah he was battling himself back again so yeah he's a hitter the thing with android is miguel anthony is a natural hitter so he's gonna figure it out and i think anybody who's watched him so far in his young career realizes that this guy can stay healthy he's going to hit he's just going to be one of those guys he's a hitter and he produces right and again i'm not saying that because oh look we're looking for some beautiful trade no guys no it's not going to be we're just not going to trade him for olson right but the one thing i'll give brian credit brian cash from some credit for and the analytic guys is they found some guys for nothing right look if clay holmes could be one of the best relief pitchers in baseball next year per his stuff alone on how we look with the yankees look what we gave before look what we gave up for him so again when you guys say well these guys aren't worth anything hoy park wasn't really worth much he had triple a numbers the yankees didn't even want to play him and you think about it that too and the yankees had nothing for him they didn't like them exactly his value couldn't have been that high because his own team devalued him publicly yeah that's right i don't think he can come up here and hit and they still got clay holmes for lay homes that's that's again like you just said like we're gonna we i think we've we've been pretty fair with brian cashman like when he does make good moves we have been you know at the forefront saying hey that's very very moved good job like or whatever like so we've been doing it what we're saying now is we have to see like i told you guys that was just a different level yeah it's you know we have to see you guys i feel sure of this roster yeah i told you guys i feel i feel optimistic the reason i feel optimistic is because of the deadline that we had but me saying i feel optimistic isn't me telling you guys nah they 100 percent signing until we find out the deadline was the off season exactly or they'd be like they 100 they're 100 gonna uh sign starling martay or they're gonna 100 trade for cattell marte they 100 gonna move gary they're 100 no no i'm not 100 on anything i knew that i feel i feel optimistic why because i am choosing to feel optimism because of the deadline that they had but that doesn't mean [ __ ] until we start seeing where they're going and we're going to start seeing that very little in a very incremental way early in december let's see what happens with the tenders the non-tenders or whatever again like pete said they tender sanchez and duhar that doesn't necessarily i will tell you right now bro and again like you said like i think you were about to say if they tender and they could still get them back no like that they could still trade them right right right you can still you can trade them and move them but mine's a good point to be made they can still move these guys if the yankees really make that decision guys i will tell you right now even with boone coming back the start is good i'd go for my f minus which is not even a real thing but an f minus to ac immediately huge jump it's a huge jump immediately and i'll tell you what francis i'll hang out with you a little bit on that optimism optimism yeah cause you'll start seeing something i'll hang out with you a little bit on that but we'll be out out to sea together and we'll just wait around and see what happens what the waters like see what the waters are like i'll wait out there with you because at that moment i'm already seeing to me in my opinion of the club one of their biggest problems are have now gone away and they will go for a catcher that's defensive minded more 100 because if they move on from gary that's what that's telling you exactly they're not going to bring in another guy that can't catch and hits a little bit they won't do that and look i'll throw this name out there too keep a close eye on mike zunino the option hasn't been exercised yet no keep a close eye on that if zunino is ever available the yankees need to immediately act on him hell yeah i don't care if they say we gotta wait have some have a handshake agreement have something in place would do to say we want you here no and he's one of those interesting cases who he is a possibility that if you jumped on him quick enough maybe you get it he might he might accept the deal why because of all the uncertainty with the cba and everything and some guys zanino's not a young kid he's a veteran like he might just want to know nah i need to know where i'm playing so like let's do this quickly if this is going to work let's do it i can get my family situated and everything let them work out that cba but i know where i'm going come february because he's a catcher so he's going to he needs he reports earlier like he might be one of those players who wants to get one don't forget about him he actually is back with the race so that's oh yeah he he exercises they gave him a one year seven million deal good for him look at that he gets seven million dollars and these people are getting mad because i'm saying that we don't i don't want to pay gary sanchez over 10 million dollars to do it right it's crazy no way no way come on why should we they should it's not worth it i'd rather pay 10 million to zanino yeah not look non-tender gary if you could deal them you deal them you get what you get for them seriously and guys you move on you you know you do be a be a gary sanchez supporter and hope he catches on somewhere and does well that's the best thing you can do because that's what i am gonna do i'm not gonna [ __ ] on gary sanchez when he's playing some i hope gary sanchez does well guys simple as that guys when we traded when we traded for sunny great i was one of the happier yankee fans around i always liked sunny gerk felix always like on that damn deal man he was right it still balls me to this data i got to say he was right over me i always liked i always liked them always liked them because i i saw the potential in the kid he came over here couldn't cut it in new york had some awkward moments you know walking on the mount smiling or whatever but he has a lot of things you know with him going on so that was a whole but he got traded when he got when when he left and he got to cincinnati i was rooting for him to be successful when he found some a little bit of success over there i was really happy for him brian he wasn't doing it for the yankees i recorded the video driving home when he was trading i remember saying exactly that i said now let me tell you guys this don't be shocked if he goes over that becomes an ace don't be shocked and he did immediately he was he was one of the better pitchers in the national league immediately so some people of course that can happen with gary and i think you'll see a change in gary immediately if he's out of new york just not having to deal with the media being out of the eye like a lot of the criticism is not going to be the same in new york you feel the criticism when you're playing for the yankees you can feel the criticism gary said colorado he will take a big breath in and a breath out and it feel like his world has changed yeah it's it's it's different and i think i i said the same thing like with with a guy like labor torres i was like look it's not saying oh trey moved labor because he's going to be terrible the rest of his career no there's a difference between saying a guy is just like with aaron hicks i just think hicks is just ass like aaron hicks i don't think he will be better in other places i just think he's not good like that's i want that to come off clearly i think gary sanchez has the potential to go somewhere else and still become an all-star yeah i a hundred percent think if labor tours went somewhere else he would definitely become an all-star when i speak about them it's just the fit with this current roster that's all i'm saying it's not saying that these guys are bad that's not what i'm saying correct even gallo like with the criticism that we have for gallows like he was just fine in texas doing that because he fit over there it made sense over there like it's not always that a player is no they're just never going to be good you want it with us that too and you want to know the difference of the media none of us knew about a gallow tick or these little problems he has he came to new york and was a big story immediately all year i mean and again we don't know how that's gonna affect him personally i talked about this a lot we don't know how that's gonna affect the play we don't know if he can handle all of this we don't know that those are stuff we gotta say and that's why kevin kernan even said he is shocked or he doesn't know he said i don't know but i assume either analytics has taken over so much or scouts who notice stuff don't get brought into a room or that that that conversation is not as valued as it used to be because look coming to new york a big part about it is your personality and you know me and francis we were going back and forth on a whole coal situation and one of the things i brought up i said well if the yankees knew this guy was awkward or couldn't handle this then he shouldn't be here and i mean that's the same thing for a lot and again we don't know we don't know what coal is yeah they we don't i don't think even i don't think they do their homework with that though that's one thing that said that kernan said that is i think it's 100 true i don't think that they're doing their homework with that because like when gary cole like here's the reason i get off saying with gary cole like saying like oh this guy's he's he's a weirdo he's awkward i read an article about him in pittsburgh where he did something weird after getting shelled one time not like he didn't blow up or anything but like he got like he got upset with like a reporter who like questioned him about like the outing it was a pretty bad outing something similar happened in houston and after that happened i was like i'm going to watch this guy closer because like i like him like i wanted him to be a yankee so like now i'm like i'm gonna watch this guy whatever and i would just see him like in the dugout times or like even whatever like in the bullpen whatever and like just the way he would act i'm just like yes this guy's a little bit of a weirdo but i still would would sign him to the deal that we signed him to 10 times out of 10 because that's not something that i think should preclude us should preclude us from signing a guy with his talent level i just think it's something you need to be aware of right because if if you know that then maybe you go into the clubhouse and say oh brett look i know you play these pranks on everybody but like him he's a little like i would you know steer clear of him or you know get him in on it first like work him into it because he's a little yeah he you know what i mean right but if you don't if you don't tell him that then he's just going in blind he's just gonna do whatever whatever if you don't say hey guys by the way joey gal is gonna be here whatever you know we don't want you guys you know putting certain things out about him because like we think it's insensitive like to put out things about his tick or like the way he puts on his uniform but if you don't say anything then the media is gonna take it and run with it like that's these are just consequences of you not doing homework i guess in a sense because if you do you can protect players in a sense if you don't they're going to get vilified the new york media is cutthroat they're going to visit yeah they're no joke they're no joke they'll they'll attack them they'll go at them so imagine they imagine imagine they sign corey seeger and corey seeger is like shy or some [ __ ] yeah it's not good i mean yeah they're gonna kill him and it would be like well the yankees didn't do their homework yeah before they signed them like that's what's going on here so it's just it's a it's a big part it's a it's a big part of the game it's a big part of the game so i mean that that is something that obviously should be discussed that should be talked about more now i hope that it actually is but um moving on to i believe what will be our last topic today everybody's hype about this oh yeah i'm going to say it real quick and talk about it carlos correa is in the um square garden tonight yeah and uh attending the ufc event and martin maldonado martine maldonado send out the little the thing about uh what was it again um he's ready or something like that and yeah you know he had the little yankee jacket on and all that and you know he's in new york so he's a smart dude you know he has a everybody always jokes about like the um type of attitude he is you know let me tell you what type of attitude carlos correa is are people going to get metal he's a cheater let me tell you something i know these type of people like that and it's called confidence guys it's called confidence it's not necessarily cocky it's not necessarily um you know i see people people read confidence at all different levels they think is like self-centered it's this and that he's a confident dude and he knows what he has coming to him he knows that next week don't be shocked if you see him in an angel's hat then again he might rock the yankees so hard that he's like guys i want to like i'm trying to show you as much i want to be there let's get this [ __ ] done like i want to be here never know you never know but all i'm saying right now me and francis talked about this a little about i don't want to make this all about corey so i'm going to bring i'm going to bring the big man into the story lock up judge before you give correa a big deal that's all i'm saying now i know some fans are saying well p they probably can't do it well then you better make your [ __ ] mind up to be quite real with you going back to what even david cohen said uh with his new thing with uh john boy media over there that if you know you don't resign judge your top priority trade them trade them i mean listen guys some of you guys don't want to hear we were saying it uh we were saying it back uh before the deadline like the yankees were playing badly and we were like hey dude is it time to consider trading aaron judge because they were playing well remember one of the main reasons we said that too is because we said they're not looking to sign him right we said he's like clearly they they haven't had extension talks with him and it's like it's a problem let me put it out here just so you guys understand the designated spit is and i know this because i've spoken with peter about this off the off the air countless times we do not want aaron judge to be on any other team than the new york yankees in fact so understand us a hundred percent we we think that this guy is a yankee and he needs to be a yankee what we are saying is the yankees have dilly-dallied long enough like these extension talks should have started before last winter like if they don't happen this winter i mean guys can you really be upset if aaron judge goes and chooses another team in free agency it's a joke cause guys he's have to sit there and watch garrett cole get paid which is it's no it's not a knock on gary cole but it's like for judge it's like hey man i've been here like congrats to you cole i'm happy you're here because you're gonna help us win the championship hopefully but i gotta get paid too right no then he had to watch aaron hicks get extended then you have to watch severino get extended yeah and it's just like i mean it's not russell this off season they're gonna spend some more money it's like aaron judge it's like bro what what do i gotta what am i gonna do to get some consideration out here me and francis want the sexy new name as much as everybody you know what i mean we want to talk about on here with you guys so so trust me when i tell you that we want the sexy new name too you can't pull that [ __ ] on judge though i'm gonna keep it real take care you can't bring in carlos carr and guys i'm not even talking about that i see somebody pissed oh you can't bring karate in because what he did shut up shut up that [ __ ] don't got nothing you you bring carlos correa in if you want to bring carlos gray's ass in and yeah it's not like the players are gonna bring it down yeah they keep trust me bro bro if they got correa you're gonna see fans on twitter saying i hope he apologizes to them before anything shut up the [ __ ] you got [ __ ] to apologize for when he comes into the game i get it everybody can be mad about it i'm mad about i i understand but but we go we're about to enter 2022. okay the commission ain't doing [ __ ] about it none of that was gonna happen you bring that type of talent to this club look all you gotta do though you can't throw out another major contractor bag hey judge we're gonna hold off and we'll talk to you next year cause if i'm judge i don't care how much i love the yankees i'm sorry fam i'm out to cali i'm mountain cali you gotta symbolize that i'm going back home i'm done aaron that's disrespect aaron judge was asked about this towards the end of this season um maybe some of you heard it but he was asked about like the contract talks or if anything's happened whatever he said no it hasn't happened and yeah it's it's a little you know weird that it hasn't happened yet but you know i understand you know some business whatever and i'd like to be a yankee of course i want to finish my career here he said all the right things but it's time for the yankees to start saying all the right things like hey aaron what you know let's what's it going to take let's uh let's understand you know we we understand we you understand we want you here we understand you want to be here let's figure out what it's going to take to make that happen um they're playing cheap let's be real they know the arbitration number is going to be lower than what his annual a is aav is going to be for sure everybody knows that 17 18 million whatever it is that's not going to be what it's going to take it's not going to be the yankees are holding it out they're holding out as long as they can here's the thing the reason that players get extended is because they they earn it i mean don't get me wrong i'm not saying that it's just you know the yankees signing people aaron judge has looked at a lot of people get extended on big deals that's fast that's fine that's not just the yank he's he saw he saw acuna get extended that's fact he saw tatis get extended that's fast you know so it's like you know he's looking at these other guys he's like whoa like what's happening here like these guys are getting paid or whatever like i'm playing you know what i'm saying like it's hard to be one of the top 10 players in baseball or i mean and then in terms of like just hitters like when he's on when he's on he's probably top five and you're like you're like the only one who's not getting paid like it like it's it's tough and he's not 24 25 he's 30 years old this contract this this could be it this will probably be it for him this this would probably be the contract that aaron judge is going to get either with the yankees or with another team this off season or after next season this will be his career contract like this is it this is where he will make the brunt of his money as a baseball player that's right it's important to you know incentivize and say hey look judge you've [ __ ] been here you've been putting up numbers you know let's get out ahead of it we're going to up you know screw the arbitration we're going to up your aav to whatever the contract is going to be this year and we're going and we're going to extend you however many this is what it's going to be right yep i mean when he's your own player one and he wants to be there to like you're probably not gonna have to pay him 30 million dollars a year to get him to stay but if you freaking wait until next year you never know what could happen you might have to overpay him because he's right he might be embittered that's right and when you're right on top and then factor that with the up with the possibility that he'd just go back to his home state of california and get paid ridiculous amounts of money to play for the angels because the angels would love nothing more than to pair aaron judge with mike trout and shohei ohtani or the giants the giants want that big home run hit her back come on bro like there's it's gonna be hard for him to turn all that down and this is not a guy who said no yeah no matter what i'm testing the water as a free agency when i heard him questions about that towards the end of the season he gave off the complete vibe that it's like no i was i've actually been looking for these extension talks right right they just haven't happened and it's like that's it's it's sad it's mess it's that more than anything it's [ __ ] up he's playing and and in reality he's playing a good guy role because he could be an [ __ ] about it he could because he could be an [ __ ] about it so because look look at how look speaking of speaking of our the guy we're talking about today career right when everything came out last year at the beginning of the year with correa and the astros that they were far off in a number korea came out and was straight up with his [ __ ] saying like yeah now we far off on the number i feel like the offer was disrespectful like these conversations were public at the beginning of last season yeah like before the season even got underway people were saying yeah corey is gone korea's gone well even his last game he was like yeah this is it yeah you know what dawg he came out he came out and said what was going on aaron judge hasn't come out and said they had to ask him hey you know we haven't heard of any extension talks have there been any extension talk because he hasn't come out he's not on twitter he's not doing anything saying like yo these people don't want to pay me or what and if he was doing that he would be you know within his right to do it but he hasn't instead he's been a stand-up guy he's been an amazing face of the team and aside from all that off the field [ __ ] he's been their best player on the field he has been their best player on the there's no argument about it even after garrett cole signed judge has continued to be the best player on the team for these first two years at garrett's contract yep you can't argue that no this kid deserves to get his money i'm not saying to give him a 10-year deal no he does not get a 10-year deal it's it's not anyone's fault i mean he came up later he came up older that's what happens he's not a 10-year deal guy but he deserves to get his money he deserves to get his pay he deserves to you know get his [ __ ] so they should do that but speaking about correa being in the big apple i mean twitter twitter was in a frenzy because he had on the navy blue jacket with the white sleeves he's in new york he posted up a picture with the with the caption nyc time everybody's going crazy everybody oh my god that whatever listen guys this is going to be fun um it might it might end in heartbreak for some of us fans who you know have a higher you know whose hopes are higher that the yankees do sign correa um what i will say is that for my 20 i think i moved up to maybe like 25 27 30 let's get i'll be generous 30 chance that the yankees sign korea i'll say why i went up because if korea continues doing this [ __ ] it kind of like forces them because of pr right right even if they didn't really want to even take a meeting with the guy now it's going to be like shin you know if he keeps doing this like and we don't me like this is gonna look really freaking bad with the glaring hole that we have at shortstop and this guy frolicking around new york in yankee colors commenting nyc time and all this stuff like so if he continues to push like yeah it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna force it's gonna force the yankees and i think we can make the announcement now i think we could we could say this with confidence carlos correa wants to be a yankee that i don't think not even not even based off of what happened today no i think he's mentioned many times before yeah that he i think there's actually quotes of him being like who doesn't you know want to play there or whatever or the yankees the yankees he said it multiple times so this stuff is out there guys i mean with with everything him going to houston and everything like that stuff kind of got put od on the back burner like people didn't want to hear it but now that he's a free agent i think all that stuff's going to come up i mean he's a puerto rican kid grew up over there i mean listen guys let's be honest like a lot a lot a lot of people coming from puerto rico are going to say yeah like i always wanted to play for the yankees and stuff like that or whatever he is just like really hamming it up i mean we're only in november and it's just like yeah he's like oh msg i'm there baby watching my ufc fight i'm gonna throw on this navy jacket with the white sleeves they already know what colors these are tomorrow like you said he might throw in the angels i think it was actually a yankee jacket no no it was so you might have saw the picture was that a fake one yeah the thing oh okay so i got the fake on it yeah yeah i saw that they put the yankee patch on okay i got faked out on that yeah he wasn't he wasn't wilding like that okay i thought he was going to but the colors he knew he knew what he was doing he put the colors on he's there whatever if i was as good as a player as carlos cabral correct correa let me tell you this right now i walk around with an empty briefcase carlos what's in the bag yeah what what what's in the bag you're gonna find out very soon yeah really you're gonna find out very soon what's in the bag exactly that's all i'm gonna tell them i'll put it in the bag you show up to the meeting you show it put it in the bag what's it gonna take well you just you have to fill this up yeah that's it that's what that's what it's gonna take let's talk after you after you fill this up we start talking about years and all that other stuff right we'll have a conversation nah man look i don't look again i'm not not high on it not because carlos correa is not a good player whatever i think we both said we think he's a great player not we don't not that we don't think he's a fit we think he's an amazing fit yes i know he's right-handed or whatever that when it comes to carlo's career like that has no bearing on anything the glove is too freaking good and the bat is too freaking good the postseason prowess is too freaking good like it's too and he's 27 years old and the thing that a lot of yankee fans don't like i love it i want the attitude i want the personality i want the chip on the shoulder i want the wear better than you i want all of that i want all that confidence on these guys because they don't have it and the manager doesn't supply it yeah no we're missing we're missing that we're missing that that that kind of swag and don't get me wrong i know judges tried it people have tried it but correa is a natural put the box away fam you know what i mean yeah correa is natural with it like listen when the astros are i said it before i'ma say it one more time before i jump like whatever before i end my my comments on this when the astros were playing the red sox i saw something and i can't unsee it jared kerrabas hates harlow's career and he is the pulse of red sox nation the red sox hate carlos correa yeah once i realized how much they hated that guy i've never won i've never wanted a man because that's not my you know whatever but i think i began to want them and i said wait wait wait they they hate him they really dislike all the times they don't like that i was like oh no no no no no god please we have to sign this guy that's exactly what we need yeah that is exactly what we need i need the guy that all he has to do is step up to back in the bot in the top of the first sitting at fenway and they are raining the booze on him that's what i need give me that fire because that's going to light a fire under all these guys ass facts that's going to do it because like you said our manager's not going to die listen we we all know that's not going to come from there maybe we get a player like that we got a shot we got a shot that's hope it'll help it'll help no doubt about it but again my percentage is low because we know what we're dealing with here again they can surprise the [ __ ] out of us no of course of course that that's always an option that's always an option i hope they do like i said i'm not gonna look look guys um i ranted all year trust me i don't want to go into the off season all the way into the season ranting and and complaining about you know what the yankees should have done i you know either way i'm gonna give them their shot you know what i'm giving them their fair share and i'm gonna i'm gonna call it like i see it that's just what i do but i will have to call the offseason the way i see it and i'm gonna stick to my guns if there's not multiple changes made the way i like the way the team should be the way i know they need to be constructed better you know i'm gonna i'm gonna let my i'm gonna let my uh i'm gonna let my spit tell you what i think and we'll go from there but i mean with that being said i mean i'm wrapping this thing up i don't have nothing else to add i'm amazed i'm still awake it was a couple of times where i feel like i'm like oh man though i handled it well i think i think you did i think you did really good man i didn't think i i told i told friends before i got on this down like fan we might have to go for like 45 minutes because i don't know if i'm gonna make it through the whole thing but nah man here i am here i am and the recovery you know i take things i take things as a challenge man and i was talking to somebody and thank you too to all you guys on twitter that like hitting me up they had like rotator cuff surgery and and all these other things a lot of people messaging me and one guy got me pretty hyped today because he's like pete what did the doctor tell you about like your shoulders and stuff so i also got a tear in this one but i got tears in both but this one's not as bad this one could just heal but this one is all destroyed and he said to me goes pete you know the great thing about this i said what he goes you never really understand how strong you are i said what are you talking about he goes since you've had the tears before you can't do the type of weights and everything that you're used to doing so he's like when you're fully healed and you're at that level again you'll be surprised how much working out you've been doing that you're actually going to start feeling then and i'm like huh i never i never really thought about that because he's like yeah the big thing is like he had it um he actually had the whole rotator cuff surgery and all these like it took me six to seven months to feel fully you know better again and um he's like at least you know that you're healed that there's not damage there anymore so that's like a real breath of fresh air but i tell you what wearing this thing while you sleep and everything man it's hard it's hard it is hard man then my elbow because it's like this all day that [ __ ] gets like locked and i gotta finally try to stretch it it sucks it sucks but anybody who has any suggestions that have been through it hit me up hit me up i could take any advice because again i like to learn so if you guys have anything at all about having a you know torn everything in there this location months of recovery let me know let me they're gonna suggest all the drugs in the world all the drugs in the world man that's what they're gonna suggest they're gonna be like yo pete you gotta get high bro that's what it's been that's what i'm telling you man like i did not think i was making it through this so after this um i am literally showering and knocking out cold and i'm done i worked i mean i don't want to say this right here but you got you guys on the background of ny news knows we got a lot of new things coming to the channel and that's all i did all day today i worked on new templates new designs designated spitters is going to have a brand new revamp so nothing's changing it's going to be us but the whole design is going to look way better where do you guys see it all that it all that's going to be here and all the fun stuff's going to happen so francis take it away with the with the great clothes y'all already know guys the next tune in because the next episode is the best episode i love it i love it and you guys know we will never come whack on a designated spitters track you guys know the deal again guys appreciate you and we'll talk to you all again very very soon thank you i really really really wanna

06 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Yankees Make Roster Moves, What Does It Mean? @SimonettiSource


hey everybody what is going on pete simonetti here for ny news getting started here a little early we got about four minutes during that time i asked that you guys go ahead and share this out as i will be doing the same right about now give me a couple of seconds here i want to tweet this out so we can get everybody in here so we could talk about some of those roster moves the yankees made today and then also of course the off season because i know everybody is very very excited about what the new york yankees will do this off season so with that being said let's go ahead and mute that there let's go ahead and share this out if you guys are not sharing please go ahead and do that if you're in like facebook groups and any other yankee group out there make sure they know that they are talking um or subscribe to ny news as we got so much stuff in store coming to you guys so i'm gonna share that right now one second it's very hard to type with one hand live chat give me a second guys okay okay i think i made it through there live chat me paste that link all right shared on twitter that's the main one that i share too so we'll give it a little bit of time i just share that out there if you guys don't mind sharing i'd appreciate it um you guys know that's always one of the main things i ask of you all so we definitely got a lot of people jumping in here i appreciate that let me pull my stuff up here see who's in here uh d and e what's going on matt g what's up li yankee king what's going on my friend reuben what's up fam kent jared uh rudiger i think it says i think that's ruediger rodiger i'm not sure how to say that but yeah man thank you for being a new subscriber i appreciate that brian my friend thank you tyler what's going on luis what is going on thank you for being here 161 river ave what is up uh jared again i said that already and everybody else who is joining dale what's going on come on and join guys and we will go ahead and jump right into it and talk about today's moves and what what it means for the yankees um uh what exactly um the breakdown of that is why they did what they did and then of course talk about what everybody wants to talk about right now and that is the offseason what are the new york yankees going to do and you know what does this mean for the yankees moving forward i've seen a lot of people kind of break down these moves and talk about what does this mean for the yankees going forward is this is this uh is is this the the start of the yankees having a very different roster well you know we'll get there we'll get there and we'll chat about what basically today means and again answer some questions so let me pull up the last thing i need to pull up here then it is about to be 7 30 and we will jump right into it let me just make sure i got all the guys here i think i do that's one that's two three yeah that should be all them right there one two three and four yep that's it yes one two three and four okay excellent so we got all that stuff and i'll announce those first and then go from there bingo it is 7 30. so everybody that is in here thank you so much for being here um thank you for everybody with the get well soon yeah yeah man i'm uh i will be stronger and better than ever after these four or five months of fully healing ella yankee king man thank you so much for starting us off uh with the super chat um and then yeah if you guys got questions i'm gonna get to that after we talk about this stuff but i don't think that's really a question there by la yanking i mean the roster moves are just a clear clear roster space on popular opinion it would be best if yankee skip on the top shortstop class eli greatly appreciate your support man and we will get to that and i mean yes spoiler alert i feel like ella yankee king you just did the spoiler right there for the beginning of the video but we will talk about that we'll have a lot to talk about when it comes to that um and i will of course get to those things but first let's go ahead and start off with the moves the yankees made today and go from there what it means uh also to everybody in the comments again thank you guys so much about um uh wishing me some best wishes to get well i'm good i gotta go see the shoulder specialist um next week then i'll find out how much damage is actually in there we already know rotator cuff is torn up ligaments are really torn up and beat up bad um and yeah of course the the hardest part which was the dislocation and getting that baby back in that was fun um if you ever want to see stars go ahead and do that a couple of times um but yeah thank you guys for worrying but doesn't stop me from doing this so i'm right here it doesn't stop me from anything coming up big for ny news which got a lot of them so stay tuned stay here and thank you guys but let's get right into it the moves made today by the new york yankees we'll go over them one by one again guys li yankee king said it in the super chat this is the clear a lot of roster space right but one thing i'm going to talk about that a lot of people aren't talking about is the guys that can be added to the roster the rule five eligible guys that a lot of you guys may not know about i do we'll talk about that first move first the pittsburgh pirates claimed outfielder greg allen off of waivers from the new york yankees i tell you guys about this stuff a lot i have a lot of friends in pittsburgh i actually know quite a bit about the pittsburgh pirates organization their system because of these friends and they actually give me a lot of good information on their players a lot of them were asking me today about greg allen and he's a nice little piece for the pirates right i mean he did well for us we enjoyed him doesn't really have a spot on this team i understand if everybody said maybe he's a replacement of gardner all right but um not a major loss here for the yankees and again it does the job of clearing a spot next one is tim lecastro as claimed by the boston red sox and infielder andrew velasquez was claimed by the los angeles angels kind of funny on this one man people were really up in arms i made a joke i said well next year le castro's gonna steal 15 or 14 bases off the yankees he's recovering from an acl injury so guys it's a joke the thing that's not a joke is the reaction of the squid all i said about the squid was throw him back in the ocean who cares throw squid back in the ocean there's a lot of yankee fans who wanted him to be the starter coming up this year no fam come on look i like squid i like the story get him out it's fine i'm okay with it maybe he'll be the starting shortstop when seeger is our starting shortstop who the hell knows but um i'm okay with this i know a lot of people were um a lot of yankee fans really loved the story they really got attached to the player they liked who he was they liked what he brought to the table so i understand what yankee fans came on that but this is not some major loss this is not a major loss and the last thing is the yankees went ahead and um optioned rob brantley to triple a rob brantley then went ahead and decided to elect free agency so rob brantley is a free agent going forward so this clears up a lot for the new york yankees as you guys know um and what it also sets up for is some really important rule five eligible players to be added to the 40 man roster unless you might have another um what's his face another garrett whitlock out there and i have a name that could actually be that so you know it is what it is right that's that's where the new york yankees are right now and um you know we'll see so let's let's forget about that forget about the moves li yanking my friend man thank you so much i greatly appreciate that do they add anthony volpe to the 40 man roster they don't have to yet they don't have to yet but that'll definitely happen of course in the future volpe is the future of the yankees prospect pool and a lot of what they will be doing i think will actually be based around anthony volpe so getting into the rule five eligible guys so guys i'm gonna throw some names out there for you i'm gonna give you a list of these names some of them you're gonna know some of them you may not so i'm gonna run through them here's a couple of them randy vasquez and i'll go over to guys i believe will be on there everson pierre matt sawyer steven ridings you guys should be familiar with oswaldo cabrera if you guys are not familiar with be familiar with them trey ambergee you guys are familiar with jp sears left-handed pitcher ron maran you know what gets me so mad when i see an italian name and i don't pronounce it immediately ron marinaccio is a right-handed pitcher very good greg weissert sean simple trevor lane johnny brito and matt crook so guys out of those players i don't know how many of you guys you know know all of these players but there's a few of them i will go ahead and immediately tell you they're going to be on the 40 man the yankees aren't going to miss out on these guys so with that being said let's go ahead and jump into who those guys are first one oswaldo cabrera if you guys do not know who oswaldo cabrera is know his name now he is gonna be a guy that's gonna be talked about a lot during spring training he will be in a major league spring training camp no doubt about it and he will be on the 40-man roster if not a team will get him and he'll be on a major league club somewhere that's the talent level of this kid 22 years old triple a last year i'm actually played on uh two different teams double a and triple a both of them he was terrific more time in double a than anything but overall on the season 29 homers 89 rbis 21 stolen bases 272 average 330 on base percentage 863 ops switch hitter uh throws right-handed fast pretty good defense plays all over the place this is a keeper this is a keeper this is a guy no doubt about it that you can easily easily see on the yankee 40 man roster he will definitely be there oswaldo cabrera do not forget that name second guy on the list and guys right after we discuss all of this we will jump into the yankee off season i'll answer your guys questions so oswaldo cabrera guys remember that name here's a guy who can help the new york yankees next year everson pierre or everson pierra however you want to say it i'm trying to be as proper as i can there another guy outfielder 20 years old playing high a last year actually went through three teams rookie ball a ball and then hudson valley which is high a and he actually played the most in hudson valley but really came not necessarily came out of nowhere but really put himself on the prospect map 20 home runs last year 57 rbis 303 average 398 on base percentage and a 1.084 ops slap your mama that is good let me tell you right now here's a guy undoubtedly is gonna be asked about a lot one of the yankees top prospects teams are gonna want him uh he's a guy to also really keep your eye on the next two guys um and again steven writings and ron morenaccio are both likely could be added but i'm talking about the guys you may not know much about ron was terrific in triple a last year and you guys know already about steven writings we seen what he could do got injured didn't finish the year at the yankees but the only reason he was down was because of the injury he would have been back but um i'm not gonna talk that much about those guys because we'll see what happens with him i do expect him to get on there but these other two guys are very important um i think i just got a couple of super chats i want to go ahead and answer those mic because if i don't answer them they'll fall off so we are going to talk about the off season so let me see what mike said mike i greatly appreciate it thank you my friend listen i'm not saying seeger is bad but if he's gonna get 250 million plus i'd rather much sign correa seeger has terrible defensive metrics i don't get it uh and then my good friend anthony medina says pete the yankees at present have 34 players on the roster do you think there will be more because there are a few that are currently on the il yes there will be more openings on the 40-man roster and of course nada we're talking about that yes there will be more there could definitely be some non-tenders also in there so i'm just talking about what's happening today um but getting to the last two names that i want to chat about before we get into the off season and answer your guys questions the next guy is randy vasquez if you guys do not know who randy vasquez is learn the name really really quickly randy is 23 years old uh and uh this year excuse me i'm um ball high a ended with somerset terrific stuff excellent stuff overall in the season eight and four 2.52 era 23 games 21 games started 107 innings 130 strikeouts randy is a keeper learn to name he's gonna be a guy to really look at next year randy vasquez it's very hard to do things with one hand my goodness you never know until you know now i know last guys matt saw a sawyer excuse me i was about to say so i saw you i don't know what the hell i'm saying matt sawyer here's another guy right here uh throws very very hard could be a whitlock type if the yankees let him go could be a whitlock type highest he played all year was in high a hudson valley but on the season five and six 4.69 era 23 games 21 games started 111 innings 127 strikeouts he definitely piles up the k's throws very hard a lot of people believe this kid is gonna actually end up being in the bullpen and a lot of people think he could do that right now he is extremely talented really really good player we'll see what happens there rodiger i hope i'm saying the name right get correa for shortstop and move him to third um we are going to talk about all of that and you are actually right on time because we're gonna talk about that stuff right now jeremy sweeney greatly appreciate the super chat also my friend uh thank you so much so guys let's go ahead and get into it throw your questions out there uh let me know what you got what you want to talk about uh when it comes to the off season and we will go ahead and go from there uh let me see my give me one second guys i think my camera's messing up on me one moment all right give me one second i might have to switch because with one hand i don't think i can move this thing around one second everyone all right guys i am still here i have not gone away i think i'm gonna have to switch to my webcam sorry about that guys one moment let me see if this works hopefully it does there we go all right let me see if this works on here all right cool guys perfect a little close let me push this baby on back a little bit all right we are back in business guys i'm sorry about that okay so let's go ahead and get to your guys questions as of right now ramon i see you immediately jump out what do i have any information as of right now guys no um nothing new besides what i've already reported and what i got out there so i don't have much new information i obviously have my own thought process of what the yankees may do and i think we talked about that on the um no i was about my goodness on the designated spitters podcast so yeah please let me get to your guys questions let's do this right now anthony medina says do you think gardy will be back i will say never say never but if you guys do remember i reported on that video of my friend who talked to brian cashman and i was told then that they don't believe gardner is gonna be back i mean the words that i heard were they don't expect that gardner is gonna be back but i'll tell you right now you you will never know you'll never know pete can you do the ymca ryan fam nah mag just one all i got is the one right now that is it so i would say as of right now i'd say right now no gardner is not back i'd say right now i don't think they bring gardener back but it wouldn't shock me one bit at all that wouldn't shock me at all um trade gary sanchez for a let's go brandon t-shirt we'll see what happens with them luis heal starting the year in the rotation says matt g no i don't believe so matt um and if that's the case i probably wouldn't be too happy because look one of the mistakes that yankee fans uh tend to make a lot is they're putting a lot of value into what the rotation did in 2021 and that's fine but to repeat that you know you don't want to just sit back and go with the same guys you don't want to go with the same gang i've said this i'm on record of saying this i've said this on the designated spitters podcast you guys can see it if you guys watched it you would know i am not a fan of not improving the yankees rotation i do believe robbie ray should be a main target i do think the yankee should also go out there potentially make a trade maybe a sean minaya maybe a basset maybe there's another name out there that can make some sense maybe arizona's willing to move um zach gallon maybe that's a young guy the yankees could put some prospects towards and pick up maybe john gray these are all guys i will love and i really really believe the yankees need to go out there and do that i still believe pitching is key i know offense needs to do it but the yankees got a good situation believe it or not with their offense this is the thing that a lot of people don't don't understand when i talk about gary sanchez one of the first things people goes will pete how are we making up that production well what production and you don't need production like that from everybody but you need role players that can make some good plays you need guys if you get rid of gary give me defense give me defense because that's better than what gary was giving us so a lot of those things like that need to work out that way but um there's a lot of good the yankees can do i just hope they improve the rotation significantly pete i'm surprised that and this is uh from li yank king ella man thank you so much i appreciate the super chats man really do pete i'm surprised that no one is talking about the number one priority this offseason signing aaron judge to an extension hey eli i'm with you i've said that you've heard me say that multiple times i thought the yankees would do it it it's starting to look a little like we're not hearing much about that but we'll see right we will see um we'll see what happens but um i know you guys heard me say john gray i would die and i may go against my own word that the yankees may never win a world series with aaron boone if the yankees make all these significant changes i am not confident that they will i've said this for a long time and i'm not gonna change on that i am not confident the yankees will make the changes they need to make which is a lot mind you i don't think aaron hicks should be the center fielder i don't think gary sanchez should be the catcher they obviously need a short stop and they need a first baseman i count anthony rizzo as a new guy i count anthony rizzo as a new guy because anthony rizzo was not here to start the year so i still count him as a new guy tyler says edit my trade before jason dominguez laboratories medina and gomes for jose ramirez and nick woodrin um look i don't care about nick honestly if you could get me jose ramirez you do it you do it folks i'm gonna throw it out to you right now i'm gonna throw it out there to you right now would you include jason dominguez in a jose ramirez deal and i swear to god i better get the right answer i better get the right answer fam ramon yeah i would count gallo as a new guy he wasn't there on 21. he wasn't there in 21 so i would still count gallo as a new guy so guys let me let me see those let me see those answers in there cleveland calls you up and cleveland says guys we will talk as long as jason dominguez is in that deal what do you do greminator i know you're better than that vamos brandon i know you better than that griminator i know you better than that this is the easiest answer in the world fam yes yes you do it yes my base is smarter than this oh god i'm i'm actually surprised that i see some of you saying you wouldn't do it really riffle you guys know who i'm talking about here right jose ramirez jason dominguez is a super raw talent now we know the kid could be terrific we understand that this is a super raw talent guys jose ramirez has a great contract and he has everything the yankee offense needs are you guys serious right now you wouldn't trade jason dominguez would you guys do it straight up now i'm kind of concerned here fan i'm concerned right now great point great point ramirez is the type of player you hope dominguez could turn into and he's the guy right now we gotta win now fam you gotta you gotta do it now fam you gotta do it now me me yes 100 100 ramirez can go he could take over third base absolutely terrific i would do that in a heartbeat and of course look if you called up the indians and he said hey dominguez for him they'd be like yeah shut up not happening it's gonna cost a lot it's gonna cost a real lot to get a guy jose ramirez i i'm on record saying this he would be my guy he would be my guy before any free agent and kent you're right there most people believe jason dominguez is about four years away so we'll see pete um this is from li yankee king again pete i'm about i'm all about jram trust me but the window is shut time to sell off pieces not bring in players i would deal dominguez but not now you know here's my thing about that here's my thing about that nobody has you know i've been anybody who has watched me for a while knows the way i feel about the yankees and what they have to do this off season unless i will rip them a new every single day i think you guys know that about me already or confident that i will do that um no matter how big ny news gets which is gonna be very damn big by the way i'll always rip this team a new when i have to and if they don't go out there and do what they need to do you will hear me talking about it all year long the only shot this team has of winning with these guys is one or two years tops i believe that if they're gonna go for it they gotta go for it now they do have a lot of young kids coming up that could really help them but they gotta do something now they gotta do something now they gotta do something now yeah i mean pierre could pierre could but i mean there's a lot of good things you know um griminator i don't know too much about suzuki the center field of the the right i believe he's a right fielder actually um i know he got good speed so i don't i don't know much about him to honestly talk about if he could be a new center fielder for the yanks i i don't know that much about him um i i honestly i don't know much about him again i haven't done any too much research on them and i've i haven't heard of any connection for the yankees i think chris taylor would be terrific i think chris taylor would be a nice one now a lot of people see chris taylor and they look at the strikeouts i just see versatility with a guy like him i see versatility and he does well in the postseason you know he doesn't fold under that pressure i think i already told you guys what my infield would be rizzo at first ramirez at third catcher would be stallings shortstop look you either sign somebody to a low-cost deal maybe an iglesias uh maybe give it to peraza and then second base is dj that would be my club that would be my club but we'll see uh tyler says much love from canada appreciate all you do who's gonna who's gonna man center now with the gardner allen roster uh with the garden al ross opening up cheers um tyler i hate to spoil um your day and excuse me guys i'm sorry i'm that's my damn eye here my goodness i hate to ruin your got your day maybe but it's probably gonna be aaron hicks unfortunately it'll probably be aaron hicks aaron hicks will likely be the center fielder for the new york yankees i mean just as what it is aaron hicks will likely be the guy in center field for the yanks he's saying it but probably would be anthony my friend thank you pete the only way i would trade dominguez is that the anchors can get ramirez but it's gonna take more to the to get him of course 100 right but i do it i go for it guys i go for it that's what a winning team needs to do that's what brian cashman needs to do that's my i forgot it's my webcam now and maybe a little careful that's what he needs to do that's what he needs to do you cannot come at this team this off-season okay we added seeger we're good to go no you're not and i urge yankee fans don't fall for that don't fall for it if our off season is a free agent shortstop stay home stay home let me do the dirty work because trust me i will you think my rats were bad last year wait until this year if they don't do what they need to do stay home go buy a bucket of chicken at kfc forget buying a bucket of chicken in yankee stadium for 30 dollars let them keep it let him keep it they can't come out here and say we got two guys we good to go we got hicks coming back we got severino coming back gary's improved blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same if that's what brian cashman does forget it guys then then li yankee king is right sell guys you might as well sell that's the case you might as well go you might as well go oh there'll be a lot of ranting for me next year my blood pressure's good though you know what i mean 2021 was tough on your boy almost died in january got covered shoulder stuff all messed up all in the same year blood pressure always stayed good fam i'm ready to go trust me i'm ready look this ain't this ain't gonna stop me all right i'm ready to go i'm waiting and i got a huge team coming behind me in january stay tuned for that guys december wait until you hear what ny news got planned for you and who's coming on board and what we got you're gonna have yankee galore everywhere so much content you ain't gonna know what to do with it so much content you ain't gonna know what to do with it johnny johnny by the way how's the baby doing my fam my son said what's up look at that i didn't even see that before johnny i didn't see that before what up little guy your gut feeling from what you heard what things you predict to happen who is the shortstop woo all right um you know johnny i'm gonna take the easy way out um because if i'm gonna go off of everything i hear you know what people tell me off record um you know after interviews and things like that everybody believes seeger is the guy um everybody believes seeger um i go a different route i i go a different route guys i really do um i go a different route uh i i look to sign pitching i like john gray i like robbie ray um i think you can make a trade for a big name whether that's olson uh whether that is ramirez who i read that whether that's cattell marte um uh whether whether that is um carson kelly there's a lot of things out there that new york yankees can do um if you guys saw my video earlier that i released what might have been yesterday i think uh you know there's a lot of these guys i'm not about um rodiger said move correa to third when the prospect is up you know i think that's an idea for um what they plan on doing even if they got sega um seeger i think their idea would be to potentially move in the third but you know i heard something about anthony volpe and this was actually from cashman himself um in that conversation that i got to listen to um he believes and a lot of the yankees and the the yankees uh mino lee guys believe that anthony volpe is actually going to become a second or third baseman because they actually believe he's gonna fill out his body's gonna fill out more which may slow him down but they believe this kid's actually gonna have more power than they ever expect him to have ella yanking my friend you are being way too generous today but um thank you that's all i can say because all this stuff helps build the channel actually helps towards what is happening in january so li says pete here is my thing yes you have a window with coal but let's be honest the team is constructed horribly and trading the guys i've said before is what the yankees need to do uh but here is the guys too and i'm guessing you're gonna add more to that um but eli no i don't disagree with you and i've said this before but it's about who you trade and how you go about it there's no reason to lock aaron judge up long term if you don't expect to win there's no reason to go out there and sign free agents if you don't expect to win so the thing is we got to live in the reality of what the yankees are we can't live in a well this is what we would do yeah that's fun and all we can always talk about what we would do that's an easy thing to do what we would do but that's not going to be reality and we know that by living in brian cashman's world for so many years my concern is i don't know if brian cashman is the guy that could make enough moves and one kind of kick his ego to the side and go these moves didn't work these moves didn't work aaron hicks hasn't worked so whether aaron hicks is our fourth outfielder and he gets playing time now and then or we attach a good prospect to him and move him that's my thing i don't know if brian cashman is that guy who could do that i don't know if he's that guy and that's the truth i don't know if he's the guy that could do that in all in all seriousness i don't know if he could do that stuff so we'll see but that is my honest opinion of where they are right now uh let's see i got hey simonetti soar sign chris bryant and if the yankees do sign clayton kershaw make him a reliever uh no i think i think a lot of that is off um i don't think anybody would be too upset with brian i think brian's a good player i don't think it happens with the yankees and i would say no with anything with clayton kershaw i don't think kershaw's gonna want to be a reliever uh mike says do we bring tanaka back there's the rumor again that like i said person i got that information from 100 legit no doubt about it we'll see we'll see i wouldn't mind that if the yankees got a guy like right with him i wouldn't mind if the yankees got a guy gray with him uh danny says attach some good prospects and move hicks to arizona for martay you know the thing is danny um why would arizona want hicks that's the problem with aaron hicks he he has no value you know what i mean he's not even a we saw last year you know he started to not even be a good he started to not even be a good center fielder anymore so i mean with that being said and on top of that it's a team that's looking to rebuild so i i don't really know i don't really i don't know i i don't i don't know you know where hicks could be moved his off his salary is very movable so there's a lot of people you know is his salary movable yeah his salary is is is extremely movable you could no doubt about it move his salary that's not hard to do it's just about doing it it's just about doing it adding a prospect it's got to be a good prospect too li yankee king you are being far far far too generous today my friend um i really really appreciate it fix it long time ray yes but yamamoto bring him in jonah heim iglesias and you have the left side of the infield uh long-term volpe at third peraza shortstop moving dj yes is unpopular but needs to be done uh where to start with this one fix it long time with rey yamamoto jonah heim i like jonah heim i don't think jonah heim would cost much um he's a younger pro younger catcher i believe he's a switch hitter a pretty decent defensively texas rangers um wouldn't be a horrible option if i'm the yankees and i'm looking to win jacob stallings the guy i go to if i'm looking to have a guy who could potentially you know come into his own and be a really all-star caliber catcher uh carson kelly is that guy but um there there's not many others out there i think i i believe and i said this before i think jacob stalin's the best bet for the yankees if they're trying to win within the next two years that that's my honest opinion trade hicks to minnesota for buxton trade hicks to any team for a year's supply of unicornios for boone that would make sense that would make a lot of sense sports talker my friend how are you doing matt olson is the guy to yankees need a package of heel peraza voigt and wesneski uh should net the yankees matt olson it would save the a's around six to seven million and net him some very very good prospects i'd be okay with that i'd be okay with that um i've said that i've said that for um a while i'd be okay with that and and at least sports talker you got the prospect that it actually would cost to be in that deal unlike a lot of times we see these deals and we're like uh yeah that doesn't make any sense at all so um no you are definitely spot on with that one i greatly um i appreciate that comment because that's that's very logical makes a lot of sense and i think yankee fans would be happy with that i'd do that deal i would do that deal on the heartbeat um no question about it also saves the yankees money in a sense of locking in anthony rizzo long term who i love and i'd be happy to see him back but maybe that money then could go elsewhere maybe that could go to a starting pitcher maybe that could go to a john gray maybe that could go to again whoever shortstop they get um you know maybe that goes to a couple of a couple of role players potentially anthony medina my friend thank you so much pete if yankees cannot extend aaron judge this year or next maybe they need to consider trading him i know people will get mad but i'm being real it depends on what the yankees do look if the yankees don't lock this guy in long term it's it's not going to be too cute i'll tell you right now because you'll have teams like the giants you'll have teams like the angels and it's home for aaron judge lined up they will be lined up um to get him they'll be absolutely lined up to get him no doubt about it and um you know a guy like aaron judge at some point you got to feel disrespected don't you i mean at some point don't you feel a little disrespected by your team just a little disrespected by your team to say i don't know about it guys i've been here for a minute i've been kind of quiet we gonna do anything about this i don't know i don't know you you would expect you would expect that that something will get done here soon it's kind of ballsy for the yankees to wait it'll be kind of ballsy but uh we'll see we'll we'll see what happens there well i expect aaron judge to be a yankee for good all right guys i am gonna get a r get ready to jump off here think the medication is kicking in starting to slur my words a little bit i swear to god there's just water in here there's just water in here that is it or is it no it really is it's just water in there um guys i keep telling you guys this i keep saying this and it's hard for me to stop talking about it january rolls along man um actually december you guys will know all the changes that team ny news is doing but i want you guys to be subscribed i want to hit 6 000 subscribers before january um and you guys are gonna see what terrific stuff we have in store and the people that we are bringing over new faces that you guys are gonna be like whoa when you see who is joining our team and it's who is joining team ny news for the jump which is january january starts immediately the programming begins so you guys are going to be i'm telling you're going to be really really happy what we have coming for you guys so much yankee content by so many different voices that's what i really like uh whether people agree with me they may agree with somebody else that is on our page and ny news is gonna always do one thing we're gonna keep it real no matter what even if the voices change we're going to keep it real no matter what even if the voice is changing it's different people will always keep it real on this on this um channel so again guys thank you so much everybody who contributed today thank you for being here everybody who did the super chats thank you so much for all of that all of that is going to what we are building i promise it ella yanking again man thank you so much you really didn't have to do a super chat on that one but judge contract nine years 270. we'll see we'll see what that is but i'm telling you man yankees be smart do not disrespect judge you never know you've never known a lot of teams will love him i think the giants will be all over them you guys heard kevin kern kevin kernan told him personally you might want to see what the giants offer you so we'll see what happens um the january yankee talk with chad curtis and john wetland you know guys ryan's always going to be here too ryan's always gonna have fun with us so everything we're doing now though is not going away so just to give you guys a heads up if you like the live chats they're not going away there's actually gonna be more of them you hear that there's actually going to be more of them if you guys like designated spitters it's not going away it's just going to be better if you guys like yankee podcast by different people it's gonna be a lot more of them and better than they were before if you guys like live pregames and post games you don't want to hear the yes network live post game or pre-game we'll be here for that if you're a new york yankee fan i'm keeping it real with you there's no other place to be especially for next year guys i appreciate you have a wonderful night i am gonna go lay down because the medication is kicking in and um i will talk to you guys again very very soon again you guys are the best stay tuned subscribe like share you guys know the routine and we will talk again soon so yeah thank you guys have a good night want me

04 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Who Will Be The Yankees Catcher In 2022? @SimonettiSource


what is going on everybody pete simonetti here for nyy news guys this is gonna be a topic of conversation for the longest time until we know for sure if gary sanchez is gonna be back or not this is gonna be a topic of conversation we know that it's gonna be one of the hottest topics you guys i think already know my opinion i've made it be known i've said it i said what i think what well i said what i would do which is a lot of what this video is about and i've said what i think they're going to end up doing which i don't have confidence the yankees will really make a change at catcher i got a gut feeling and hopefully i'm wrong that brian cashman said ah one year more let's let's go i'll give him another shot or whatever and folks i think that's completely the wrong move i've already stated my cases on why i believe that i've also already shot back on the naysayers regarding my opinion on this like oh the production production production what production what are you talking about the yankees don't need to rely on catcher production to be a good team and that's the thing i think people got to get in their heads and the guy we are seeing seems like it's either a i am not who you guys thought i was thing or a cry for help i need to get out of here let me go somewhere else that's not as scrutinized and maybe i will become this really good player with the national league having a dh open that'll be a great spot for gary sanchez by the way a great spot for gary sanchez maybe you know a brewers would need a bat miami would be terrific i think there's a lot of good spots open out there for for gary sanchez but for now let's talk about the yankees um i will again go ahead and go over some of my griefs with gary you guys have heard them all many years ago it feels like many years ago now your boy right here you're looking at him the guy who broke the story the guy who broke it down for all of you the guy who started the conversation about gary sanchez being quote-unquote lazy not coming to camp the way the yankees asked him to hitting weight goals and things of that nature and everybody on pete because god forbid you talk about gary you better be right source come to find out pizza manetti of ny news was 100 spot on a-rod then followed up after that he had an ex-yankee coach follow-up after that many in the industry followed up after that that gary sanchez has an issue hell there's even a scouting report the year he was called up that basically questions his heart that questions his ability to actually become a better defensive catcher so again this was never and i said in those early videos way back in the day when i broke the story about the yankees brass not being happy with them i even said it back then this is not a knock on gary sanchez this is just c you know i'm putting out the information that i am told that i know is accurate and i put it out there so you know a lot of people started this oh pete hates gary and a lot of you guys who have followed me for years now you guys know that that's the case and i've always said i hope gary sanchez is the best catcher in baseball year in and year out for the yankees i also said me and felix and i think felix actually said this before me trade him for real mudo get jt real muddle back then the yankees didn't do it hey that's all history we can't go back to that now gary's who he is the yankees got to make the decision do we move on without him or do we keep him for another year and see what happens we pay him seven or so million or whatever it's gonna cost do we decline him and resign him for less would he accept that um it's interesting we'll see he's a non-tender candidate i think he is i don't think it goes that route personally but we will see i think his value is definitely there to be traded um is it what it was no but i do think for a one year guy especially with the dh coming to the national league the yankees get some good form because if the national league has that dh you could say well look guys there's really never been a question about his bat now if you want to talk about batting average well you know i'll throw slugging percentage numbers at you i'll throw homers for catchers at you i can throw those things at you so we're gonna have to get something decent that we'd want in return to move them but you know a lot of the things gary did um earl from twitter shout out to earl um who had to ruin my morning i wake up and i see the play against the mets when gary sanchez got the ball about 20 feet ahead and walked away basically and pulled away from the bag and allowed him to score still to this day i think that's the worst catching play of all time i i don't think that would ever happen with many other catchers maybe none and i almost feel like i could put my hand on fire for that one um i don't think that happens with many people but it did it happened and then the pop-up and the bad framing the past balls the not wanting you know cold cole doesn't want to pitch to him and again i wanted to detail about that on the designated spitters pod that i think a lot of that has to do with aaron boone too and kevin curran mentioned this also is getting did he ever get these guys in a room and go look guys hash it out but if you guys remember too a lot of people get mad and i said guys look at the end of the day they don't have a manager with balls so it's gonna be up to coal simple as that they don't have a manager that goes garrett look you guys need to work this out because i'm telling you to so figure out what the problem is work on it together and move on they don't have a manager like that so all year when people argued i was like guys you arguing this for no reason they don't have a manager with balls it's gonna be gary cole's decision simple as that disagree with it or not that's the fact it's garrett cole's decision they don't have a manager who's gonna say nah that's not happening on my club they don't have that so looking forward two names that are now being talked about among most yankee fans again i guarantee you you heard here first nobody and i mean nobody on twitter yankee beat writers or anybody else was telling you all late early last year about jacob stallings as pizza manetti was nobody was talking about carson kelly end of last year into the off season on round tables like pizza minetti was but again not to toot my own horn even though i'm tooting my own damn horn because i can and i want it because you know i'm in pain so i want to be you know this right here hi how you doing it's annoying let me let me let me have a little enjoyment fam okay let me have a little enjoyment anyway let's hope one of these two guys is the yankee catcher next year okay so there's news out of arizona that the diamondbacks may move on from carson kelly because he's often injured i think he's never had more than like 314 at-bats and they got um dalton varshall who is an outfielder but also plays catcher and they think they might turn to dalton a little more to be their regular catcher now again carson kelly shouldn't be cheap he won't come cheap so don't go ahead and say tyler wade and uh and uh let's see tyler wade and uh lucas lucky for him no that's not gonna happen it'll be a pretty decent trade i don't know the significance of it but um i'll let you guys get into that in the comments section below cause you guys are better at trades than i am i hate that whole let's make up trade ideas i don't like doing it it's not fun sometimes yeah you like to get an idea and a projection but not a big fan of it so last year carson kelly had a 2.2 war um decent defensively but again if you're looking at potential for the future and a guy who could potentially be an all-star caliber catcher carson kelly's your guy out of him and jacob stallings there's no doubt about it the higher upside the younger player carson kelly is going to be 27 next year it's carson kelly there there's no denying that last year overall i'll give you guys his numbers now again 2.2 war 304 at bats second highest he's had in his career 13 homers 240 average 46 rbis on base percentage 343 slogan 411 ops 754 and again on the defensive side not bad um he's not a bad defensive catcher at all so you know if you see that i see some people saying well how good is he's a good defensive catcher he's not bad he's well improved upon gary sanchez put it that way um if that's the way you want to see it he is well improved on gary sanchez and again potential wise future outlook wise of talent this would be your guy it's gonna cost a little more um i don't believe he would be a free agent for a while um i don't have that in front of me actually i do he will not be as early as free age will be 2025. so you're looking at 22 23 and 24 with them three full seasons where again he'll be cheap um arbitration will kick in and get a little bit of a raise because he's a good hitter but um the main thing with carson kelly is staying healthy and the workload the workload would be a little new for him i think the yankees either got to commit either one of these guys i think they would have to commit with kyle higashioka getting some reps getting a good amount of reps and giving these guys you know not as much playing time as some of us probably would want i do think these guys need their rest neither one of them have had a ton a ton of at bats a ton of ton of games underneath them the most games that carson kelly has ever played in is 111 and that was arguably or not even arguably that was his best year in the major leagues 18 homers 47 rbis this was in 2019 that was his best year in the majors and that is the most games he ever played most at-bats he's ever had so that was the best of course in kelly a couple of years ago so the big thing for him is health if you're looking at potential this is your guy now over to jacob stallings stallings on his ears you guys know he is right now a finalist for the gold glove award last year i mean he's the finals for gold glove award he's also won the fielding bible award for the best defensive catcher so again with a guy like him let me get his numbers first and i tell you the difference between the two and and why i would favor one over the other actually at this moment for the new york yankees a three war last year 374 bats eight home runs 246 average on base percentage 335 slugging 369 ops 704 it is his best offensive year in the major leagues his most games played 112 in the major leagues and again many around baseball believe this is the best defensive catcher in baseball that is the major major plus now i'm sure you guys want to hear who i would choose because you guys know i love both of these guys i've been talking about them longer than anybody out there and giving you guys the information on both of these fellas for me carson kelly is the potential guy he is the guy who may become a really good catcher for years to come he's the guy that's a little more risky he's the guy you're taking more of a risk on because there's the offense potential there's the defense potential but then there's the idea of the uncertainty of them we are not a hundred percent of who we're getting but we know this guy could be very good there's also the potential that he doesn't play many games now guys get over injuries and catching's a demanding position we all know that but you got to think that way looking forward for the yanks because the yankees need to win a world series under this garrett cole contract before they opt out they gotta try to win a world series where their best guys are young in their prime and give him the best shot of winning in my opinion just looking so trust me if i'm if somebody comes to me goes pete just disclaimer you got to choose one of these two for the next four to five years carson kelly all day all day carson kelly because potential if somebody came to mingle pete you get one of these guys for 2022. it's jacob stallings because defense to me is really what has been missing from that position not offense gary sanchez can hit you 20 plus homers we know that gary sanchez combat 210 have a decent you know good slugging percentage i drive in some runs i do all that stuff i want defense i'm at the point now where i want defense i want my young pitchers and my pitchers in general to know they could bounce a ball in the dirt they could have the confidence in bouncing a ball in the dirt they don't have to be worried about maybe gary not being able to block this pitch i want one of the best defensive catchers on this club period don't give me the nonsense about making up gary's production that's stupid that's a poor argument for the new york yankees if you're worried about that may i remind you may i remind you you got aaron judge you got g and carlos stanton you got dj lemay you're coming back from from injury all year you've got global tours who a lot of you feel like it needs to get a lot of your words gonna be much better at second base yankees also have a hell of a free asian pool opened up i expect them to get one of these guys they also got many great trades they can made a hell of a prospect pool they can move guys around from i don't think you sit back and look at the yankee roster and go look if we trade gary that hurts our offensive production if that is the case bring them back if that's the losing formula that was allowed losing excuse me cover your ears i should have put a warning if that is your formula that is again a losing formula and i will not go with that jacob stalling should be the guy should 150 be the guy the yankees trade for if he's available i don't see why he wouldn't be i don't see why that would be a problem i think the yankees can definitely pry him away um at throwing a pitching prospect you know what i mean again i don't know that all the trade values and these websites you can use and blah blah blah i don't care about that stuff i told you guys everybody's up for grabs to me instead of uh besides anthony volpe who i actually might be seeing in december early december i might i might actually be seeing anthony volpe if i go to the um italian uh baseball thing um the dinner they got for him and tom ferducci uh maybe attending that so we'll see i'll keep you guys updated on that but overall jacob stallings is my guy i'm banking more on a guy being very good with our starting pitching stealing some strikes doing the little things that count and i i think with confidence i can say i think you'll get two really good years from jacob stalin minimum that is until austin wells maybe really significantly improves offensively and could really be a full-time catcher or antonio gomez is ready those are the two main guys i'm looking at for the yankees when it comes to catching i think antonio gomez ends up being a guy if he stays healthy austin wells i think needs significant improvement at catching him there's many people that'll tell you now he's way behind especially at the level he's at his bat will carry him anywhere but in the catching position he's way behind so guys that is my thought on the catching situation i don't see any way you bring gary sanchez back and expect me to be happy i can't i can't i've seen enough of gary sanchez simple as that i know a lot of you disagree i have seen enough of gary sanchez guys it's been a long journey for me and gary it's been a long journey for me and gary a long journey i kind of been marked on twitter by many people as this big gary hater and that's never been the case i just reported what i was told and can you say it was wrong can you say it was not true it's proven true multiple times proven truth back then let alone now now everybody everybody's on captain pete's boat everybody jumped on captain pete's boat but um carson kelly jacob stallings i wouldn't be upset with either but i do think the win now 2022 catcher is jacob stallings you guys let me know in the comments section below and guys we are closing in on our january goal we are about 600 subscribers away from 6 000 subscribers guys please friends family any yankee fans you know share this link say guys follow pete and his team they got huge announcements coming out in january which we do actually coming out in december of everything we got planned in january the big new change coming up all the big additions you guys are not going to want to miss it again like share subscribe comment section below let me know what catcher you would choose maybe it's somebody different than i mentioned uh maybe you guys would stick with gary maybe you nut balls will stick with gary i don't know um let me know what you think about stalin's let me know what you think about kelly and on top of that throw me some trades out there because you guys are better than me when it comes to these trade scenarios so guys again for pizza minetty and team nyy news i greatly greatly thank you guys and i will talk to you again very very soon

03 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

NYYNEWS Mic Pass: Alex Filipponi - Smart Moves The Yankees Should Make & One Under The Radar Trade


how's it going exchanges this is my mic where everyday ordinary yankees fans get a platform to showcase their opinions submit your takes in mp3 audio too and why insider i can help you explode what's going on yankee fans this is alex reporting from ny news felix was kind enough to give me the mic for this uh this rant so thank you felix and i'm gonna go and uh just say what i think the yankees should do that's not about what they will do for sure if this video or this recording came out a couple weeks ago boone wouldn't be there aaron hicks would not be even in the discussion but here we are i make suggestions they make decisions so that being said i'd like to point out a few things that the yankees may do that they probably should do and uh let's just go around the diamond real quick let's start about gary sanchez let's be honest we haven't played him in a do or die game two years in a row how many times we gotta keep playing this he's due to make at least eight million dollars this year it's one more year before he hits free agency he needs to go what more do you want to say he can't really hit he just he's got tons of talent but he can't really hit no pitchers like the throw to him what more do you want i'm okay with the stop gap right now um yang gomes is a free agent we got a couple guys down on the farm that could potentially be that replacement not quite ready just yet um one thing to maybe look out for i don't think it will happen but uh mike zenino does have a club option with the raise if for any reason the raise declined that option five minutes later the yankees should have a contract ready and waiting for him but right now sanchez is the guy under contract he needs to go if we had to get somebody anyone to replace him it's fine with me the guy can't catch you can't pitchers aren't even relying on throwing breaking balls to him he's affecting the entire pitching staff even to the point where our ace has to have a personal catcher which is another issue entirely so then let's moving on to first base you know anthony rizzo i liked him personally i like his leadership i like what he brings to the table but he's not coming back he's just not dj la mayhew is probably going to be our starting first baseman this year we've given him that long contract for a reason i don't see him playing that utility type of role that he originally signed with the yankees for back in 2019 but he's our first baseman if we need somebody for just a glove who's going to be contact we already have him on the roster second base we got glabor i can't bel i can't wrap my head around letting glay rotorus go or trading him right now because his value is so substantially so so low right now and we know what kind of talent he's got he's still young um looking at his build i'm not that confident in his uh his ability to be very successful in the future i do think him moving to second base is going to be a tremendous help if he stays at second base leave him at second base and let him try and work out the problems he's had but right now his trade value is so low to where why you might as well just keep him and hopefully he brings it back i really hope he becomes the all-star that we've seen in the past shortstop that's the fun one we know cashman's already said he wants to he's going to be looking for a shortstop now let's just get this out of the way first everyone's saying corey seeger if those rumors are true that corey seeger for 300 million we can stop talking about corey seeger right now if we're gonna spend that money whether you like it or not carlos correa would be that guy me personally i don't want to see correa come to new york not anything to do with the scandal not anything to do about the 2017 cheating we all know about that but as yankee fans if he came into new york and he hit a couple big bombs we'd all get over it i don't personally don't want correa because of a couple reasons one he is going to cost a fortune if you haven't noticed these yankees are not the george steinbrenner yankees these are the hal steinbrenner yankees where they are very concerned about finances it seems like even to their detriment at some times but correa who's 27 years old if he's gonna get 300 million which he very well likely will you're gonna have to give him a lot of years you talk about a middle infielder who's great now but father time comes for everybody and he hasn't had too much injury history but he does have a history of some back issues which is really concerning for a long-term middle infielder again he's a great player don't really like his attitude too much but he is a great player it is what it is but i wouldn't sign him for that reason alone now the other side of the coin is we have our top two prospects that are short one of which that we know of is anthony volpe who the yankees are not trading for anybody he is a future stud now what may happen is he might become the future third baseman and then number two prospect oswaldo peraza will be the long-term shortstop i do believe that peraza is probably better suited long-term as a shortstop and volpe with his amount of talent will still be a great third baseman as well as offensive juggernaut with that being said we do need the shortstop they've been they've been talking about it for a while now they don't seem to be too inclined on trevor's story i think the move being that you have these two up and coming shortstops is marcus simeon the guy hits the ball the guy obviously he can move to another position when these two short stops are ready and are playing in the field at the major league level simeon's the guy and the biggest thing is he's not going to cost that much probably get away with three to five years maybe 150 million but you're not going to be locked into a very long contract with a guy like marcus seaman who is going to be able to do a lot of things the yankees have not been able to do this past year so moving on still have rochelle i'm sure there'll be some offers made on him um he's not our problem let's be honest he's really not but i'm sure they'll be filled in some offers and i know i missed it but voight will probably have some offers filled in his way as well but um the biggest one was let's talk about the outfield aaron hicks for some reason or another is going to be back again i mean how many games are you going to play 40 60 maybe i mean how many times you got to keep replaying replaying this over and over again we know what he is he's always hurt but he's here that's what they're gonna go with and you know that's my biggest knock on this yankee front office they don't never they never seem to know when to admit when they're wrong i mean hicks is a very good player when he plays but he never plays so it's not about if but when we need to get a new center fielder judge is obviously the cornerstone give him a contract now left field we did trade for joey gallo we have stanton who proved that he can play the field and if you haven't noticed he plays he hits better when he's in the rhythm of playing in the field however my inclination is to have judge and stanton both play right field as well as dh partially they keep them healthy when it comes to left field i honestly don't hate joey gallo as much as a lot of people do he does provide some value that the yankees didn't really have gold glove defense he does walk obviously strikes out a ton but the biggest knock on him is that he thinks too much it's been reported that he thinks too much and that's just not going to fly in new york it doesn't work and i don't get me wrong i like joey gallo as a person i hope he has a great career i just don't think he's right for this team i do however think that there is a left fielder who is perfect for what the yankees need and no one's talking about him so in my choice of a roster gallows traded get some more prospects in we don't have to look too far go to yankee stadium south and go to the orioles and make a deal for cedric mullins we've seen him for a few years now but has anyone really seen what he did last year he batted 291 stole 30 bases hit 30 homers he's probably going to win the silver slugger award and he's 27 years old and this is the orioles you don't have to trade that much for him it won't be you want to give up dominguez you would have to give up volpe or peraza you might package a couple prospects but this is a guy the yankees need he's versatile he was their center fielder so when aaron hicks goes down you have your back up you have your center fielder ready and waiting but as of right now i'd have him be playing in left field left field in yankee stadium's always been known as you need a second center fielder he fits the bill perfectly and let's not forget he's also a left-handed bat the last point i would like to make on is the rotation pitchings actually was very good this year and i know a lot of people want robbie ray and i like robbie ray my only thing is that he he's probably winning the cy young this year and with that being said he had a career year good for him but i do believe someone is going to overpay for them and when someone's overpaying for a pitcher who never had a year like this in the past who's had injury history might not be the best long-term investment if it's me i'm putting my money towards carlos rodon who is a top flight pitcher younger than robbie ray and i believe has more upside beyond that though this is alex from ny news and i'll talk to you soon

02 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Brian Cashman's Most Important Offseason Ever @SimonettiSource


hey everybody what is going on pete simonetti here for ny news got a big video to talk about of course i also want to talk about this right now so yeah your boy's a little uh a little beat up right now um shoulder completely dislocated left shoulder completely dislocated everything inside there is torn including the rotator cuff um and also bone chips so um 20 21 as you guys know has been a tough year for everybody definitely no doubt about it's been a pretty tough one for for me um hardest year like i said i put a tweet about the hardest year of my life uh when it comes to all this stuff that's happened all this year but also some of the greatest blessings of my life um ny news doing so great and um so many other things coming like i said i talk about january a lot um so much things coming up but guys i want to talk about this today enough about me all about the yankees let's do this brian cashman's biggest off season is right now this is it this is the biggest off for yankee general manager brian cashman no doubt in my mind this is it the yankees right now at a crossroads there's a lot of things they can do there's a lot of things they should do think the majority of the fan base all agrees that there needs to be some pretty significant changes here what that will be is what's going to determine maybe the next few years down the line for the new york yankees like i said earlier they're at that crossroads so let's break a couple of things down here we know the open positions we know the free agents my big thing is what changes are going to be made what true changes are going to be made we know okay the easy things right them they feel a short stop likely uh they'll probably sign a first baseman could be anthony rizzo or if that doesn't happen dj lemayo probably plays first what is it here's the question i'm asking as me and francis leave asked besides maybe those two free agent changes from the beginning of 2020 to 2021 sorry the beginning of 2021 to what it would be in 2022 so i'm not counting anthony rizzo in that and gallow because you know they came in mid-season the starting lineup we need some new names in there i believe and i'm telling you guys this is my belief aaron hicks will be in center field i think cashman loves him i don't think that's going anywhere we'll see what happens with gary sanchez we could see a change at third base maybe unexpectedly uh whoever that might be you guys know i'm a huge fan of jose ramirez i think if that trades out that you open up anything besides volpe in my opinion dominguez anybody could go for a guy like ramirez that is like the perfect get for the yankees um but is cashman gonna make a move at third is he gonna make a move um again at second base is glaber come back he's gonna make the move at catcher he's gonna make move in center a lot of people also get this hold up where they feel like well the pitching was good last year so hey it's gonna carry on right we don't need to worry about that well you do you do because you can't look at previous year of what your team done and say it'll duplicate or some guys are going to get better right severino is going to be better you know that improves us immediately none of that stuff you know i love the idea of robbie ray talked about this a long time and basically this video is i just want you guys opinion i want your guys opinion in the comments section below i love the idea of robbie ray i would love the idea of sean manaya i think you get both of those guys in the rotation because some people probably hear that and go well pete they already got i don't care what they got that's the way this team needs to be looked at right now by brian cashman he has to look at this club like we don't have enough even in the positions we feel like we do have enough we don't have enough severity's back cool now let's pair him with robbie ryan see if maybe you know maybe we make a trade with oakland maybe it's not uh chapman maybe it's not um um um um bassett maybe it's not the big names that we think of the first baseman that everybody wants maybe it's not those type of moves maybe it's something like a sean manaya who i think would fit terrific in the yankee rotation maybe it's a lutrevino for the bullpen but my point here is there's a lot that can be done so looking at salary wise too if the yankees do some non-tendering if the yankees trade some salary if they look to be outside of the box for an example are all this chapman if a team wants to bite yankees off maybe 6 million 12 million on chapman for one year i think you'd have a lot of teams interested and if that's the case is that something you do i would but would brian cashman because that's all that matters at the end of the day folks what brian is that brian cashman's game i don't think so i don't think so this is why i said at the start this is the most important offseason of brian cashman's life as francis said and a few others have said to me maybe cashman saw last year the philosophy or the idea that these right-handed guys are going to be fine the idea that glaber tours is a shortstop we'll make it work he'll learn it he'll get better maybe all that is is a part of learning even though brian cashman's track record goes all the way back and it's kind of never been i learned from my mistakes brian cashman's a guy who is ego driven that is just fact he is ego driven for brian cashman to trade aaron hicks is like i gave up on him the trade didn't work we got to win every trade that's the way it is so people might point out while he traded for sonny gray and got rid of him sonny gray's agent wanted him out sunday gray's agent requested him be traded it just didn't work that's a hard one to fight so there's a lot of things again that can be done here you got a lot of salaries you got a lot of guys on a 40 man that you don't need dude yankees bringing a good role player off the bench do we see a little more balance in that lineup do we see a defensive catcher because i know a lot of people oh my god gary's production gary's open please stop it stop it stop it enough with the gary production really come on come on gary might go somewhere else would be terrific change of scenery is very needed in my opinion and honestly i think the yankees need a defensive catcher i think it's that time they got a lot in their lineup guys you know what i mean if we're being real here do the yankees gotta work about catcher production do they have to worry about catcher production do the yankees really have to say we got to make our lineup okay this guy we got gallo stanton judge lemay you torres maybe rizzo maybe uh geo maybe there's a different third baseman i don't know who it is whoever you want maybe a seeger and center and short we got all these guys check mark check mark check maybe we can trade for holes ramirez all these guys check check check check check yeah but uh we're not getting a lot of production at catcher excuse me excuse me how about we get somebody that you know won a fielding bible award best defensive catcher in baseball right up there best framing does everything great jacob stallings i don't know i i don't know could work could be smart could be a good idea you know especially when he got an ace who doesn't want to throw to your catcher who has declined and declined to decline and declined might be a good idea to make a change for as david ortiz talked about the bill maybe some team chemistry also the manager can help assist in that but we already know aaron boone doesn't do that aaron boone doesn't do that stuff the bullpen leave it leave it you could even trade from the pen you could trade salary from the pen earn yourself some more money maybe put it towards a a um a free agent maybe put it towards an extra free agent deal smaller deal something that's going to help a little more maybe a role player maybe something that's going to really help this team those are the type of things that brian cashman needs to do this off season brian cashman comes out guys i'm telling you right now he has a short stop hicks is in center urchella's at third whoever is at second and first it's the same nonsense sanchez behind a plate maybe they add a starting pitcher it's the same guys so don't buy into the propaganda hype that we go out there and sign the big free agent we back on top don't fall for that trust me i'm telling you right now we've said it before me and francis if there are not significant changes don't expect a significant result if there are not significant changes do not expect a significant result expect more of the same so again this is brian cashman's crossroad this is the yankee crossroad and he's given he's he's in charge of the ranks he's the man this is brian cashman's most important off season of his career you guys like share subscribe turn on notifications so you never miss a wonderful video from team nyy news let me know in the comments below do you agree with me do you disagree and if you do disagree why and if you agree with me let's hear some of those moves let's hear some of the changes that need to be made let's start up some dialogue below in the comment section like the video subscribe if you have not we are doing so well to our goal of potentially hitting 6000 before january we're probably about seven 650 away 648 subscribers away which would be absolutely tremendous to hit that number by january so that is my goal guys again this is pizzamanetti for the one the only ny news thank you guys also for the well wishes i'm doing good i'm here i'll get through everything you guys will continue to see me videos are never going to slow down you guys know that talk to you soon guys appreciate it tell me

31 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Designated Spittaz: Yankees Chemistry, We Give Our IF Alignment @1FrancisLee @SimonettiSource


we designated splitters live every week live designated homie cause we spit heat we designated spitters friends we what is going on everybody pete timothy here for ny news designated spitters francis is right there francis i saw those number counts on the followers actually going up you know what we didn't talk about that we've been chatting a bit before we started this episode and i meant to say good luck for the shout out because today today uh you guys are not following francis just shot up i think i got another maybe between 12 and 15 more today man you guys see it right there man go ahead and follow at one francis lee it's right there bam i can't i can't stretch my hand over to that side but i'm finishing it right over there you guys can see it so yeah we got the world series going on right now you guys will be seeing a sunday we got game uh what is it for going on right now in the world series um two to one in the moment and um yeah we'll probably if the if the braves do something i might give you guys a little tomahawk chop and and uh see that uh passing might have a heart attack when i do it but i thought we were gonna call this episode american choppers choppers i thought we were going to call this episode american choppers maybe we could we could just cgi trump in the middle of us you really you really want to explode don't you passive will have a heart attack it's funny because and again you know we don't we don't we don't get too political here at all when we talk about stuff but i was laughing because i told the guys in the chat i said i said watch i i sent you guys the things because i knew it i said okay trump is going to a game you're going to have your adlers you're going to have your your um your martinos do their regular things and like right on cue martino has to write an article on it what really happened how he really got it who cares who cares but my question is why what do you mean how he really got it he's at a baseball game who cares how he cuz apparently when he's when he wrote he was like he was invited by randy levine to come oh and then we reached out to we reached out to randy levine's people and they said that's not necessarily the case he asked to come here who gives a [ __ ] who cares and then right away lindsay adler oh look i'm living in a simulation you go walk your dog you're living in a simulation i was like i just feel like growing up so childish it's stupid yeah it's like it's like listen i uh jeff passing in his article yesterday oh the worst the worst literally the worst article ever you're like we're we're devoting so much time and energy so much time and energy to things that like even if you remove it even if you remove it and people stop doing it what does that really do for anybody nothing nothing what does that mean i all i see is passing and adler and whoever else telling me that people are offended by this but i have yet to see the people that they say are offended by this they're not actually being offended by this they're not where was where was passing and everybody else in 95 in the world series is then where were they at talking about this stuff it's it's the cool thing to do on one side they don't care if you think jeff passing this bothers him you're at your freaking mind you're out your mind it's funny like little things like that it's it's hilarious and i'll be honest i told francis this beforehand my article at kevin kernan put ny news further up on the map i had a lot of former baseball players reach out to me a lot of them reach out to me companies actually reach out to me and thank us for what we're doing because we're keeping things real we're saying what's on our mind we're not holding back we're not saying well i want to go with the flow here or i'm going to make a whole video talking about how i have a native american friend who finds the chop the tomahawk chop offensive i mean it's it's crazy that you know everything's offensive everything's offensive and it's well if i look for me and my fiance were thomas the other i said babe if i if i look to be offended i could look to be offended i could find something to be i could go into an italian restaurant and i could see every italian restaurant has the little fat guy statue with the big mustache holding the tomatoes i don't i don't think that should be in there that offends me because not all italians are fat and cook hey when is the uh the attack to cancel them gonna start it's never gonna start you know why because people like the five dollar pizza pies that's right and you think italian's got a problem with it it's like first of all most italians i know are like that that's won't eat it that's not even pizza yeah we wouldn't eat that i mean you know that's an embarrassment they didn't even use the name caesar but you know what let him have it or whatever but it's like that's what i'm saying it's like if you look for something to be offended by chances are you're gonna find it in today's world you're gonna find it i'm not saying that people don't have the right to be offended by things because i would never say that i don't like telling people how to feel that's not my i'm right there with you i agree what i'm saying is i just i hear people telling me that this is like so offensive and people are angry about i'm like okay i hear you but the people who you say are offended like where they at like i want to talk to them i want to talk to them i don't want to hear from jeff passing like when did he become captain woke man like well that's what i said when did he become the righteous man of what is wrong and right he's on things lecturing a black man about how you talk about an asian guy then he's like he's like a guy to go to to be like oh well he has to teach us who is he who is jeff passing who is this guy a white a white cis male like apparently i don't get it listen to the if you listen to the groups that cancel everybody you are the devil jeff pastor you are a white cis male like i don't but it's like listen to be fair to be fair unfortunately the white liberal can get away with just about anything and they're the ones that are actually offended by it it's not it's not native it's not the majority of native americans i'm not saying you don't have a native american or two or a few that are probably like i i would i would like if they took it away but i guarantee you we are we are the braves new oh the braves a new team that haven't done this stuff i'm like this is all of a sudden new now because it's cool to do this and the left feels they have power over this stuff the woke mob they have power to do these type of things so okay i don't care if you're a liberal i don't care if you're great you could come on the show you could talk to me you could talk to us nobody's saying you know i i don't want you guys in here no that's cool being here i'm just sure me too i'm just saying what we're seeing here and some of you actually know because we actually dm politics back and forth and all that but i keep that stuff out but when it's when it's coming into baseball yeah we're gonna talk about it you know what i mean we're gonna we're gonna definitely talk about it then i've had plenty of people reach out to me a lot of former ball players reach out after the interview like i appreciate how realistic you are they went through some of the other videos and were like they like that you know we don't center on this little wokeness and analytics and all this and i'm not comparing analytics and wokeness to be one but i'm just saying that there's a lot of things that people have strong opinions about and they want to follow along in the trend we are trendsetters we're going to do our own thing simple as that there's a there is a point to be made about analytics and wokeness kind of walking hand in hand but i'm not i'm not going to put that beer i'm not going to poke that beer today i'm just saying like it's an interesting correlation another another show down the line we could definitely definitely talk about but we want to start off with an interesting comment from a former rival talking about our new york yankees david big poppy ortiz let me read it off to you now francis i'm letting you take over immediately on this one so let me read this for you guys here it is on the screen you guys can see it with me there's big poppy right there looking dapper i must say he says they don't need more players by the way this is on his concerns about the yankees lack of new chemistry they don't need more players they need new chemistry they got the talent but the chemistry comes from the talent if you have no chemistry you can have the best talent and you're not going to win so francis i turn it over to you then i will give you my two cents on that one on the man right there and and the words he said about chemistry in the new york yankees yes sir first things first shout out big papi man dominican legend so always shout out to big papi um i don't forgive you for any transgressions that you you know commit against my new york yankees but as long as it was against anyone else hey shouts out to you um i would want to start out by saying poppy's 100 spot on um this is not something that we haven't spoken about already ad nauseam we've spoken about this and we may have been we may have been one of very few people speaking about this and i try to listen to a lot of other guys stuff because i'm just a yankee fan and it was up to me i'll i'd spend 24 7 just consuming yankees content so i listened to a lot of you guys and i remember hearing you guys saying it as much as we were saying that there was clearly something wrong in this clubhouse like and this year it was obvious but we even said that this probably hasn't been just this year thing like it's been a while that there's just been something off with this clubhouse there's a lot of weird personalities there's a lot of weird like awkward you know things there's corniness there's like it's weird stuff going on and then a couple you know a week ago or whatever like we get this article um bob clatt you know b-clap comes out with the article and you know puts out the thing with gardner and cole and then you know judge arguing with the with the yes execs about the camera following him after a strikeout and you know there was this shot at joey gallo getting dressed and you know a bunch of times or whatever and it's like okay that comes out but it's like okay now everybody's like oh wow this was going on like look this is what it is just functional it's like first of all there's probably a million more things that have way more than that way more than that that's what phil nevin decided to discuss with b-clap that date yeah but he got a lot more in his pocket he got some people shivering right now i'm sure it was probably there was probably a million more things to happen probably way worse things that happened than that like and then what dave and it makes with david ortiz that's what makes it spot on like you can see that there's not the cam there's not chemistry on this team right david ortiz some people might say well who is david ortiz to talk about the egg let me tell you who david ortiz is talking about the iges david ortiz was a chemistry guy he was probably the chemistry guy for years on the boston red sox okay that 2013 championship i mean he was the chemistry he was everything like that was he's actually the perfect person to speak about chemistry he knows what it looks like that's why he praises the red sox of today and cora the job that he does today because he looks at that dugout of those guys and he sees the chemistry there yeah you don't see that in the yankees dugout covering the wild card game live and we were saying yo what's going on man like they looked dead after two winnings everything's dead everything's quiet boone is picking his nose it's like what's happening what's going on this was after after the was it the bogart's homer right we all said it was like damn it's like a funeral in the dugout yeah the bulldogs homer in the bottom of the first they came up to bat top of the second and went down like clockwork and we were looking and we're like look at the dugout they're dead they're dead yeah chemistry chemistry like when do you see like a guy up at the plate or whatever and everybody at the top step start let's go jersey let's go whatever we don't see that no we don't see that we just don't see that and then and then when when they're in the clubhouse the stories that we get are like the stories that we just got from bob klapus now there's more than that is what i'm saying that that goes to show you that there's just a disconnect there's just a disconnect when somebody like when somebody like gardner doesn't know whether or not to play a prank with somebody and he has he takes a chance playing a prank on somebody who then reacts in a way that's like you know whatever but like i mean my stan you guys saw my twitter so you know my stance on whatever like i feel like okay this was whatever but when [ __ ] like that is happening and somebody like gardner like does this move because he wasn't 100 sure like yeah is this not going to do it's that kind of that's how you know the vibe is just off in the clubhouse because somebody who's been there should know like i could joke with this guy i shouldn't really joke with that guy this guy depends on the day like you should know that right away but because there is no vibe really in the clubhouse and nobody really knows what the hell is going on well this is how [ __ ] like this happens it's actually like this out and it shows up on the field it just shows up on the field you uh currently brought it up in the in uh the interview you did where uh torres doesn't run out you know uh past uh a well i guess a wild pitch strike three or a pass yeah and willits instead of like interacting with him or saying the web just puts his head down walks back to the dugout it just goes to show you why because that's that that was the vibe it's like it's like they're on a it's like they're on a job that they're just waiting for the paycheck to come friday they get here that's it they clock in clock out bounce it's the new york yankee factory that's what our that's that's what the clubhouse is that's what this team is it's the new york yankees factory and it's like these did it's not players it's factory workers everybody's working like an assembly line and it's like here whatever you know what i'm here to do i'm gonna do my job and you know you're gonna praise me or i'm not gonna do my job and like you're not gonna praise me but oh did they just tie it so lara went deep i didn't know i didn't see it i think swanson just went deep tie game yeah yeah dansby swanson home and fly by the right oh and now solaire just homered back to back oh shh back i went to the game the other night it was phenomenal you know you know you know if they win trump's taking credit for the w you know you know he should no let me stop that he's gonna go he's gonna go i went to the game the game was great one of the best games you ever seen they won because trump was there and there'll be heads exploding around the world you know thinking that the guy's not allowed to joke around or whatever but anyway look at this back-to-back home runs for america's team right now the atlanta braves up 3-2 six outs away from being three to one uh let me get let's get back to obviously where we were listen i was just my point was that look the the yankees have lost their swagger and this is something that goes back to siminetti source videos from probably last season right i remember a specific video where you were talking about the yankees not having a swagger to them right yep 100 yeah and that has carried that carried well into this year and it's the same thing but here's the thing you want to know whether you want you guys want to know where the swagger is swagger comes from swagger comes from having that chemistry that the yankees don't have like swagger is something that like you you admit it naturally when you're in a place that you're comfortable and you're like and you're like yo i feel good i could be myself i could bat flip i could do this i could do that but the yankees it's been awkward i mean you guys remember yeah judge walking down the the the hallway at fenway park with the new york new york on the speaker like a lot of you saw that we're like yeah i remember like i saw that and i was like i was kind of cringing because i was like after two games it's got balls man that's that's a risk i was like i don't know i think i think you i think you tweeted something similar to that like i did i did i didn't like it like the judge playing the music right so we've been on the same wavelength with this for a very long time that the yankees it's not that they don't have you know it's not that they don't try to have swagger they try but they fail it's awkward it's cringy it's crazy you know goes back to what david ortiz is saying yeah history these guys don't play well off each other like and i don't want to say everybody because i do want to give credit to some people like i think judge and john carlo have a really good thing going yeah yeah i think rizzo works very well for them 100 right apparently apparently the rumor is him and judge actually got very very close during the year so so they're saying that's the rumor right now that they're actually very they got very very close um and you could actually see it that's like with chemistry right you can actually see that him giancarlo and judd they would actually gather around with each other talk you could see them doing it they were you know active and and getting kind of crazy in the in the dugout but here's the thing about chemistry so let me um let me let me talk about chemistry real quick here and and how it happens right and i'm not in a dugout but i've asked these questions to a lot of people it starts with the manager it starts with the manager it really does chemistry starts with a magic because france like you said one thing right you said you know um guys don't know if you're supposed to maybe joke around with this guy or is this the best time to do it is the manager needs to judge those moments the manager needs to be involved in certain things like that they got to read their players well they got to know who's who they got to know what personalities like like they say right they got aaron boone because they feel like he'll just be one of the boys how does that work for chemistry how does that work for chemistry can you really go to one of your friends and be like hey that is no no that's not happening on my club you should know that take a seat i think that's the problem and i always reference it to um managing a a regular job a regular store if you're going out partying with your team every friday and saturday night let's just say one of the days all the time then your boss comes in is like you know none of you guys are doing nothing what's going on ah you know we'll be all right comes back two weeks late nothing has changed what's up these dudes performances in the trash can what are you doing i talk to them they'll be okay at some point you're gonna have to hold the manager in charge accountable for not doing his job because at the end of the day i think boone is not comfortable going after some of these players and i hope that god that changes kevin kernan said that that you know maybe now he'll see that i gotta be better i gotta hold these guys accountable a little more i can't be so relaxed with them they're allowed to do whatever they want maybe i maybe i do have to bench them or sit them down or really pull them aside and talk to them um things like that need to happen um but just when it comes to chemistry i mean it obviously yes it has a lot to do with town and we hear that you know we hear things like about brett gardner that he is a he's a prankster cece sabathia talked about in the past that he it's all about living things up i heard cece say that recently he's a good good guy in a clubhouse because he does that he's the guy that kind of gets guys pumped up he's the one they can go talk to so you know when you hear about things like this and you're like okay that's a little bit of story we don't know the full thing of what happened here we don't know what the mood in the clubhouse was because i've read that whole thing top to bottom i read it live and all that stuff on the thing and the way clappage does it he was trying to paint coal as the bad guy in the situation because when i read it i'm like yeah he's he's trying to paint him because he even goes he didn't say that gardner walked right up the coal he said he was parading around the clubhouse when cole got in his face he was like in front of all of his teams okay well he's in a clubhouse so i'm assuming the teammates are going to see was it there yeah and what did he do you know what was cole's reaction did cold jump over something and grab him by the shirt hey enough knock it off or did he just go brett knock it off like what are you doing yeah was it that what what was the reaction like was it in your face what was it exactly but even even with that being said it goes to the organization and and we gotta talk about this because you know everybody knows about the joey gallow the ticks and all that the weird the face he makes and something he's not able to control too easily but then you find out that he's one of these guys too that they lays his clothes out he puts one sock on at a time he puts his pants on he doesn't like the way he fits he takes everything off and does it again there's some people that are like that in life that's reality of life now here's my thing what are the yankees doing that maybe advanced scouting could have told them that hey look there are some quirks to this guy just a heads up because again before any of i'm not i'm not knocking the new age guys but maybe some of you don't know this this happens this is this is also a part of scout's jobs they actually get to learn about a player especially a player teams targeting they learn that background they learn who they are as a person they learn more than just what they do want to feel what numbers tell you they learn a little more so my question becomes were the yankees totally aware that maybe this is not the greatest fit for the person is there a reason why joey gala was like you know what yeah keep me on a team that's gonna lose for probably the next couple of years i'll stay here anybody ever does anybody just sit back and ask these questions and not just hype a guy up because he plays for the yankees i like joey gallo i'm willing to give him a year i don't think they look at i don't think they were they're they're honestly looking at these things um like chemistry and fit like that and i think you know current was 100 right with the points he made um and i've seen a couple people make a similar point like yeah like you know i don't know if they did a background check you know before they made this deal because i mean it would have been pretty easy to know like hey you know this guy's coming in with this or that um and i i worry like with a guy like gallo not so much a lot of the performance whatever because i think we know i think we we knew what gala was before he got here i think we reported on it when there were just rumors like oh yeah he said listen gallo is the three true outcomes guy right the uh walk strikeout home run right we said that that's who he is um so we knew we we at least us here at nyu we knew can i also just say this too we also all agree that he can't be the only move yeah i think and we said that wait yeah earlier we'd like we all said that yeah we said we said i said i wasn't one of those people like no don't get him then i was like go ahead get him but he can't be the only move yeah and he wasn't but what what i think with him is like what i what i worry is this that yeah i mean a guy like that obviously he he should have uh he should have support around him he should have people that he feels comfortable with whatever and i mean i mean yes odor was on the team but like odor wasn't even playing by the time gallow gets here so it's like is gallo out there with guys he feels comfortable with is he is he able to like talk to guys does he have a place that he can go like whatever like just decompress and like be himself or whatever like is he vibing with the clubhouse vibe like is he good with like i don't know i don't know i don't know what has to happen but david ortiz is 100 right when he says that it's not necessarily that they need new players because they need to bring in new talent and i think that's and i think i don't want people to misconstrue the quote because i don't understand this quote as david ortiz saying oh the yankees don't need to get new players i don't think that's what he's saying at all no i don't think so either they do need to get new players but it's not because they don't have enough talent yes they get new players because they need to bring talent in they need chemistry because they need to bring chemistry in yes that's right they didn't have enough talent and when he says that i agree i look at the team that they had not starting 2021 but at the end of 2021 say dj doesn't get injured right yeah and we've got dj going we've got gallo going we've got rizzo going we got judge we got stanton we got rochella in there uh glaber's in there unfortunately sanchez is in there uh and gardner's in there right i look at that and then i look at you know like the other teams here i mean look i mean look at look at look at the braves look at houston these guys get a lot more contact hits and timely hits than the yankees did at all all season well like in terms of like talent-wise or whatever it's like i mean there's there's situations where like you could argue that it almost evens out because of the amount of talent in one player like aaron judge stanton rizzo like there's a lot of freaking talent concentrated in those guys so it kind of now um with lineups like atlanta with lineups like houston it's spread across a little bit better and does have you know two huge stumpers in freaking altuve and correa uh bregman has kind of fallen off the brace could stay the same with a cuny and freeman but akunya's been down all year and look it's freeman freeman has hadley austin reilly really yeah but i feel like with atlanta it's been by committee right it's been by committee they figure it out they added smart pieces they had a good pieces too like a lot of people look people thought they were out right they were saying well atlanta's gone they're done so let's move on and they were like nah we're gonna add a few pieces see what we can do and they added some great ones look at rosario look at them look at jack peterson i mean come on i mean they've added a great amount of talent and and they knew the east was up in the air and there they could potentially what are they six outs away from being 3-1 up in a world series they could potentially win the world series this year it's an amazing accomplishment it would be it would be a huge accomplishment and i think what's important to notice is like yes when i say they do it by committee i think the most important thing to doing that is is the chemistry it is the chem yeah it is what i think david ortiz talks about when he says like this team is not lacking in talent the yankees are they've they've been for a couple years putting out you know talented teams on the field the team hasn't been playing to their talent and i think one of the culprits there you know aside from management because management is part of it and leadership is a huge part of it is chemistry though and i think it's something that yeah i agree with i don't think the yankees have had good chemistry in a long time yeah okay it goes to show you that you know having a spring training and man i every time i talk about this i was like man kernan really did drop some knowledge because i keep wanting to go back to what he said but um he had a country club the country club aspect doesn't always work and it doesn't always lead to chemistry he said something really important there that like i want people to understand he said and i know the yankee he's like i'm not saying that the yankees are the only ones doing right okay right he's right i want you guys to understand that i'm not saying that the yank when i say that i agree that it's true that the yankees run their spring training like a country club i'm not saying that as if they're the only ones who do it but here's my thing okay if the dodgers want to run their spring training in 2021 and in 2022 like a country club guess why i don't give a damn one i'm not a fan of the dodgers two they just want to ring in 2020. yep they just won yeah they've been winning their division like perennially for years okay if they want to start slowing work up to it hey that's their prerogative okay tampa bay was just in the world series last year you know i'm saying they were a playoff team again this year they won the division again this year okay like if they wanted to run it like a country club which i don't think they do but say that they did okay like you you got some recent i get it but for the new york yankees to be running their spring training like a country club like what what's their excuse what have we won we haven't won a damn thing nothing that championship ring is is more dusty than the freaking manager i don't know like what are we doing yeah like you shouldn't be running our spring training like a country club i don't care how many teams are doing it i don't care how many other teams are doing it my thing is the yankees should the yankees be doing that no not with where they are like you said you're right you're right not not with not with where they are right now what they're trying to accomplish that's the biggest problem here is that they're trying to accomplish winning but they're not changing any of the mindset the mentality none of that stuff to actually win and i like you're right you you made a good point on when you're talking about what ortiz said it's he's right he's not necessarily saying you got to get you know new players and you got to get chemistry you got to get new guys that bring a chemistry and a balance to this club and i think a lot of that has to do with leadership i'll continue to stay on that a lot of that and that not just aaron boone not just aaron boone a lot of that has to do with leadership in a clubhouse we don't know who that guy is we don't know who that guy we don't there's a lot of mystery in the yankee clubhouse that we've been asking all year we've been asking about it all yet the most chemistry we saw was at the end because it was anthony rizzo that's the most chemistry we saw and it was anthony rizzo we got we actually got evidence of that we got video seeing what he done we know he helped joey gallo out there's a lot of different things that brought him aaron judge now apparently has talked high about him and how well they actually um gel together so there there's a lot of this there's evidence there that a guy like that a guy like rizzo really helped out in the chemistry and he was a new face so he was a new face that came over and did that they just got to add they got to add more guys and what i hope they do is that they're able to use that scouting more because everything can't be based off numbers and folks this organization is doing everything based off numbers there is not no hiding about this no more this is fact this is just fact this team is doing everything by what the analytical nerds are telling them to do it's it's that's all there is to it brian cashman is a do all end-all he gets what he wants he's being told by people these are the moves to make he's seeing the body of work and the evidence of it and boom let's do it he's not he's not sitting back right now right and saying hey um let's just throw an example out there um uh jack peterson is actually known as a really good clubhouse guy he's a really really good clubhouse guy yeah but i think uh sterling marte is better for us that's what it would be they'll hand him a paper and go oh no brian look at this and look at it the body work okay and i'm not saying i'm not i'm not comparing the players guys so oh pete but he is not comparing that i'm just saying advanced scouts no people they know the player they know a lot more that there's a lot more to the story than what numbers tell you i know a lot of analytical people don't believe that but shocking to know people are people you know they're not me and francis is a number i'm not a number people are people if i was based off of uh what subscribers what based off how many people view us that's all worth that's not true that's not how it works not how life works in general you know what i mean they say you're as good you know you're only as good as your last whatever paycheck whatever it is what yeah amount of money you bring whatever it is uh year you had people are people and we got to get back to that humanness of the game that there are guys that maybe you take over somebody else that's a little more talented because they bring other things to the table they bring other things a question like i said like i told you guys when we were going back and forth on brett gardner the only reason gardner's still here is because he does something in the clubhouse they like that's obvious he's not here because he get hit he's not getting these deals because man he's just some amazing fourth outfielder now he's probably the fifth outfield if you really think about it maybe even further back than that if you really want to go into it you know he's not there because of playing a building he's there for leadership and that's the reason he's there because again they know that but they get a first-hand experience of that so my even with me with that whole thing it's like i don't like that i mean some people took it to the point of saying like oh you know gardner's a clubhouse cancer and that's why he's no come on no okay how's cancer that's clubhouse cancer is a little wild yeah you could be upset about the situation the incident i thought i thought i was i was like in this situation you know gardner's a [ __ ] in this situation or i was like i think i think he was a dick in that situation okay like i'm like garner's a dick like i saw that i was like like my stance was oh garner's a dick or i might not like that that was a [ __ ] move that was a [ __ ] clubhouse cancer though i don't know talking about in this one situation i think that was a dick move or a little bit of a [ __ ] move but for the grand scope of things i don't think i could call them a clubhouse cancer i don't know if the [ __ ] have had a clubhouse cancer did i remember you know like do people know what a clubhouse cancer actually is like well a lot of people felt like randy johnson was but even kearney's at kerner said he was actually really liked in the clubhouse yeah i mean but he wasn't he wasn't like some bad dude yeah clubhouse cancer they're not even here like randy johnson wasn't even here long enough to be a clubhouse cancer no you got to be here you got to be and you got to be a real [ __ ] to be a clubhouse kelly you got to be known as an [ __ ] and i don't think the yankees would keep somebody around like that like a lot of people even point to like when a-rod and judo was around that was never really an issue like the media wanted it to be an issue because it's a great story but it was never really anything that was bad like i said back in oh five i think it was they used to call a-rod [ __ ] tits he thought it was a joke yeah so he never got mad about it because he's like oh yeah that's whatever funny yeah so you know he thought it was a joke my thing about the cole situation was i don't necessarily again i go back to what i said we don't have enough evidence of what the actual situation was we weren't there wasn't enough evidence i read the story countless times i read it from top to bottom like i can't put a blame necessarily on somebody the one thing i will say is i want to see who gary cole is i don't know that person yet and i'm being honest maybe that's just my opinion but i told you before it is this year i'm going to get hard on cole cole needs to prove something because guys look we gotta also be realistic here yes he pitched pretty good after the spider attack but we don't know where his confidence sunk to we don't know the person what happened we don't know none of that we don't know that he didn't get so mad at guard or whatever i'm not even gonna say so mad because all he said was he got in his face i don't know what that looks like i don't know what his personality was and i don't know any of that and like i said i don't know i could make assumptions of what you know might have been in his mind maybe guilt i said about maybe guilt was part of it maybe he knows what he did maybe he knows he was better with spider attack people never and that's not saying nothing bad about him that's why i didn't like the that's why i said like in that situation like i think he's a dick move on gardeners probably because i'm like like cole knows what the [ __ ] he did like he's probably already like yeah man like i [ __ ] up now i'm [ __ ] struggling because i'm using this [ __ ] and i can't use this [ __ ] now so like yeah like i'm like i'm like if i'm on the outside looking in there i'm like even if he looks like he's doing good i'm not gonna make the joke why because i'm like listen it's pretty obvious this guy was using this [ __ ] now he's struggling and i don't know like i would imagine that he's not in the best head space right now because yeah that's just not fun when you go from being dominant as he was it's as shitty as he was because so that's what that was my whole i don't think i don't think like his intent was like now i'mma purposely mess with him no definitely not definitely i mean it was a thing like that no cole reacting the way that he reacted is something that's like yeah like no matter what could have been going on in that moment like if he reacted like in a way that shocked gardner it just goes to show like there's not really a vibe in that clubhouse where it's like you know what because i think if cole is in a place where he felt protected and supported or whatever that joke hits a lot different they agree i actually agree with that i agree with that joke that it's a joke but because he got so apprehensive and i said it in our group you're like i feel like it's common knowledge that cole's awkward or whatever at least it's been that i hope that's not let me let me just say this on that i hope that's not the case because the last thing you want is somebody and you could call you could say i'm wrong on this but awkwardness and not wanting to be joked with in new york you could consider that mentally weak because it's a tough place to be that person in especially when the yankees haven't lost one and on top of that when you accept that contract you're immediately a target people the media is waiting for you to fail they want to see it because they got a story so my whole thing on that like i i think um i asked current about like his personality and so that's when he brought up the guy in oakland that was his mentor and he and this brings up this kind of full circle right is there somebody in that clubhouse that can sit down and talk with him does he have that or is he just a man and that's not fair and i don't think so because i don't think he's like that matt blake has done a phenomenal job or whatever but matt blake is not going to be a mentor to gary cole right this is cece's about the is an advisor but like he's not traveling with the team he's not there we need like remember did you see the way that cece spoke about mike harkey the broken coat yes he had that relationship with hart yep i don't think paul has a relationship with hark i think i think cole needs someone like you know what i mean like obviously and this is not a shot to mike harkey i think mike harkey's you know probably doing a decent job at what he's doing i mean he's been here for quite a while now and he's got votes of confidence from a lot of the guys in the team right i don't like if he's not gonna if he's not that guy for coal i wouldn't be surprised like i don't like i feel like when i when cece said it it made so much sense why him and cc related like just about just him them talking about like the him talking about the backgrounds that they come from and things like that but i was like okay i get it but like who's that guy for garrett well i think that guy for garrett is currently sitting in the booth potentially potentially yeah it's it's cone what are you talking about yeah potentially he potentially could be yeah one of the things michael k was actually pretty early on was like you know saying like he's like listen i know for a fact you david and garrett would have a phenomenal conversation about pitching i remember that yep philosophy and everything he's like i would love to just be a fly on the wall listen to you guys talk you know shop and whatever and you know what i think he's right i listened to david cohn talk during the games and i'm just like you know some people some of you guys probably watch the game you're like it's good i like it but after a while like it gets to be a little too much for me whatever like i think cole would eat that [ __ ] up no definitely he would and like they said he's a um like kernan said you know kernan spoke to him multiple times and all that he actually asked people about his time in houston and he said flat out he's a very he's a student of the game he lo he really does he loves pitching and he wants to know how he gets better and all that i'm not knocking i'm not knocking matt blake here there's only so much a guy matt blake could do for garrett cole that should be real so like even kernan talked about this nicole though he said you know there's there's the best pitching coaches are mechanics and what he means about it you know you go you go drop your car off you get it fixed they don't say add maybe you gotta change the seats the colors of the seats that's kind of what the analytic side does and that's not knocking it it works sometimes it works blake's more of a guy that'll go to the mound and again i got information on this that this is accurate he's a sequence guy he's big in the sequences and we've seen this before guys then all of a sudden they drop a change up into the star and they're ready to go and a lot of pitch coach does that but they said he's very much a sequence guy you're doing this too much let me get you both on track this is the pitch that does wealth this is the one that this right hand it doesn't hit good against this is where you got to go there's certain guys the pitching coach that are mechanics like he brought up brett strom who's great at this he'll tell a guy no look i watched the video you got to get back more on the rubber you got to move more to the left on the rub what it's going to do is going to create this angle that angle blah blah blah blah and he fix his guy he could fix guys in a moment like that boom again no knock on matt blake who's pitching staff did terrific so i give him all the credit in the world okay what all all we're saying here is that maybe somebody else who has been there who has done that who has pitched in new york who knows what it's like when you struggle can sit back and have a conversation with cole somebody could really bounce these ideas off of and go hey garrett i get it you know i get it i i've been uh you don't even got to say that because i know you've been there i respect what you're saying because you've done it you're not talking [ __ ] you've been there and done that garrett needs that he had that he had that with the astros until his mentor passed away and then it was like all right now i'm kind of out here on his own and that's the same thing that if you remember on on the interview that kernan said about a guy robbie ray the pitching coach in toronto i forget his name right now but he's one of the best in baseball and he fixed robbie ray does robbie ray want to take that risk and leave that relationship and go to a place where maybe it's not the same thing maybe he doesn't have that mechanic maybe he doesn't have that guy that comes out the man goes robbie look you're my cat you're you're [ __ ] up again that's the wrong thing that's not how i told you back on the left side of the rubber yeah maybe he doesn't have he needs that maybe cole needs that i'm not saying again not saying there's anything wrong with the way cold pitchers are as mechanics but sometimes it helps clear your mind and ease your mind when you can talk to somebody who's been there and done that i think cole does cole does need somebody to talk to i don't think cole had a you know phenomenal relationship with catchers i mean i know he liked higgy but i think the thing with higgy is more like you're just not gary sanchez like you know what i mean like potentially yeah but i just think like the the love affair between him and hickey is not so much about hickey it's just like yeah like anybody but gary and that's another area where we don't have a manager and that's bad chemistry yeah no you guys have heard me say this because i know some people about people you said that he picks what he wants no no no no i've always said because the manager ain't gonna do [ __ ] about it i've always said it i said so it's gonna be cole's decision even kernin said they should be in a room together he should shut the door and say work this [ __ ] out work it out and that's it work it out no i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you right now though it's interesting in that situation in the beginning the whole personal capture thing i was like yeah i don't know that's kind of like cringy like i've never really been a big fan of like the personal catcher thing um but when your starting catcher is gary sanchez i mean i i guess i got to sympathize with it and maybe i i'm biased because when i did play baseball like yeah i was a pitcher and so i feel like yeah man like i don't know how how much i want to like you know really be working with a catcher who i feel like isn't the best for my stuff and i don't feel confident throwing the ball to him and it's like like if i go out there and i screw up a game i want it to be because i ain't have my best stuff today and i agree i i i agree with i agree what you're saying my my whole thing is did that conversation ever even happen because if you remember randy johnson randy johnson threw to passata it wasn't only one or two games he threw him a lot and then he was like flaherty i work better with i'm going with john i'm gonna work with john so i'm just saying it was kind of it was pretty damn quick with cole if i remember pretty well it wasn't it wasn't too many starts so i'm like were there ever amending was there ever a hey what's the issue with him hey gary here's what he thinks can we work this out i don't know we don't know if that ever happened you're just spot on with that this happened relatively early in cole's tenure with the yankees that's for sure um but again like i said i'm like these these are things that yeah if you if we're honest these things go back to chemistry and things like that because when you have chemistry with a guy of course this you're going to be willing to overlook certain things like i had a friend i had a friend who caught me um for winter the winter ball leagues when we were in between our high school season and um listen his name was kevin he was definitely not the best defensive catcher out there but i loved kevin why because he was he was funny and like he kept me calm on the mount like he kept me calm he was not very good defensive he was he was overweight he didn't really move well like and i knew that when i was throwing to him if i was gonna throw a curveball in the dirt it had to kind of be middle dirt because like i know it would bounce into him but if i was like on one side or the other it might get around them and if i got somebody on it's probably not gonna work and i knew this but i still like throwing to him why because like i said he was funny and he kept me calm and like he would do like quirky [ __ ] or whatever like if i was he would like and i'd be like oh look at this clown or whatever like that so i was willing to overlook some of the physical you know flaws because of the chemistry that we had but when there is no chemistry there to begin with you're not going to overlook matter yeah and that's i think i think i think that's the bigger point that needs to be made like did gary cole and gary sanchez like even really try to make that relationship work or was it just a thing where it's like no i think i'm gonna go with the backup guy and guy who was like hey i don't care yeah whatever and the other thing is too you know how much fighting was there for that job you know did is gary i know he's not comfortable sitting down in a wild card game or a game one but we've seen that that argument has been made and i keep saying it's gonna be up to coal it's just gonna be up the coal because there's nobody there trying to mend that but that's and again man i mean i hate tooting our own horn here but i've been right about boone for a while now for a long time i've been writing about but right about the clubhouse i've been writing about the chemistry in the field another great thing that that kernin brought up was the yankees don't do field and stuff a lot they don't they don't do it they're not out early he'd been a great place that ron washington would be out there seven in the morning he said a-rod jeter they'd be there at seven and he said they don't they weren't just starting their work has been in they said abraham a third of a third of the work a workout would be done by and he said jeter would have his routine he wouldn't go as hard as a-rod but he would have his routine in place and he wouldn't miss it like he said you know there was ron washington's one of the guys that they'll be out there doing fielding practice at seven in the morning you'll always see it you'll always hear it and even the other day that's why i retweeted i was like oh [ __ ] look current's point ron washington was out there it was pouring rain he's doing field in practice with the guys right on the side where it's not covered so i'm like i'm like the yankees don't do that and kern is like well no it's actually not common you know they don't they they haven't been a team that's been like we're gonna focus on this stuff and it shows in the season look at look at the braves right here's the in the the interesting thing about this is that you look at the braves and like defensively they're pretty freaking sound swanson's got a great glove at shortstop albie's is a really good second baseman and freddie freeman is a gold glove you know type first baseman like right right you know i mean these guys do they if they wanted to say like i don't really have to be out here doing these fielding drills or whatever they could probably they could probably get away with it if they wanted to yeah but the reason that they're as good as they are is because they're out there doing that that's right that's what they're out there doing and that to me is like how do the yankees see a team as defensively sound as the braves doing that every day and still think that the train wreck that we put out there defensively doesn't have to do it that's that to me is where the change of mentality needs to happen and it needs to happen fast because we need to have guys going out there doing infield drills it can't just be that they're doing in-field drills after they have a game with an excessive amount of errors no you should be doing that all the time you have to make winning habits you can't make you don't make a habit of know if we have a really bad game in one aspect then we'll work on it the next day no work on that [ __ ] all the time that's right work on one thing and moving runners over work on base money work on defense work on all that [ __ ] all the time it was the last game of the season the last game of the season and tampa bay was doing infield drills before the game at yankee stadium yep to me that was embarrassing as a yankee fan i think that's cersei it is embarrassing i'm gonna reiterate it the last game of the season the team that clinched the division eons ago and is playing today for absolutely nothing because they don't care like this means really nothing to them um yeah they'd like to beat us just because they enjoy beating the [ __ ] out of us but really means nothing to them in the grand scheme of like where their where their next steps are going as a team they're the ones who are out there doing fielding practice yeah while the team who needs this game to ensure their spot in a wild card game is in the dugout doing god knows what yeah it shows you a lot that's why i guess that's why i think all year i really got upset where a lot of yankee fans would argue back on the stuff with boone oh it's not as full as not hold on analytics team art isn't i don't think chiming in on the fielding practice these guys are doing i don't think they're saying guys the numbers show they don't need to do field i don't know i'm pretty sure that stuff's up to the manager to go out there and do get extra working and things like that and i mean maybe you know there's a lot of there's still a lot of change in these to happen and and you know we'll see how it goes yeah i mean the thing too with with the whole like being the player's guy and everything like that is one thing is like yeah i get it but it's isn't it easy to be the player's guy if you're not really pushing him yeah of course well that's what i'm talking about how do you be their boss their manager if you're best friends with them yeah how do you tell them what to do if you're so goody goody i'm i'm part of the team type of guy you can't do that there got to be a separation there got to be an understanding that i'm the manager i want a good relationship but when you don't play you don't play the way i expect you better believe i'm going to be on your ass yankees didn't have that and we better hope that boone learned his lesson because a lot of people are telling me maybe he will so i'll hold off and i'll wait on that and maybe he will but we'll see what happens right we'll see what happens but speaking of managers san diego got a new manager yes sir and it couldn't lead big old bobby melvin well she could have been a measure to yankees but bobby melvin is uh moving on to san diego and right now the rumor is that the oakland a's roster may open up to some more salary slashing yeah they got some ball plays over there no it's uh it's that's a that's an interesting situation i think the first thing to to say what i think and i said in our chat was i didn't realize you know melvin was even available where was the reporting on this but what happened what happened was uh he wasn't necessarily available but they did say like hey if you want if you want to go and you know interview for this padres job you will let you go yep and he went interviewed and the project wanted him and oakland let him go so it's not necessarily he was available but oakland let him go to go to the padres so that was interesting and i think what the what makes it so interesting is that i mean a team who is planning to contend next season doesn't get rid of a manager who was really good with them you know i mean bob melvin is not was not a part of i'm gonna i'm gonna use a cashmanism but it's actually gonna be true when i say it here uh bob melvin wasn't a part of the problem with oakland he was actually a part of the solution with oakland so them allowing him to go take the gig with the padres just to me is a sign that they're probably not uh they're probably planning on not contending for another year or two and they figured hey man this guy's done right by us the best the good the best thing we could do is do right by him and let him know hey look you know if you want to go on some different opportunity have a chance to win uh go ahead and take it because we're going to be going in a different direction the next year or two class act two class act by him because he was on the contract so class act by the by the oakland organization stand-up organization though no definitely i mean yes i know i know uh if you're an oakland fan you're probably not going to agree stand-up organization because you kind of want your team to go for it and i i i agree with you i think i think what i was saying a couple episodes ago when the whole olson stuff started i was like look i i'd love it but i was like the reason that i don't see it is because i was like oakland doesn't necessarily have to trade him i mean they were really in it all year this year and they fell out of contention in the last week like they could run it back i mean they got chris bassett back at the end of the year like yeah i was like running back let's see but i i i guess they don't see running it back in in 2022 i think they think it's prudent to try and move guys now when their value is at its peak and see if they can't make a run maybe three years from now four years from now well the you know the the main thing too that you gotta you gotta think about also is that every team lost money in the co over the year so you know that's one thing too and then you know for them right now they're probably like hey for us to compete we know it as holes we probably got to add a little bit more maybe there's a few guys we can add and they're probably sitting back thinking you know we only got two years left with our best guys and some guys only one year left yeah at this point is it best to maybe trade one or two of these guys with the multiple years left get the most we can out of them now save that money maybe move some other salary around and we start that process already it's kind of ugly because they gave them a great pitching prospect for marte but they went for it you know so i i don't really shut them out for that i want to give them a really good picture process for marte but it is what it is but um you know you look at it as the team and we were doing this before we went live but i pulled up a lot of their roster here you know they got elvis andrus of course who's making the most on the team 14.25 million he's gonna be a free agent um in 2023 so we got the one year left i could see them trying to move that if a team needs a short stop maybe putting some money out there but a lot of it's some of the top guys you know andrew schaefen is one jake diekmann uh matt chapman we talked about sean manaya we talked about matt olson chris bassett chris bassett's going to be a free agent next year's last year so olson has a couple of more years um chapman got a couple more years manaya last year's next year is last year next year's last year so i think they'll move a lot of guys now i know people kind of relate this back to the yankees who could be of interest a lot of them could be i mean chapman could be mania could be olson could be bassett could be all four of those guys fit the yankees i'll tell you right now um i know olson is the is the sexy move right that everybody's like really in um i think chapman is probably just uh just as sexy a move um i didn't want to say just as sexy because i know one of these guys a list of hot player thing oh god yeah we're talking about here with that uh shout out to him though and whoever you know likes that kind of thing but um i think chapman is a move that's just as interesting and i'll tell you why um we brought up i think just last episode the possibility of you know moving on from geo and and us being okay with it because you know geo struggled with being available right and i think we're not getting while we while geo does provide you know decent production at the third base spot the fact is he's not there as often as we'd like him to be and even when he is there he's not really thumping the way you're expecting to get the thumb out of the hot corner that's right so if you upgrade that to a matt chapman and then maybe instead of trading for olson you just resign rizzo and you're going to the year with rizzo man in first and chapman at third well that's pretty freaking good and you had to stop to that again gladores is to me a non-factor at that point when that's what your corners in the infield look like and your shortstop is getting upgraded too and yeah it's a lot but again it's not just that right you said there's a couple of guys they got pitching that the yankees could look at if they're you know actually really considering making you know serious changes i would love to add two starting pictures i think we talked about that we were joking about it right like man what if they did robbie ray minaj or robbie ray and bassett i'd do it i'd do it i would do it because look i and this is the thing about yankee van guys you can't compare what happened last year what's gonna happen next year because i hear people talk about well the pitcher was fine they're okay in 2021 the pitching was fine yeah you can't sit back and go the same guys are gonna do the same thing you can't do that you can't do that championship teams rarely if ever stand pack and rest on their laurels definitely championship teams and i was actually supposed to make this video but no definitely i'll i'll get to this uh to this video probably the next day or so i'm talking about how important this off season is and we talked about we see a lot of people talking about what their infield would look like and and we'll chat about that too but um you know this this offseason i keep bringing it up because i i really believe this i think this is a crossroads off season i really do i think this offseason is so overly important and it needs to have a spotlight on it and when moves aren't made it needs to be talked about telling you guys it needs to be talked about big time everybody's focused so much on who the big shortstop is we're gonna get who's the shortstop what are we doing here what about all the other moves that this team really doesn't need to make i mean and there's so many options i saw somebody today talk about um maybe they get a lesser shortstop but they upgrade pitching a lot okay okay maybe they add some role players that can really make a big difference maybe they make a trade that we don't expect you know maybe they do all that and you know somebody said somebody message me to say pete you should do a video about dj lemayo and it's just conundrum right now on the team where he fits in i said that could be a good idea but i mean i sit back and i think about it too and i'm like unfortunately the yankees got a tough call because let's be real here dj lemay is the best second baseman the team has yeah that's just fact and you could sit there and be like well gleber's younger he could be better he's cheaper i don't give a [ __ ] about that when it comes to the yankees i don't care about that he's not a better defensive second baseman and if you want to be the person that goes well dj lemay is failing and he's not good no more i'll give you the chance to be that guy but if diesel may come back next year and his 280 285 293 305 310 nobody's gonna be shocked everybody says oh you look at you they're gonna do the same [ __ ] as before so my whole thing is as cashman has hard decisions to make because you really got to decide who is best to move forward with if your team next year is a new and we talked about this already but it's a new shortstop same catch behind the plate hicks back in center field and all of a sudden maybe dj lemay who's your first baseman maybe he's your third baseman you're still not putting the best product on the field that's just facts he should be a second bit but i and i agree i agree with you 100 and i think my issue my issue here is is uh very simple like um i think kernan you know again bringing him up a lot because it was a great interview and he's spot on when he says cashman's ego has precluded us from making a lot of the deals that we've had to make and a lot of the moves that we've had to make for a long time that's right and you know it sucks i get it you know to i can't imagine you know being catherine and having to wear those shoes and get up there in front of millions of people and say like yeah you know i dropped the ball with this guy or you like or not even say it you know physically but make a move that kind of says like yeah you know i made a mistake here but um but you got to do that right and that's i think that's that's how you win championships that's how you do things one of the things that i liked about george the boss is that he made changes constantly and i think people think like oh no he but he never admitted he was wrong he would just put if he may if he brought a guy in and made a change a year two years in that's him admitting that it was wrong you're fired okay let me get another guy like that's that's how that kind of works and that's that's my only thing so i feel like with glaber we're at the situation where it's like yeah he's young yes yes there is potential there yes yes there's a lot of controllability left yes yes he's not making money yes but for me all of that is why i trade him right now while that still is a guarantee because what's not a guarantee is that he's going to get better next season just because we have him at second base what's not a guarantee is that he's ever going to hit the way he was hitting a couple years ago right not a guarantee that he does that as a yankee if you trade him somewhere else i would personally go out on a limb and say i think he's going to have a couple of really good freaking seasons yeah it wouldn't shock me at all if he's an all-star again i wouldn't be shocked i want to be shocked if he's and i'll start with the yankees yeah but my whole thing is doesn't make sense that's what i'm talking about right is that your sign how many more years five yeah yeah what are we gonna do what are we gonna do with them so i mean i go i get back to people saying before maybe cash shouldn't have made that no he should have made that that was the right call yeah because you're the yankees yeah so you got that luxury of saying if i sign a guy and they don't pan out okay at least you know we got money still we can still you can make as the yankees gm you are allowed those errors my beef with cashman is when you go out there and you give aaron hicks seven years when you usually do stuff like that like i talked about current a legitimate prospect who you want to hold on to for years to come yeah you you buy out the arbitration years you know arbitration gets expensive now you try to save money by buying out those ears and taking that risk on that guy long term aaron hicks is not a guy who takes a long time he did this with aaron hicks because he said oh man i traded for this guy look how good he is the analytics guys love the same he's excellent great i'm going to lock him up long term this was a steal and it wasn't this is a guy who can't stay on the field it was a steal all right aaron hicks stole from us yeah definitely and and i don't blame him i mean good good job aaron hicks good job you did a good job you made some money i think this is uh to kind of put a button on um the oakland stuff there's a lot of deals to be made there but um it boils down to what we've been saying the last couple of weeks will cashman and his team look to make those deals will they part with the necessary prospect capital that it will take to land one of the big names like uh chapman or olsen or manaya or about it like will will they you know will are they going to actually consider it or are they going to say you know no no we have to hold on to you know uh dominguez and and and volpe and peraza and don't get me wrong i agree a thousand percent of vulpit to me everybody else though let's talk i'm willing i'm wide open for anybody else anybody else is available i gotta i got a little i got a lot of love for luis medina when i saw him i was like yeah this dude was gonna be an animal i could see this guy being an absolute animal but i trade him i would trade them right but here's my thing and the reason that i trade them is not because i don't believe in these guys because i believe in them just as much as the next guy does when we had eli on and we're definitely going to do that again next season because that was a phenomenal podcast yeah um i but like i believe in all the guys that he's bringing up a hundred percent but here's my thing do they fit the window right now because make no mistake about it there is a current window and worse i'm not well i don't agree with the people saying oh the windows closer but i disagree with that but i do agree that the window is closing there it is it's definitely closing it is closing and these guys medina has always got there they're coming but maybe not quick enough for this particular window maybe we need to make moves for them because there are players who fit this particular window better than they do at this time when i say jason dominguez it's not because i don't think dominguez is going to be a beast i think he's going to be [ __ ] phenomenal but if he can get me a matt chapman or olson for right now oh yeah i gotta seriously consider it yep i definitely do that i don't know how you don't do that yep i don't know how you don't do that um oh the braves just won so they're up 3-1 on the beloved hey look at that look at that fam chop post that right now we chopping that baby up oh now let me stop jeff passing is crying right now somewhere we gotta go to a braves game next year bro definitely definitely definitely go to the bar no um so yeah i don't know let's see we'll see we'll see what catchment does maybe he surprises us who knows yeah we can and and you know one of the last things we'll do here before we wrap up is we'll talk about what our infield will look like yeah what our infield would look like and go from there um i actually been writing down um what i like the yankee team to look like and i tell you you guys are going to be like pete how the hell do you do that one of the positions i have a tough time with is shortstop you would think that's like insane like how the hell do you have a problem with sure like isn't that the easiest one to fill there's so many options though because well because i'm putting my money elsewhere and people might be like damn pete i i don't know about that bro i don't know i'm still going towards pitching so let if you don't mind i'll start with mine and then you start with yours maybe you'll give me an idea shortstop but i don't have it i don't have a guy right now that i'm so sold on and on top of it i'm also thinking of it as a business almost and i don't know if i'm dishing out 300 plus million for these guys i don't know and again we're the yankees i get it trust me everybody i would i would buy everything up i agree with that mindset i don't know if some of these guys are worth that money that's my issue i don't seeger should not get 300 plus he's been too injured to get that money so if that's what the real asking price is and if that's guaranteed anyway let me get to what i'm saying first baseman i resigned anthony rizzo i think he's too important to the team i think he's too important my second baseman is dj lemayo my third baseman you ready for this friend this is gonna make your offseason right here jose ramirez and you want to know how i'm getting them okay everybody what's your trade well i don't have a trade right now but jason dominguez is there louise volpe is on a pedestal volpe's not going anywhere i think volpe is going to be an abs everybody that's all everybody believes this kid's going to be a star i think it's that's too hard of one is this a generational talent from what you're hearing leave them and the mindset this is the best part about him everybody says he's a winner he he doesn't he's not happy with how a season went he wants to be better i'm not moving off from that type of guy i'm keeping that type of guy here yeah jason dominguez they they want dominguez they want louise heal they want two other lower guys they want glaibotoras bye jose ramirez is what this team needs desperately box office desperately which hitting third baseman good glove good arm character carrick there you go that's the one that we missed we think of numbers he's a character been there done that the best thing about see it's going to be crazy it's going to be so crazy now but the best thing about ramirez is what he does for like our young up-and-coming hispanic players right of course he is a guy that a lot of these young guys listen to they look up who they like to be around it's like that is i love i love that move i love them i think one of the big problems now is that we didn't have a guy like that for labor tourists or like other guy but continue my bad no no you're good you're good i'm basically wrapped up there but there was you know some of the other names i i you could always look at and and say well maybe that'll work well is because you're looking to free ages and i'm if the yankees are you know with this mindset of what i did here they also signed robbie ray so they got money going okay they got money going elsewhere so when i look at shortstops now i'm thinking okay well what could be one of the best moves they can make who's out there who's available for us a small thing and you know you sit back and you think well maybe story takes a cheaper deal i i don't know that so i'm just going off of what my mind may say here maybe i look at a little more defense jose iglesias stop gap type guy hits pretty well pretty good defender i don't know you know you pick and choose there i don't go back to dd i've seen some people bring that up i don't go back to the oh by the way and i'll let you you you take over so that's my thing that let me let me i'll tell you guys something about masahiro tanaka that i actually heard about recently rizzo dj shortstop i don't know jose ramirez that's what i'm doing and and i'm sorry that i don't know the shortstop but basically what i'm saying on the short stop is i'd find somebody good it's not gonna be your your your stars and people could probably say dampi how do you pass up on this pool i'm putting my money towards i always feel pitching's enough and i think if you add jose ramirez you get a healthy uh lemay you you do other things in the outfit which the yankees wouldn't do but i change up center field definitely and i change up catcher also so you got some differences there whether it's tucker barnhart people like uh jacob stalins who just won a fielding bible award for the best defensive catcher anybody wants to raise their hand on how much we need that anybody out there people get stuck on gary sanchez hits you 20 homers i don't give a poop i don't give a poot the yankees need somebody the pitcher staff goes yeah this is my guy he steals strikes he does everything jacob stalin and yankees always trade with them get me jacob stalin that'll be my whole infield i'll throw catcher in it too jacob stalin's i trade for first baseman rizzo second baseman dj third baseman jose ramirez you just completely got better defensively and you made your batting order better too so that's where i am let me ask you this right um if i can complete your infield for you without adding anybody just saying say they do all that and they just say you know we're gonna we're gonna give the kid a shot peraza he's he's on the right he's on the roster already i would love it even more i would love that we didn't trade him let him let him man it for a little while until volpe's ready and then maybe we'll we'll build some trade value up more friend and we'll move him in a trade down the line but this year we'll give the kid a shot at short well it will remind you of jeter right they had veterans around them they didn't have other rookies yeah so think about that you're the shortstop you're coming to be like wow that's a big position for the yankees to your right is jose ramirez to your left is dj lemayo yeah and you got rizzo at first and rizzo's gonna come to your running back bro catch the ball that's it like you did with the door just throw it okay if it's anywhere near me trust me i'm going to give you a good shot of making that play but friends i'm there with that there you go listen um all right so i had i had a i had a similar thought but in the interest of like given a different look i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go to like my my close second right mike um my original thought was i was like listen say they don't get one of the big shortstops because of the deals that they can make in trades in terms of like getting a first baseman like olsen or maybe getting a third baseman like chapman or whatever so here's what i did um i'm gonna say it might be a little bit less realistic because we are banking on chapman on on cashman making deals for obviously i'm already chapman or whatever but we're banking on him making some pretty serious deals here but here's what i go with one i trade glade rotorus and i don't trade i'm not saying i'm gonna i'm getting a blockbuster thing back for him i don't know maybe i trade him in the deal for chapman or maybe we trade him somewhere else but i move glebert torres and i make dj our full-time second baseman for the same reason that you said he's our best defensive second baseman on the roster there's no why are we playing footsies and playing [ __ ] games here like yeah he's the best put the best there yep um i already said third base i like dealing for chapman i know olson is the guy everybody's talking about and everything like that i like dealing for chapman at third base because now we're moving on from geo right we're grading well we're probably getting back maybe some low-level prospect mid-level prospect maybe we're getting back on a bullpen arm i'd love to trade rp and get a strong opinion on because i feel like geo will get you a pretty decent bulb in arm who maybe has really great peripheral stats but hasn't had the results yet a la clay home can i can i throw you can i throw you some names yeah for him there is a deal that i think about often and a team that i think about i know that um they are gonna likely try to uh the texas rangers for an example are are are gonna try to put this thing in the fast motion everybody expects them to have a big offseason they got some good young guys coming up they got some pretty decent players coming up there but a lot of people expect them to maybe make some some pretty strong moves there's a guy on the team that we seen the yankees face if they can get him i will love it this there's one big guy in the bullpen josh spores i don't know if you remember josh spores yes he throws am i correct yes yes he looked terrific perfect game yep he throws very hard 69 k's and 59 innings but again you know he's he's young he has all the potential in the world he's a guy right now that they i'm i don't believe they feel like this is the next closer i'm pretty sure they probably deal them but those are the things that i'm looking at let's say for a geo or shelter like you know yeah well geo at third we got them for a few more years that's already a big guy there maybe we signed story got a really nice left side of your infield to show to your fans you got um you know you got a good center fielder still the offense could really come around and be tight if you get some pitching you might shock a few people this year so maybe it's one of those things like that where you can do that uh taylor hearn is another guy who's another lefty you could start and and come out the pen so i just wanted to throw it at that because you know people sometimes say that oh well you know or shell has been injured or shelley got value our sherlock got bounced back and people like him because he's a good character he's a good per you could tell people like him because he's a good guy he's a great character um i mean i think what was kernan saying that he was the one that was out there like working out taking him him and uh dj lemay you know he was doing backhand plays everywhere yeah like this is like that that's good i think geo definitely has value even with like the injury questions and things like that decent glove at third um the bat has come along since you know coming to the yankees really come in to insult his own i think there's value there so i'd like to move on from him now and upgrade because i think that we as the yankees should be getting more from the hot corner um so i like making i like going and dealing for uh for chapman um whatever it takes um i think i don't know you know how much it's gonna take but yeah your dominguez is probably gonna be in there to start and you're gonna have to go in there maybe with one of the two pitchers there and heel or medina or you know schmidt has some value but i don't know if it's enough i mean yeah when you pair them with dominguez it does up the ante but i don't know um but it's gonna hurt that's one thing i'm not gonna lie to you guys if you are gonna make a deal for a guy like chapman it's gotta hurt it's gotta hurt something yeah so that i have no you know i have no illusions that that a deal like that won't hurt but that's the deal that i want so so far i got dji second base i got chapman at third base i'm gonna go first base i resign anthony rizzo i like the relationship that he built with judge i think he fits really freaking well this lineup i think he was doing phenomenal until he caught covert and then battling back from covid i think he got back to maybe 75 80 percent of himself but i don't think he got back 100 to himself i was gonna say i could attest i can definitely attest to it yeah i had coveted and let me tell you guys even after i was told i'm negative and i'm into work they said i don't know if this is a normal thing but the doctor said you're in a recovery mode now i'm like okay all right look whatever that means he's like yeah he's like it'll take a while to build things up to right now i'm going back weeks right i still am working on getting my full respiratory back when i do a hard cardio that is like building back up still and there was a time where i told you about this when my body gets tired very very quickly which i never had i'm a muscle ache type tired so knowing that some people get things a certain way maybe rizzo had those same type of effects i know the boxer tyson fury um if you guys follow fighting at all he had coveted before his deante wilder three fight and his dad said he was actually worried about it because tyson fury runs like 10 miles every day they were three miles in and he couldn't breathe so he's like how are you gonna go step in the ring with this monster and fight this guy again when you can't breathe you got to move the day back and say no i'm going to do it but anthony rizzo could have had a major effect from covid he could have had a major effect from coven i think he came back i think he was you know more or less there but i feel like we saw the effect we saw some errors like you know things like that like weird things that i was just like yeah i don't think he's 100 i don't think he says so i'd like to bring him back resign them i don't think it's going to cost ridiculous amount um i do i would like it to not be anything north of four or five years but who knows um if the money's cheap then i they probably extend it who knows but i like to bring rizzo back so so far i have djs second chapman at third rhythm who's the shortstop who's the show something you go for you guys already know i would absolutely positively love carlos correa on the new york yankees don't think it's going to happen for a lot of reasons so he's not the shortstop i went with um i went with seeger and i will tell you why i went with seeger i know that everything came out with the 300 million and everything like that and i'm like okay i get it he's a boris kind of whatever okay got it but there's gonna be you know there's good there's a lot of competition out there with shortstops this year right baez is a free agent also we already said corey is a free agent trevor story's a free agent uh simeon is a free agent where it is wants to go back to shortstop um there's there's not this free then you got lower level guys like your dd's and uh who could be free agents or i'm like i might be messing that up like indeed he got one more year and um over there but you guys you're like i said you're iglesias you're simmons you guys out there justin simmons like you got it's a pretty crowded field and here's what i'm saying i think correa is going to get 300 million plus but outside of that i don't know a hundred percent like in my heart of hearts that corey seeger is going to get 300 million i don't think so either to be honest i think that was put out so that it could be like a barometer saying like that's what we want or it could be a team maybe a team jumps to that number immediately possible that you know what i mean it could be one of those things like a field that okay well you know he'll probably want that so maybe we do it exactly you never know you put that feeler out there because like yeah maybe like we'll get a team that says hey we really want this kid we don't want to [ __ ] around we'll just on the first talk we'll say all right yeah we're willing to go 300 million 10 years like let's do it um but i'm going to say that yeah i'm going to say we get them right in my id in my perfect world i'm the gm i signed seeger but it's not it's not 300 million it's it's not cheap i'm not saying i'm going to get them for freaking 200 200 million 220 but i i feel like if i'm i'm signing them i find i find a way where it works to maybe get them at anywhere from 265 to 285 which i know is only 15 down from 300 million but on the other side of 300 million there's something about that number that i feel the way about so yeah even 285 i'm okay with yeah because seeker is young enough and i think it's possible who knows like we did get really healthy years from judge and stanton this year maybe there's something the cressier approach could do for seeger who knows let me tell you why the reason i go see her is actually not just a play for 2022 and chapman and all this stuff so i'll explain it to you it's because right now that's my infield for 2022. two years later chapman is a free agent i let him walk i move seeger to third and volpe takes over at short and we don't miss a beat in my infield i didn't say catcher who i would like to go for catcher so i'll put out my options i'm 100 in line with you with jacob stallings but i'm going to give a different name just to beat off say i'd go tucker barnhart one or another name that i don't know if anybody's if we've talked about before i also like the kid from arizona carson kelly i don't know how of course in kelly but i don't know if you i don't know if they're going to move him um yeah i don't again i don't i don't know how realistic i said that i said that the other time he would probably be one of my number one choices to go after if they remove him so carson kelly definitely would be my guy bring him up but tucker barhart i think is realistic um yeah definitely you think he's realistic so i would say i would go out and get him but if i could get carson kelly i'd love carson kelly um but yeah like you said jason jacob stallings would be good i mean let's see um but i think that i think the number one thing to note there is that gary sanchez is not my catcher for opening day next year that's that's not what i would do um but yeah that's what that's my plan that's my infield dj at second uh rizzo back at first i signed seeger um the big flashy name but i also trade for chapman which is a big blockbuster trade and two years later i think i'm set up to move on the man third base i let chapman walk but then volpe comes up and takes over a short stop yeah and i feel we'll miss a beat that's how we do it makes sense so that's yours mine again would be we both agree with rizzo or first base we'll be get agree at dj at second base then i'd have peraza at short uh you gave me the idea i like that idea and i'd have third base would be jose ramirez and catcher would be my man jacob stalin's um i think that will make the yankees really better i think there'll be a much better team um for both of those both of what we said both options so you guys let us know let us know in the comments below what you guys think about both of our options let us know what your options would be also something different yeah you guys might be something different so yeah let's start a conversation down there in the in the in the chat and then also in the comments section about what your guys uh what what you would do with the infield and what those trades would look like we kind of got into that a little bit what our trades would look like so um with all that being said i mean that's where we are that's what we think um i think we covered just about everything today that we have to cover uh there'll obviously be a lot more coming we obviously have big things coming up uh winter meetings and all that fun stuff um we're not 100 certain if we'll have an episode next week but guys stay tuned we'll let you know if we don't if we do um not that anything is planned but if there's you know slow news maybe it's not the best time to do it we do other things maybe other videos and stuff like that to cover some things up but again guys if you have not watched the interview with kevin kern and take some time out of your day and do that it's really informative not because of me all because of kevin kevin's extremely knowledgeable so hearing him talk was really fun i know a lot of times i was kind of like man this guy i love that he aligns with a lot of what team ny news says because he's been around for so long and he knows so many people in a new york hall of fame so i mean it's pretty damn awesome uh definitely check that one out guys it's an affirmation when you hear a guy like kevin kernan get up there and start saying some of the things that that you say and that we've been saying because it's like i mean this guy knows baseball i mean 100 no doubt about it the interview i've watched the interview three times now um what obviously to support my the channel and my team but also just because it's a really enjoyable interview it's one of the it's one of the better interviews i've i've watched this year i'm not just saying that because it it was my guy pete doing it with no i think me said it but a lot of people said that what i look for in an interview like that was one of the more enjoyable ones because the talk the baseball talk all of that that was everything i look for and like i feel like look man like to hear him echo some of the things that we've been saying about like how this team just isn't prepared how they're not doing the right things and stuff like that or whatever and i don't think he killed uh boone i know he did it he was honest about him but i like him he said he's a nice guy he said the night he said i know everybody says it because i'm gonna say it he's a really nice guy i know him i know his dad i know his brother i know that whatever but he said he lost respect for what i said hey you know what listen i'm indifferent that they brought him back i think because i figured i had to i resigned myself to it after the wildcard game because i said you know pete's right they're probably going to bring him back anyway so i was like screw it they'll bring him back whatever but to hear current say like yeah but i mean i lost respect for well i was like that's literally was my feel like when he was resigned it's like yeah like i'm not gonna freaking burn down yankee stadium because they resigned boone but i'm not also i'm not gonna also sit here and say like i respect them and it's the same i'm feeling that i have when they sign them the first time like did you did you notice did you like how i had to try to get in and ask current and about the bully thing i can't help it you said you said i've been i've been saying it and to everybody i interviewed because i just can't get over it i can't get over it but curtin made a great point what are you saying and he said you you said it you told us he said you can't be passive aggressive he said that's my thing there if you have something go say it to the young don't say it don't go crying to the media that was a good point yep that was it that was a great point when he said that yeah that was a great freaking point and i think that's what it is like yeah we joke about it or whatever because in the day it was a grown man saying he got bullied by an umpire which is absolutely nuts it's egregious and we shouldn't accept that [ __ ] as fans but we had to yep right aside from that what kernin says is like bro why do that in the post game presser of course do it out there on the feet you're getting anyway that's right now just just go do it like go what's that he's like boom did it once remember that one time he's like that's what the real threw for like a little bit and then we haven't seen that guy and i was like [ __ ] he's right yeah he's right i love the savages in the box ring yeah me too what happened i felt you know i felt it was like a downfall towards not not that moment but as long as it went on it was like are you going to hold these people accountable now right like i don't know but i mean yeah that's right but you're 100 right i mean that was the boon that's the boom we need and like i said i have never once said i disliked the person i have never said that i said he drives me mad i can't stand when i see him because like kernan said you can't even watch his post games anymore you can't watch him because you sit there like okay yeah same [ __ ] let's go next thing you know what he's gonna you know what he's gonna say so he doesn't like being called a puppet but he is but he is there's no way of going around he's a puppet he is i mean again and i think i said this before on one of our last episodes like i don't know i'm 50 50 on the puppet thing either he's i'm 50 that he's a puppet or he really truly agrees with everything that cashman is saying the reason that i have to lean actually is probably like 70 30. he's a puppet because he comes from a family that knows too much baseball for him to really be that one and two he's made to me now there's no denying he's just happy to be the yankee manager when you leave your friends to decide and throw your friends to the dirt because you just want to keep that same position look if that was like okay for an example like you said earlier right somebody comes to us and oh we talked about this offline but they're like hey somebody brings this podcast over to a bigger network early and we're like maybe we'll accept it and they're like okay well we have all ownership of it and one day we go like now we don't want to we're not going to talk about this so well we'll scrap that like now actually no you guys are going to talk about it because now we control that's what we want you talking about and they're like well um and like let's say for example you go well then we're both leaving yeah and i'm like and some people might be like oh don't talk for me i think i want to believe that we'll be like yeah yeah fair we're both we're both bouncing we're not going to do this thing like this if we all that stuff happens no if my friend goes then i'm going to go too like we're going to have each other's back on this thing this man knew nevin was gone then he goes to the media's like well if i knew that was going to happen and i don't know you knew you knew and those are the things that make me lean like yeah this dude really has no control he's a puppet he he's there just to do one or two things and that's it and i'm telling you my dad told me my dad said it a while back he said pete watch his post games he reads he has notes i said i said that too this year i was like you literally see him reading the notes he's reading notes you could tell he's and he can say all his numbers no there's buzzwords and phrases that they want him to say yes yeah so anyway we can rant on this all night and talk about this all night but um anyway guys francis i'm gonna throw it over to you before i say that last thing one thing that came out and it really disproves what cashman said he said that if they would have let boone go he would have been the number one manager on the market but i think all that stuff about him going to san diego i think if they would let boone go boom would still be out of a job right now unless he took them out hey you gonna say he could either take the mets job or oakland i could see oakland maybe coming to a guy like him you get the young guys up running through him maybe boone wouldn't accept it i don't know but baby the whole thing about him automatically going to the padres if they had a shot at melvin and it was between melvin and boom they go melvin i don't think i agree i i don't i don't believe that was ever really again i talked to kernel about this i said it right you heard me i said it's all they were fluffing them up they were fluffing this dude up like it's the greatest move to make in the planet so like i said they were selling themselves on it it's cool no doubt about it it's cool it is what it is we know we know what we're getting we know what to expect as of right now it's up to them to change the perception that's right that's right but the designated spinners don't got to change our perception because we've been consistent all year coming with that fire coming with these episodes fire interviews come on man kernan that interview you got that where at ny news and that's what's coming more and more and more it's going to be coming out of your ears in january guys all types of news there's more there's already so much more i mean there's a there's a hell of a lot lined up there's a hell of a lot lined up but i don't think the tagline will ever change oh no the next episode is the best episode yeah i already know hey you guys already know we will never come whack on a designated spinners track thank you montel jordan did i say montel jordan again no no michael jordan that's it yeah mata williams willie montel williams montana william i'll tell jordan i always give credit i got to get rid of the mantel jordan on that one that's a classic line anyway in a classic song so guys let us know again in the comments below if you are not subscribed subscribe now we are pushing making a run towards 6k that is the goal so you guys know i'm gonna give you guys a heads up by january we're looking to have 6 000 in here and then of course we'll build build bill but guys you know there is no better spot for new york yankee news so guys again in the comment section below let us know what you think about those lineups uh i mean those infield of alignments we had let us know what your guys would be let us know what trades you will make how that would look like and we'll have a conversation in the comments below so until next time talk to you guys later i really really really wanna

31 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Rumor: Tanaka Wants To Return To Yankees? @SimonettiSource

28 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Kevin Kernan @AMBS_Kernan Interview W/ @SimonettiSource Yankees and Analytics, Boone, Cashman, Predictions & More

25 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Anthony Rizzo Wants To Return To The Yankees @Simonettisource

25 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

New Article Paints Gerrit Cole As A BIG BABY

25 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Gardner Cole Incident, @Simonettisource Thoughts...


21 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Yankees Hunting For New Shortstop, @_NYYNEWS Felix Pick. + Who The Yankees Should Trade

19 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon


19 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

. @SimonettiSource Case On Why Gary Sanchez Should Not Return

18 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Designated Spittaz: Yanks Shake Up The Staff, Who To Sign? @1FrancisLee @SimonettiSource


15 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

The Yin To Aaron Boone's Yang... #Stopit @Simonettisource


14 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Nevin and Thames, SEE-YAH! @SimonettiSource

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10 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Yankees Interested in Matt Olson, Eric Chavez On Coaching Staff: Rumors @SimonettiSource

09 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Carlos Correa, Luis Castillo, Matt Olson, Justin Verlander. @_NYYNEWS Discussing JAM PACKED Hot Stove


yo new york fans yet again it is felix from like always welcome yankees fans is that time of the year congratulations to the atlanta braves i know i'm late but um i haven't uploaded a video since they won the world series and it's amazing they want it without utilizing a whole bunch of players that they don't for an example like johan carmago who is a sleeper might i add a switch hitter third baseman utility infielder that the braves barely utilize and they did it without acuna either so congratulations to the atlanta braves it doesn't matter well it doesn't matter how many games you win in the regular season but it matters when you get hot and get on a roll the braves certainly proved that and so did the uh washington nationals in 2019 so again it's that time of the year again the hot stove that time of the year where yankees fans in particular are on the edge of their seats waiting for the yankees to act like the yankees and you know sign everybody and their mother if you ask me that's what's going to happen you have a whole bunch of disgruntled fans out there and what better way to make a splash and let's say sign a carlos correa i don't think the yankees are going to sign seeger i think they're going to sign correa to be honest with you guys yes uh seeger is a left-handed bat but carlos correa has the numbers when it counts his post season numbers are incredible and uh the houston astros uh insulted him i mean you know 30 million dollars per year but the years weren't there it's not that insulting when we're talking about money and we're just regular people not making that kind of money but it's pretty insulting when you offer a guy in like calls correa that kind of contract after what he did for your franchise you could call him like a franchise player as well so uh yeah uh carl's career is not resigning with the astros also for an example you got guys in the minor leagues like volpe peraza waiting for their shot volpe has a lot of uh fans out there rightfully so he's been performing he's basically the best uh farmhand that the yankees have and if you sign a guy like uh calls correa he has the body frame to move over to third base and again you guys know that i would love the idea of carlos correa on his team i've been saying it for over three years now when it was the unpopular thing to say and plus i like it even more because it triggers these um screw correct he's a cheater i don't want him on my team he bit the yankees by cheating you know it triggers those kinds of fans but um you know the astros have reached the world series over and over again after that scandal so and carlos correa's numbers are still there when it counts the postseason and you could say he's a semi uh all-star in the regular season i'm not saying they didn't cheat but obviously carlos correa's numbers weren't that affected that much you know like his arm his defense that guy has a cannon for an arm he's just clutch he has the uh the attitude of a player that i want on this specific team see i've been complaining a lot that this team is soft they need a boater like carlos correa simple as that so moving along there's talk out there that the yankees or i haven't heard this specifically that the yankees would be interested in signing a verlander you see back in 2017 i took a lot of flank when it came to the yankees training for sunny gray or the uh talk that they wanted to trade for sunny grey was between vern lander and gray and a whole bunch of people are pushing sunny gray to the bronx even the new big newspapers i'll give credit to the yes network they were actually pushing for a justin berlander but some long story put short i told my boy pete i said hey the team that trains for vern lander they're going to be your 2017 world series champions and bam it happened i was 100 pushing for the yankees to trade for verlander but if you ask me today do i like to see verlander as a yankee i would have to tell you no you see this is going to rum some people the wrong way but i'm going to be 100 real the 2022 season is going to be an experiment for garrett cole as we saw his numbers get wacky after uh sticky substances being banned there's been talk in the past that justin bernlander is that same kind of picture that he needs help with the grip gripping the baseball so i would not like a 39 38 year old joining the yankees when i know he's that same kind of picture and i'm not trying to bash garrett cole i'm not just trying to experiment with two guys and knowing that justin verlander is an all-star type picture imagine if he implosion in new york this guy's just going to get destroyed so yeah in 2021 and juan used felix is now passing on justin rolander after being a fanboy of his back in 2017. moving along luis castillo and i'm going to tell you this i'm going to take credit for sparking that rumor that got so big that the rest gm had to come out and say uh luis castillo is not on a trade market i'll take credit for that i've made numerous videos about louise castillo but he's another one he had a weird finish as well he finished about one eight and 16 or something like that but his numbers were somewhat there was he another picture affected by the sticky substance ban who knows there's a lot of talk that it's going to be added or whatever taken out of the negotiations the cba where they're going to put a better grip on the baseball i don't know but it seems to me these uh power pictures you know curveball pictures were basically destroyed by uh this band so who knows if they uh allow these pictures to somewhat get a better grip on the baseball with these negotiations we we don't even know if there's going to be a season in 2022 who knows but if you ask me if luis castillo's out there i've made plenty of videos about him i always wanted him as a yankee but something tells me that brian cashman is not that smart and he's going to pass on him hey maybe he could prove me wrong but brian cashman his credibility with me has gone down the drain for obvious reasons and when i say me i mean mostly the yankees fans out there yes luis castillo is available confirmed by the reds themselves let's see now moving along to the first base situation do you resign rizzo do you make a trade with the half linux for an olson or do you move dj la mayhew who's going to be a yankee for seasons to come do you move him to first base permanently you see here's my take i had this opinion a few weeks ago you trade glamour torres you make that train with the oakland a's you sign the calls correa and boom that's your uh 2022 infield uh matt austin dj lemay who at second base carlos correa at shortstop and geo urchella at third it's that simple play dj lemay here in his natural position you have a chip and taurus you could basically include them in the package for any player out there and you know matt austin would fit perfectly in the bronx that swing would dominate in the bronx and he's on the trade market so yeah i would do it uh nice knowing you glabor wrapping this up here's the time here's the players that i wouldn't like the yankees to obtain just wrapping it up from what i was saying earlier matt olson carlos correa and maybe a luis castillo all these players one of these players you get via free agency two of these players to get retreat and oh yeah i just reminded myself of this that luis rojas the former manager of the mets is potentially going to join the new york yankees as a third base coach or whatever and a lot of yankees fans hated that idea or hate that idea why it is a positive in my opinion bringing in a dominican coach are these guys forgetting about tony pena luis rojas comes from a baseball family do you guys forget who his father is so hell yeah i like that idea bring him over here he's going to help a lot of latin players on this ball club i'm not saying the yankees don't have latino coaches like mendoza but this guy there's a whole bunch of dominicans playing for you guys so yes make it happen it's close to happening but yes make it happen i know there's a lot of players that are left out if you guys want to uh leave your opinions we have a new segment called ny news mic pass and the information to submit your audio was left on there hey if you guys disagree with me or need to chime in some more send me your audios so again leave your opinions in the comment section below and like always this has been felix from share like and subscribe and i will check you out next time friends

09 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Yanks Watch Verlander, Castillo Available, Ray Gets QO @SimonettiSource


what is going on everybody pete simonetti here for ny news guys starting pitching has not been a major topic of conversation really among a lot of yankee fans um there's a lot of yankee fans out there who want them to add but there are some who are kind of in that mold right now that last year we pitched well so you know maybe we invest elsewhere guys i have always been very very big on adding to your rotation look it's cute some guys did well last year right you don't know if that's gonna happen again you want arms arms arms that's what this video is about today talking about some of the news and the rumors of what is going on out there the first one being we'll jump right into it justin verlander is working out um at creasy's spot who eric creasy as he knows with the new york yankees one of the main reasons why the yankees got kluber they kind of got the quick heads up on it and all signs point that verlander looked absolutely terrific in his showcase throwing mid 90s still uh he's going to be 39 years old so i mean where we are right now i don't know how i personally feel about verlander i think he gets more than just a one-year deal i think he gets a two or three-year deal to be honest um or a year in an option but i think maybe a year in an option maybe it but i expect him to get a two-year deal and is that best for the yankees i know you know the tigers are involved there's going to be teams involved there with a lot of teams there to watch verlander pitch so for me you know i wouldn't be against it against it now if you guys remember when the astros got verlander the yankees got sunny grey back in the day i always give my boy felix credit cause felix told me pete whoever gets justin verlander is winning the world series and he told me he says sunny gray's not gonna be good here i was all for sonny gray i thought it was a terrific deal we know how that went i even think felix himself is not as comfortable with verlander right now than he even was back then i mean we were talking about multiple years ago but as a back end guy and that's kind of maybe what you get him for and kind of depend and see where he's at if you have that luxury if you go all pitching maybe and then you make some trades for the offense maybe that's something you do maybe that's something you do but um for me as of right now i'd be okay with it but i wouldn't be jumping up and down to go get this guy he wouldn't be my primary target he's something more on the back end the numbers look right you go for it but for now let's move on to the next guy luis castillo this is one that the yankees have been connected to before a rumor got so out of hand that the gm i think was was it last year the year before had to come out and be like yeah he's not being traded like calm down everybody this is a fake rumor but um it got so like crazy out of hand that this could happen and he just came out like yeah shut up drop drop the mic it's over this is not this is not happening um but luis castillo's another very very good talent got off to a rough start pitched really really well i think he pitched under a three era for like the remainder of the second half maybe even a little before the second half uh started so he has been terrific we know who this guy is it's gonna take a pretty decent haul to get a guy like luis castillo i believe he's a free agent after 2023 so you got two full seasons with him this is the type of move that you know a team like the yankees look to make they want to make moves like this you got some control he's not too expensive yet and you go from there he could be a legitimate ace he could be a one two three wherever you want him in there yankees have a chance now i personally believe to have a top three that is terrific and i'll tell you what i think it's gonna be what i hope it's gonna be and we'll go from there but that rumor came out because cincinnati is looking to shed salary and they've basically opened up the field and say look we'll deal any of these guys including luis castillo will move this guy if it's a deal if the deal is right for us and it looks good we will not be concerned to make this move so again luis castillo's on the table you're probably looking at multiple top prospects in this deal if that deal were to happen and the yankees take that route rumor is there's already teams you know reaching out seeing what it's going to look like what that deal could take the yankees have the prospects there's no doubt about that they got the players of the major league roster to that you know cincinnati may have some interest in they do trade with each other so that's a familiar thing if you guys watch the conversation with kevin kernan the one thing about brian cashman if you see him make trades a lot of times is with the same teams and general managers that he's comfortable with so he has worked with cincinnati before so maybe there's something there you never know um i would be all for i would love this deal um i would deal um you know again i tell you guys all the time i'm not a big fan of of trade scenarios and what that might look like and using a trade calculator and blah blah blah kind of just let it roll but i would be very very interested in going after luis castillo no doubt about it i would be 100 on them next guy as you guys know information i put out today i was told that al cy young i'm going to say it right now the a.l cy young winner robbie ray is looking for 20 plus million a season so a lot of predictions out there have them at four or five years guys i tell you what if you guys have been regular followers of this channel there's two pictures that i'm interested in that only cost money that i have been speaking about probably for four five years now on youtube and the guys who have been with me from way back in the day you could confirm this the yankees have tried to trade for robbie ray multiple times i was actually leading on those fronts two different times when they did try to trade for robbie right he held him back because of clint frazier and a few others so they've tried to trade for robbie ray brian cashman really likes him the other guy that i will talk about after this the yankees have also tried to trade for in the past and they do like him so it's potentially you know something could happen there but robbie ray guys i'm all over um the potential was always there i see people comparing andrew heaty heen dog which i hope i'll never have to say anymore because he's with the dodgers he's on an eight million dollar deal with the dodgers god bless you andrew heaney for getting that after what you did with the yankees god bless you god is good let me tell you um andrew heaney yeah he he's away so he's not an option for the yankees thank you lord that's our blessing his blessing is the 8 million our blessing is that he has no shot pitching for the yankees next year uh never rule out the future um but andrew heaney is gone but there's a lot of comparisons maybe that he's the next robbie ray and this and that guys i understand he's a lefty he strikes batters out and that's kind of it that's kind of the end of the comparison personality wise that nowhere near the same if you guys remember when heaney got here i told you guys i got a message from a friend he sent me the message and he said this is from a 20-year scout with the angels i said it right there i said it live flat out he doesn't have the stomach to pitch in new york he's not going to be able to handle it it's not going to be good it's not just by knowing him it's not gonna be good and it turned out not to be good i don't know if it was nerves i don't know if it was just bad pitching i don't know what it was but that was the early word i put that i put that information out there and his performance wasn't good we know that but to compare him to robbie ran like hold the horses a little bit i mean the comparisons really stop at that you know what i mean they're lefty they strike guys out and they're they were a little wild in their career that's that's it that's that's really it personality-wise they're different guys robby ray is a bulldog robbie ray is in the mulders roger clemens pedro martinez type this guy is a bull dog more so maybe than garrett cole robbie ray will throw at you robby ray is not scared he's not backing down so a couple of disclaimers though why i want robbie reagan to yankees one he's a bulldog as i already just said because i really think the yankees need more of that edge on this team they're too soft they're too soft i'ma just keep it real they're too soft they got the softest manager in the league you know what i mean he got them eating unicornios daily they're soft these guys throw up rainbows at the end of the day that's soft so when you look at the yankees adding a guy like robbie ray now you have two horses up top are bulldog types they're two horses up top that are workhorse they go out there and they give you some minute that strike you to hell out if the yankees and robbie ray they got a top two that could strike out 500 guys in a season that's a possibility they could potentially have one of the greatest strikeout rotations of all time bringing robbie wright also he's pitching the a at least also take him away from the very quickly rising toronto blue jays three he's pitching all the ballparks into the division we know that he's pitched in big games you know what i mean the negative to robbie ray let me just say this real quickly for the yankee fans and any fan out there who's gonna you know expect the same season as last year it's very possible but if he pitches to a mid-three era i still want him i still want the reason i say that is he's always gonna give up home runs it's the same reason why i got like guys like cole give them homers guys that work off of fastball excuse me guys that work off of fastball they give up homers because again they work off a fastball pretty straight hard but pretty straight guys hit it but robbie ray really really changed he really developed so much and a lot of that a lot of that really goes to the work and the dedication put in by the toronto blue jays so you got to give the blue jays a lot of credit the one thing that pete walker did who is the pitching coach for the toronto blue jays he figured something out with robbie or robbie ray if he's wild he's effectively wild and he's not walking to ballpark as he did in arizona he's effectively wild enough where he could just dominate through lineups because that's all robbie ray ever needed was to bring those walk totals down just a little bit the guy has the best k-9 ratio in major league baseball history get this man i cannot say it enough the personality the attitude it is worth the risk there's people out there that'll probably say pete don't you expect them to be worse yeah maybe maybe but that is a risk i am willing to take on a guy like robbie ray because if robbie ray i have no concerns on pitching new york by the way none whatsoever guys ice in his veins i have no concern about robbie ray pitching in new york he's not scared he's not going to back down if robbie ray could pitch to a mid 3 era 3.65 3.7 it's still a really good deal but i think he's even better than that i think robbie wright could even be better than what he was last year i don't think it's a fluke season do i expect his numbers to get much better no can i see him averaging out around that maybe low three high two that would be tremendous but this is the potential this kid has so you kid this is the potential this guy has so at the end of the day if you're the yankees you're gonna put money just cash towards something if there's a starter robby ray's your guy for me robbie ray's your guy a lot of people are throwing other names out there they're talking about hey p what about clayton kershaw um all these other names of guys that are available one of the other free agents that i know for a fact the yankees have interest in and they've had interest in is colorado rocky's pitcher john gray the yankees have an interest in him in the past i've reported on all that of the yankees being involved in john gray he turned down a deal i think it was three or four years for about 11 to 12 million a season with the rockies i still expect the same i think honestly at this point john greg was like just get me the hell out of colorado i i feel like that was the big thing for john gray he's probably like at this point just get me out of colorado enough was enough they have done such a bad job for really their fan base in the organization overall they have just done a terrible terrible job of of really working out guys leaving this organization they never traded trevor story as you guys are they didn't trade john great they thought they could resign them and as of right now it looks like that's not gonna happen they've just done a really poor job um of what they what they're doing with this team now a lot of people are gonna see john gray and they're gonna look immediately at his erase and say pete hold on buddy i can hear it you know 2016 461 2017 3.67 2018 fi uh 5.12 3.84 nineteen six i only only pitched eight games in 2020 the cove of the year six point six ninety array and then last year uh four point five nine era 29 games started and they're gonna immediately just sit there and say pete what are you thinking why can't do this no no no no no we can't do it well there's a lot of good signs um from robbie i'm not robbie rex from john gray last year first of all his feeling independent pitching throughout his career is way better than his era so his career era is 4.59 his career fielding independent pitching is 3.91 i don't know how much that has to do um with who robbie i like robbie ray i can't help it who john gray is but pitching in colorado isn't cute it's not the best thing in the world that you want to do as a starting pitcher and he's done a fairly decent job but a couple of good things last year's hits per nine were right about his best of his career so wasn't allowing as many hits home runs still around the same he didn't you know jump up with that walks were a little bit up walks were a little bit up but his strikeouts were really good 9.5 per nine it's another strikeout guy throughout his career there's been some injuries nothing too much you're looking at a guy's likely gonna give 150 plus year after year and he's pitched if not more than that there's only really the covert year we won't even count so there's only one full year that he didn't go over 150 innings that's going back to 2017 through 110 but then 172 150 last year 149 i count that as 150. who cares what's the difference so for me guys i i said it already i'm pretty sure you guys have probably heard me talk about this i am all for i am all for the new york yankees adding two starting pitchers you guys have seen me make my infield a lot of it is based off of trade and i go that route i believe this offense could be filled via trade i am not against signing a shortstop i would be all for it i'd be all for it but but i oh i really feel like pitching is so important then you get a guy like jacob stallings behind that plate that could really work with these guys sit back and enjoy sit back and enjoy so for me i look at a guy like robbie right no doubt about it you have a top two top three right there let's just say for the hell of it of garrett cole robbie ray and potentially a full and healthy louis severina that is nasty you could even take sevy out that picture right and you could just say we got cole and rey back to back two finalists for the cy young rey is gonna win it in my opinion i can't see how he doesn't but that's nasty it's about as nasty as it gets and i'm seeing what it takes to get a guy like john gray because again look you got james and ty on who's gonna miss some time jordan montgomery has shown himself to be a legitimate starting pitcher have him in the back end but let's have another veteran back there too let's not depend on the young horses let's not depend on the young guys imagine a nice rotation to start the year of coal rey sevi gray and monty or monty gray flip it however you want and then guess what you have when taion comes back a little thing i love to talk about team competition you want a pitch okay gotta do better somebody struggling the rotation no problem i'll take you out a couple of starts i love team competition i feel the yankees don't do that enough but give these guys whoever they get give them a good catcher you guys saw what jacob stalin's done pretty sure he saw my tweets guy has no past balls he doesn't allow he doesn't allow it this is what the yankees need so you guys are gonna do me a favor in the comment section below you are gonna let me know what you think the yankee rotation could be would you go after justin verlander would you go after louise castillo what would that trade look like would you go after robbie ray would you go after john gray is there another name out there did some of you want andrew heen doghini dog might as well get out of my system i'm not gonna be doing it thank the lord again i will not be doing that a lot so guys again for ny news one second i forgot we are closing in on 5 500 subscribers guys get your friends family members whoever you know that is a new york yankee fan to subscribe to the channel this is where everything is going to go down in january right here do not miss it so guys again get your friends to sign up we have a goal here that by january 1st we are trying to hit 6 000 subscribers we are about 509 subscribers away so not far away at all and you guys are gonna be the ones that will make it happen so again greatly appreciate you guys comments below make sure you tell us who would you want what would you offer how much what trade you will make what would your rotation look like again pizza manetti for ny news i will talk to you guys again next time i really really really wanna

07 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Designated Spittaz: Yanks Make Roster Moves, Correa Teases Fans @1FrancisLee @SimonettiSource


we designated spitters live every week live designated homie cause we spit heat we designated splitters friends sis and pete yeah talking yankee baseball hip hop on the streets yup we designated yup we innovative yup we designated spit it's time that you know we designated yup we innovative yup we designated bitters let's start the show well everybody what is going on the new york yankees are already off to some move some deals have been made when not really deals have been made but the roster is clearing itself out for a little bit anyway with introductions do i do we do we even have to introduce ourselves anymore you guys know us come on yeah you already know who it is man stop stop messing around go follow one at one francis lee would you yo shout out to i got another 12 followers this week it's been a good week we gained close to 400. i feel like larry david i was about to i was about to pull a curb your enthusiasm man remember that episode when um he was playing bingo and uh with all the old people and every time he went he just go bingo bingo he kept winning yeah they got so mad those old people oh man they got hot they got he's cheating they got hot man they got hotter poor larry but yeah man the yankees um making some moves um clearing up some roster space we got uh squid is sent back to the ocean so he's swimming around out there now with the angels rob brantley was sent to triple a he elects free agency timmy low timmy low uh recovering from the acl is heading over to boston and then the last one who's the last one i'm missing what am i missing timmy low who the hell am i missing i know i'm missing somebody timmy low timmy low square rob brantley brantley and there's one more greg allen greg allen how did i miss greg allen look at that greg allen our good friend fy everybody i'm on medication all right that's good let me let everybody know ahead of time in case i fall asleep on the mic any minute you guys already know that um but that is the four that is on the way out yankee fans i gotta keep it real with you it's like almost many of us especially in the twitter world of things want to be upset about something because timmy lowe is probably in his heart feeling unbelievable love because a lot of you cats wanted dude to be the starter shortstop and a lot of you cats were really heartbroken you mean squid you mean squid you said you said tilo see i'm out of it squid oh quick you guys want a squid if they wanted tilo that's a problem they they wanted squid to beat a starting shortstop on this club on our yankees yes and they were very upset that squid was gone quite a few people greg allen too greg allen got some love people were very upset about greg allen also yeah people were people were uh not shockingly i mean greg allen did his thing when he was up here but i i hate to sound like insensitive but i was just like bro they didn't even let them stay up and on top of that too let's be real where are they gonna play they didn't let them play on last year's roster somebody's raising a hand right now be like pete you know there is shortstop's open short source is open shortstop is open but i could have used squid it didn't open for him i had no offense no no no offense to squid love to the kid new york kid definitely you know congratulations bro you live in the freaking dream and you lived the dream you started for the new york yankees in a wild card game and he got and he got a story for ever he could never he may never if he never played in the major leagues ever again my man has a story that you know yeah bronx native plays for the homers at yankee stadium come on man yeah this kid's a new york legend for life now let's say he doesn't have to do anything like that's it like but basically look guys if you're looking at the first let me get this music queued up because some of y'all were really you guys are really sentimental so i just want to i just want to make sure i know that we we want to make sure today you know that we sharing our feelings we understand it's hard to say goodbye to squid we get it okay timmy lo castro we understand timmy low come on rob brantley come on how could you say goodbye to rob brantley i mean jesus brian what were you thinking and greg allen he's gonna go and join park remember that remember he was all crying about park not pete he knew better i was crying about park i know it's sad it's sad all right guys oh yeah you want to but i'm ju yeah if that went about another minute they would take us they'd take us right now i had to start talking to my arm being like man come back no no no no no no no no come back listen i'm telling y'all i'm telling y'all look if anything we should we shouldn't be that upset about this why because moves had to be made the roster needed to be cleared up because we have prospects who need to be protected before the rule five draft so a lot of guys i'm really excited about too man um aldo cabrera one of them yeah ever since who's coming off a great season another one coming off a great season like we would have been upset if those guys weren't protected yeah if you guys if you guys missed oh my god he hit him with a i'm sorry i'm watching a ufc fight cheeto vera just hit him with a front kick right to the mouth and knocked him out cole um but if you guys did not see my live when i talked about that i talked about a lot of those rule five guys that are eligible you know even this smaller guys um uh steven writings is is you know gonna get picked up by somebody if the yankees don't put them on a roster if they don't oh hell yeah 100 miles an hour i mean anybody would throw them in a pen and try him out his stuff is disgusting there's a lot of guys there's a lot of guys there i talked about oswaldo cabrera who could could be a utility guide i could play all over the field for the yankees now everson pierre is another guy um who was right there so they they have a lot of guys they need to add squid no disrespect like you said to squid to allen to brantley to bret we'll talk about brett to all these guys who are not there right now yeah you got to add these other guys that that's the talent this team is looking forward to moving and and and that that's what it is right now that's the gist of the story i see some people talk about oh pete is this um you know is this meaning that a big move is coming no it's not right now all right yeah guys it's rosters i think it's not so let's uh share some knowledge with some of the you know our fans because we want you guys to be educated because like you know we we we're yankee fans just like you so if they're yankee fans out there uneducated going out there making some crazy outlandish takes regarding moves like this it makes the whole fan base look bad so i'm gonna give you we're gonna give you guys a real quick crash course on what's happening here you gotta protect top prospects from rule five drafts because if not they can get picked up by another team if they're unprotected and meaning they're not on your 40-man roster garrett lock exactly garrett whitlock perfect example we chose not to protect him boston chose to grab him he became an elite reliever this season so do you we don't want that to happen with our prospects who are rule 5 eligible allah everson pereira allah oswald like you can't have these guys get picked up by another team when we still have plans for them steven writings who's a guy like we just said throws 100 has nasty stuff do you want do you want tampa bay able to just pick him up and have him killing us for the next three four five years like right no so we have to some people are have to be you know released in order for that to happen so that's what these moves are now these moves are not the moves that preclude signing the big shortstop or a starting pitcher or whatever no first of all it's november so no big moves happen in november anymore this is not 90s baseball like december is even early for big moves these days i mean look at how slow free agency has moved the last two years obviously kovit had a lot to do with that the other year but free agency has been moving seriously so i mean how how long do we know that gary cole was signing with the yankees everybody thought it knew it was almost a foregone conclusion right and they did but it look at how long it took you know what i mean look at how long it took to even get him in the building i think the meeting was not even until like december something that was late it was late yeah guys these moves these moves aren't going to happen right now especially this year with a player that could potentially be a shut a shutout or shutdown exactly exactly the most important thing to keep uh you know present in our minds as fans this year is that as of december 1st there is no uh collective bargaining agreement between the owners and the players the first thing that needs to happen before any of the big chips fall is the collective bargaining agreement so you can kiss seeing carlos correa sign or robbie ray or seeger or story or and simeon any of those guys you can kiss seeing them sign goodbye until there's a cba they're not signing anything until there's a cba right because those contracts are way too important for the players association for them to have them sign before they know what the parameters of the new deal are going to be it's not in their best interest the only thing we might see and this is a maybe a big if is maybe you get someone accept the qualifying offer which is due by this sunday or something like that right because if they know like i'm not gonna get like i thought it was interesting right the mess extended noah syndergaard a qualifying offer right mm-hmm i think i thought that i think that's a really interesting case right noah syndergaard coming off a year where he didn't pitch pretty much he's coming off injury and right now his value is really really really skewed right so the let's offer him the qualifying offer which is worth 18 almost it's like 18 almost 19 million which is basically around the neighborhood of 20 million dollars for a year if you're noah syndergaard you're gonna take a long hard look at that that's 20 million dollars right that you can get go pitch well for a year and then go into free agency as one of the top starting pitchers next year or you could say nope i'm gonna test it anyway this year even though i didn't play or pitch this year i think i'm going to be able to get a deal with more years and more total money on the end take that gamble but now the team who science is going to have to give up a pick on top of signing you as a risk right right so right that's the only thing that you might see a guy like him decide quickly and say you know what nope i'm going to take the qualifying offer i'm you know i'm comfortable here it's a show me deal i'll just accept it right now here in november no need to play it out but any big moves aren't going to happen anytime soon so these roster moves for the yankees have no no bearing on what's going to happen at first base shortstop centerfield catcher the only thing that now catcher is an interesting one right because gary sanchez has to be tended a contract by a specific date in december i think it's somewhere near the first week of december but i couldn't it's coming up i think it's like the fourth it's coming up for some reason i want to say the fourth okay so then it's it's early in this it's early in december and he needs to be tended a contract by then along with everyone else who you know needs to be tendered right or all the other non-tender questions that we have right uh clint frazier and duhar like there's a couple non-tender questions on the yankees that's going to be interesting to watch because regardless of what the cba is the yankees are going to need to make those decisions on whether they're keeping these guys and paying them or non-tendering them and seeing what happens so it's december 1st december 1st all right so so it's the same day so basically that's the deadline for non-tendering yes so that that's basically the time where um the mlb non-tender deadline that's when you basically after that you'll see a lot of guys out of the free agency so it's typically early so this is telling me it's the it's december 1st is the deadline so basically so basically what we're seeing is that the yankees have a couple weeks to you know get together and make these decisions on what's what's going to happen with guys like andujar frazier and gary sanchez um because these decisions need to be made frasier to me to me and i mean you know we'll talk about all these guys i know we're on catcher but i think frasier i mean i i non-tender frasier to be honest at this point i'm 100 i'm 100 with you i understand you know what people well what what if you can't you can't work of what ifs you really can we got to stop doing that as a franchise and the yankees do that too much you know we do this oh well maybe this or if this happens if that no no we we need some short bets here we need some we need some guys who we have an idea and i know nothing's ever for you know you don't ever take anything for granted you don't know if a guy's going to come here be the same guy you know if a guy's not going to get injured or anything can happen we know that but this team definitely needs some sure things on it and you know whatever whatever whatever it could have been for for uh clint frazier we have no idea what position he would have played even if they bring him back let's say what is he doing yeah is he on a major league roster is he is he brett gardner not a fourth outfielder but but again again they got hicks yeah they got hicks they you know who's gonna be the fourth outfield now we don't know these questions yet the big the big story to me that's gonna really tell you what the yankees off season is gonna look like it's catching her everybody knows this already the yankees they both you know declined options and whatnot gardner's a free agent we know that now doesn't i i see a lot of people already jumping into the celebrations hey brett garner's gone which is kind of [ __ ] up if you ask me but it is what it is i get it i get you don't want it back the guy's been a terrific yankee he's a role model for players the guy's never i don't think i've ever seen him not run a ball out you guys defend no you guys defend gary sanchez and what do you defend brett gardner which is pretty upsetting to be honest gary sanchez and global tourism and glebe torres when you got a guy guard a yale case towards the end of his career you could beat him up now but don't sit there and look at somebody in the face and be like you know i'm happy he's gone the man busted his ass all the time so you can't knock him on a lot of different things but um don't count your chickens before they hatch gardy can still be back and francis i agree with you so you guys hear me saying it right here brett gardner should not be back it's time to move on it's time to move on i love brooklyn i like brett gardner it is time to move on no doubt about it and gary's moves got to move on fam you got him got him no no so i'm i'm with you a hundred percent and i think those i agree that those moves like here's what i want to say right now we have no indication right other than what insiders are reporting that the yankees are going to do this and do that and they've done it before and nothing has happened but they've they've done it before i mean it happened with corbin it happened with so many i mean bryce harper there's so many we can delicious oh off season we were supposed to load up remember yeah we were supposed to yeah exactly and do you remember how long it took for those guys to sign so guys very long time like straight buckle up stay with us buckle up it's gonna be a while trust me yep um because i mean think about it if the cva negotiate if there's a way that they can figure this out and there's not a lockout after december 1st but all signs point to a lockout on december 1st yep so if that happens what what really throws a wrench in things is that the lockout happens they will meet probably for the first couple of weeks of december and then everything shuts down for the holidays you got christmas new year or whatever so they i wonder how to what the meetings would even work though well there's still trades that happen so that's they won't they won't they won't even do it right if there's a lockout the owners don't do they don't not the owners they don't do winter meetings they won't do none of that okay none of that so it's like everything everything gets delayed not that the winter meetings really has been a hub for deals these passcodes no no no they're just they're just like uh it's like a it's like fantastic at this point you know what it's like it's like one of those damn um conventions yeah exactly that's what it feels like a convention you go exactly it's becoming like a thing where it's like it's it's fan service like you go there you're gonna see you're going to see your team's broadcasters you're going to see your team's gm you might see an owner you might see a player or two it's but not like a top-tier player it's like going to be like a regular lower level guy who's like meeting with somebody at the winter meetings looking for a job a [ __ ] like that but big deals or big trades haven't gone down at the winter meetings in years so i mean it's crazy that like the cva is looming and like you don't really see much movement be like about the fact that they're gonna lose the winter meetings because they don't really care to be honest right because and i think the advent of this has really thrown everything up like cell phones really throws like everything to a different place where you don't have to be in front of people you don't have to like be at a landline having these conversations like everybody's on the phone they're texting about deals now like they're on whatsapp they're wrong so it is what it is but the most important thing for us this is this is me talking i could be whatever i could be wrong i think pete agrees with me yankee fans if you want to really gauge what's gonna happen this offseason the earliest sign you're gonna get is in early december and it's gonna be like what happens with with guys like clint frazier what happens with guys like gary sanchez most importantly gary sanchez if you see that the yankees tender him a contract and that means that make no mistake about it if he's tended a contract he's the starting catcher next year that's it it's not like oh they're going to give him a contract but like they're going to look to upgrade it no they're not no they're not if he gets attended a contract he will be catching games in 2020 you don't think they'll look to trade him if they tender a contract yeah i don't here's my thing here's my thing this this deadline came and went without any talks about gary trades and it was just like he didn't necessarily boost his trade value after the trade deadline it's pretty much more of the same i just i just hold off the fact that the dh international league i feel like you got it but like you said too that's a cba so which is something that's coming after the cba so maybe maybe maybe that maybe no i mean hey look i'm under the belief my belief is that gary sanchez is going to be the catcher i told you they got to prove me wrong on everything this year until i bought it right you're right i mean we're we're at our wit's end right now where this club is and we've been begging for the changes so we're ready to trust them none none there's no track record that shows that all of a sudden they're going to snap out of this spell and say philosophy changes we're moving on they are so bought in to analytics making all the calls that you'll see your gallows in lefty i read a quote on back gallow today and it made me sick i think i put it in the in the chat with you guys it made me sick and it's from before you know i think it was early in the year when he's talking about like oh well i'm i'm a player who bases off ops i don't have to i can hit 200. and i'm like i'm sick of this nonsense you got you cats are out there like [ __ ] on players like tony gwen for real because that's what that means oh cause i hit for power and singles don't mean [ __ ] so tony gwynn wasn't a great hitter gallo you're a better player than tony gwynn no come on i mean i mean that's my point like that's the [ __ ] those are the analytics stuff that really bought me the cats that have come out betting average means nothing so he could hit 200 get i don't want nobody on my teammate 200. yeah but i agree i i mean i agree with every like with that 100 anyone who's who's like on that bandwagon of the whole because that's that [ __ ] catchphrase with analytics people batting average doesn't mean anything shut the hell up shut up shut up what are you talking about it's damn that's the reason the whole thing started about jeter being overrated yeah because analytics because of analytics yes and it's like here's the thing because of but that that to me is there's no greater proof that analytics should not be the end-all be-all than the fact that analytics say that jeter is overrated because if you saw jeter with your own two eyes then you realize you know there's no you can't overrate that guy no what he brought to the freaking field every game day in and day out it's something intangible you can't even find it in the numbers but if you go look at the numbers career batting average over three like three thousand plus like this guy was 3500 plus hits this box office he showed up every time he was in the playoffs like what are we talking about oh because analytics say and defensively he wasn't shut up well it's [ __ ] the thing that the thing that truly really aggravates me about this whole analytic thing is not necessarily that it's just the numbers but they do that stupid-ass thing right so they'll do this you'll say um who was i looking at yesterday um i was looking at uh buster posey and pasada because people got with this whole thing that oh pasada's overrated how dare anybody compare them and i remember i said well i mean somebody brought up all these analytic numbers i'm thinking i said let me go look at something i think buster posey's career war is like two above pasada it is two points now i do understand i believe buster posey played less games than passada did he played way less yeah but the funny thing about it is like they when when people talk analytics i've had this happen so much now i'm at the point now where i'm like i'm not even arguing with these cats about it like i'll just leave it alone because if one number they'll say this this is the famous line about a certain number oh that's not a good metric to look at look at this one exactly so you're always gonna find a number that helps your argument out it's stupid no let me see what the guy is on the field okay i know who joey gallo is but don't sit there and tell me that joey gallo is a better player overall than the guy that hits 289 every single year hits 20 homers 15 homers even he's not better listen joey gallo said i'm sorry to cut you off but i just want to say that it's so stupid he said well you know i hit 200 but i have an obvious percentage of 330. so that means i get on base 33 of the time yeah not great and my thing is too joey joey if you batted about 20 points higher you'd be about 350. exactly 35 of the time so well when i hit the ball you know there's more impact or you know a homer is worth more than the single yeah but you also don't get 200 homers in a year do you no so you need guys that do that yeah i'm understanding you're saying you're not that guy and i understand that but you sound like one of these casters trying to prove to people that you're actually better than what your number show and to me that that's annoying no that's like the yankees trying to convince us that aaron hicks is his all-star this great player just because of no because he watches little hits with power and that's it like i'm like no stop this nonsense it's madness but this is what happened what has happened with analytics is that they've taken a million mediocre players right and found the one aspect of the game that they're good at and have just inflated that to be like this is why this guy is a star this is why he's elite this is why he deserves his contract or this money it's like no no no like for the ones who tell me oh batting average doesn't matter if it doesn't matter then how come all the top players in the game tend to have high batting averages you can't tell me you can't tell me oh it doesn't matter you shouldn't look at it no why should i look at it if all the players that i like happen to is it a coincidence that ronald acuna normally has a good batting average that machado normally bats higher than two hundred that price has that mvp has somebody ever won the mvp award hitting 200 no is that is that a coincidence i think not is it well francis francis the game is changing now somebody's gonna do it you just sit back and watch somebody will do it yeah i'm i will be i'll be this is how they watch the game like kurt and exactly the game's over there get your head get your head out of your freaking laptop every now and then and look at the actual game on the field because you're going to learn something from that too there was a time where we used to learn from what we saw facts and the crazy thing is though you know people will see this and they're going to oh you just you don't like the number no i like the numbers i like analytics it's funny it helps trust me it helps when i look at players i look at analytics i look at their overall numbers but there's a lot more that goes into a player than analytics derek jeter is a prime example 100 like you said before jeter's the prime example of that so i mean it's comical in a sense but you know getting back to what we were talking about i'm right there with you whatever it is with gary sanchez to me at the end of the day that's something they got to figure out pretty early on i don't think you wanna wait around too long to see your catcher as you want those relay ships to start building early catching is very important to change catcher mid-year is very important i said last year yankee should have done it because i think gary sanchez is a joke behind the plate when your ace doesn't want to throw them towards the end of the year kluber didn't want to throw to him you got two two uh two fifths of your rotation there's rumors that more than more than more of that don't want to throw them bro i'm telling you i reported on it when when david robertson was a yankee the person i spoke to told me flat out the reason robinson is getting hit and he's asked the yankees about is because he can't throw his breaking ball in the dirt with sanchez catching i mean but this is this and remember when robinson comes into games he never came into games at clean innings they'd always because he was houdini he'd get out of anything yeah that was the thing it was it was when he struggled a little bit it's because they said flat out and this is when i put all that news out there by gary and i took a beating for it they said flat out robertson does not he's he's asked him about it he cannot throw a ball in the dirt so he's elevating his curveball when he's when sanchez is catching and he's getting smacked which is not good because you need to be able to throw this stuff continues to go on and if the yankees guys i'm telling you if the yankees don't change at catcher they are not serious about fixing this club next year not serious at all about it yeah we can't we can't again i i got into you know a couple of conversations earlier in the week uh speaking of with some with some sanchez defenders you know they're still around believe it or not there's still a little there's a lot of them there's a lot of rounds around and uh i think me and uh my guy earl were uh we were in agreement like he posted something and i i would literally literally respond and you came out with a video i think that same night i literally responded i think it was actually based off of a lot of that what was being said the conversation because i saw it and i was like i gotta make a video on this yeah dude i literally responded was like here's the issue guys like you guys want to keep telling us about you know the offensive potential and whatever like that whatever and like oh there's nobody better offensively than gabriel for us right now that we're not gonna get here's what i'm here's what here's what i'm here to tell you we know we know we don't care like he can go take him and his 20 plus home runs and send it somewhere else we don't need that we don't need that that doesn't move the needle enough for this team because the way that the roster is currently constructed we could do without his 20-plus home runs bro and you're gonna and you're gonna say oh but the offense was stagnant this year we needed more offense not his brand of offense and couple that with the fact that defensively he's probably costing us even more run no we don't need that give me a light hitting catcher if my catcher bats 200 guess what gallo him i don't care about if he's batting 200 but he's framing the [ __ ] out of pitches stealing strikes and guys like clay holmes and and lawassega and everybody comes in and feels comfortable throwing whatever the [ __ ] at him then he's doing his job let him bat 200 at the bottom of the lineup i don't give a damn and let him run into 1 12 13 14 times a year that because what a good catcher does for your pitching staff cannot be like no you i don't know how many how many times we got to go through this review yeah don't understand how effective production is look if his offensive production was salvador perez this year then you got a case then we could talk something of course if he's a salvador perez if he's a jorge posada if he's a a mike piazza if he's if he's a rodriguez then yes guys it is a different conversation and trust me you'll be hearing me say the same damn thing 150 all the time i am utterly shocked by the amount of yankee fans who literally will die on the hill of saying you can't make up his production and i'm telling you right now you know what i'm saying if if when i hear that i'm saying bro you don't know baseball you don't know what this team needs i'm sorry like i'm not even insulting you but you don't get what this club needs if you're sitting there saying and i said this in my video we know we're probably going to end up with a catcher even if we don't we're going to end up with some new bats gallowing left field whoever in center who cares aaron judge g and carlos stanton d.j lemayo glaber tours were expected to be better if anthony rizzo comes back whoever's gonna be a good first base you know they're gonna get somebody that can hit there what do you guys want from a cat who cares and on top of that how long are you gonna wait how long are you gonna sit back and wait to see pitchers not want to throw to the dude you think all of a sudden garrett cole's gonna say okay new year new gary let's go no why would he he's not going to and well let's boon changes he's not going to put him in a room and say guys enough is enough let's hash this [ __ ] out here's my thing and and the more i think about it because i remember like kernin said it and i was like i get it but to me that's something that should have happened early on it's hard it's hard to do at this point at this point it makes no sense there is no reconciling that it's a lost cause at this point and you know what gary hasn't done a damn thing to help it i'm sorry i'm not saying that he was supposed to go and kiss garrett cole's ass because like i said in my opinion gary cole seems like kind of a weirdo so i'm not saying he was supposed to do that but if he would have been better performance wise he wouldn't have to you understand i think gary cole gives a [ __ ] about kyle higashiyoka please give me a break if he left tomorrow he thinks he's gonna go to the ex look that opt-out clause is happening it's happening gary cole is probably going to freaking the yankees right now talking about hey i don't know if you know but maldonado is a free agent just saying yeah he doesn't give a damn hey uh hey guys uh you might want to watch this guy on ny news guy uh talk about some new catchers that jacob stalin's actually sounds really good you're probably interested i don't know i like him i don't i mean hey i don't know just saying francis i gotta ask you guys who's your catcher who's your captain who's my catcher i mean i i saw your video the other day and i gotta say um out of the guys that you brought up if i could have any of them it's definitely stallings and it's it the one you said i like carson too but stallings the one thing i said about that in that video is if you you want so a lot of fans are talking about these guys and and this is like the big topic of trade right now because they're talking about uh moving dalton varsho over to catcher um and then you know carson kelly was he too talented he's too talented to be on a bench he's not gonna be a backup um but you look at that and the thing about carson kelly is if you're waiting for production and you're waiting for potential to kick in carson kelly's your guy if you're also maybe not looking to have the best catcher for your pitching staff right now maybe carson kelly's your guy but guys i'm sorry injuries too though that too we got it you got to think about that and guys i want to win sorry i want to win and let me tell you i i understand look if anybody was like pete yeah but i i'm not knocking carson kelly hell i was probably one of the first people even mentioned his name and talked about him since the end of last year since actually during the year of last year yeah carson kelly would be a tremendous pickup wouldn't be upset but if the yankees want to win right now you need somebody to handle the pitching handle the young guys until until antonio gomez or wells is ready and i'll tell you this right now you're gonna get two very good years barring any injury and you know what you're gonna get from jacob's talents yeah you know what you're gonna get expect nothing offensively yeah and don't get me wrong he had his best offensive year yeah so don't get me wrong with that but you're gonna get one of if not if not i'll say this the best defensive catcher in baseball yeah listen what we have to understand is we look at offense in a way that's very very very skewed like when people look at jacob stallings they're gonna be like oh but he's like they traded for this guy like what's the deal with him like he's he doesn't really hit that crazy he's liking whatever yeah maybe maybe if you're looking at him like a four five six hitter then it's like oh it doesn't seem that much or whatever stallings jacob stallings batting eight or nine eight or nine it's [ __ ] great yeah that's perfect that's perfect that's exactly where battle like that should be my argument with with these people is it's simple as this you want to argue with me about gary sanchez's numbers of him being probably one of the best offensive catchers in the game since he came up or whatever you can argue that there's numbers that support that i'm not disagreeing with that but here's my thing let's look at the past couple of world series and look at the catchers who were playing in those world series okay you had zanino with the raids you had maldonado uh in 2019 the nationals were doing were uh platooning with suzuki and who else was it no no it wasn't going yet it wasn't younger i thought i thought they had two they were platooning it was kurt it was suzuki and and gomes maybe i think i might be getting there the dodgers dodgers are another team that go that go through catchers or whatever but who who would they have this year was it uh was it a smith smith wilson yes smith um the championship atlanta braves travis darno like we can do this we can we can continue going on but i think i think you're beginning to notice the trend here um none of them happen to be lighting up the the the league in terms of offensive numbers let me tell you what they do do though let me tell you what they do do um they play in big games because the aces are comfortable pitching to them they play entire games because the bullpen is comfortable pitching to them and they make the [ __ ] plays god forgive me because i'm cursing so much but it gets me so angry that i have to argue with people about gary sanchez i was as big a pro i was as big a defender of this guy as anybody when he first came up i was like this guy's going to be great he's one of the better peer heroes on the team we have or whatever he fell off a cliff that wasn't me no i didn't tell him to stop working i didn't tell him to get to get complacent i didn't tell him that he did i didn't do that the other part was i wasn't the one who tried to make him into this great power hit or whatever and like and then automatically make a sharp left and say no you got to be a great defensive catcher that was the yankees okay that's on them that's not worked that's done if we are serious about winning a championship we need to build a championship roster i am sorry if you guys don't understand that gary sanchez is not the starting catcher on a championship roster gary sanchez can very well be the dh on a championship roster i would never argue that because i think if he didn't have to worry about catching and all he had to focus on was hitting and he could become whatever he wanted right he'd be a phenomenal freaking dh yep the problem is we have a dh that caused that's costing us between 25 and 27 million dollars already so that's not gonna happen so that means he doesn't fit guys he's a nice puzzle piece for somebody he just doesn't fit our puzzle that's what i'm trying to get to people i agree i agree 100 we shouldn't be sitting here talking about oh we can't get rid of him how are we going to replace that offense hello we can get a center fielder who hits we can get a shortstop awaits we're getting a first baseman who hits we can get a full year of anthony rizzo and joey gallo i mean or or or or joey gallo alone i mean more than making up his productions think about it give joey gallo a full year on the yankees especially coming up after the trade or whatever give him a full year maybe a little bit of comfort and look my thing is don't tell me he's not going to hit better than gary sanchez well and defensively we already know what gallow brings to the team right and the thing is too about a guy like gala look i'll sit here and tell you god forbid hopefully i'm wrong but who knows if joey gal is going to be the same guy he was last year and he's going to bat 200 or under 200 to be the same i mean 200 is kind of what he's been all his career but his career who knows it you know who knows who knows what joey gal is going to be he might be terrific he might work on some stuff and be even better but you cats that are out there talking and screaming about contract gear you guys are screaming about production but you already got it so that makes no sense and on top of it i'm sorry i'mma sit here and tell you sanchez is not a winning player he's not a winning player he's not a winning player i don't want that on my team if you guys seen me recently right on um oh that's this i don't know i kept saying like something like my shirt dirty or something but then i'm moving and the thing isn't moving um i'm drugged everyone um the funny thing about um the winning players if you guys saw i kept retweeting players that you could tell stepped up and enjoyed it and enjoyed being there i said winner freddy freeman talked and you could see the words that mank had coming out of his mouth none of that was written the dude is a winner not because he won you could hear it in his voice there's confidence he knows his [ __ ] he knows his team he knows how good he is he knows what he means to that organization he is a winner he's been a winner long before they won the world series francis do you even understand right the moment right now right now on the yankees roster there's no world series champions no there's no world series champions the new york yankees they have nobody on their roster right now in terms of winners we we don't have very much judge not as many as you guys think we can name a winner you could probably name it judge is a winner garrett cole is a winner um i'm going to say john carlos stanton oh yeah the way stanton has stepped up and the way he talked towards the end of the year i was all over him look i even i've said bad things about stanton in the past but i admit when i'm wrong i tell you what my man had me pumping my hitting my chest because he's literally winning [ __ ] no hell yeah he had the right attitude too his attitude was let's go his attitude was we stepping on the field for war boys let's go it don't matter yeah let's go he's a winner who else let me see um aaron man we telling jokes on here today he's he's the winner of a three-year contract extension he's a he's the winner of a lifetime box of unicornios aaron um let me tell you uh geo i'll give you this geo urchella is a winner gio urchella is a winner he wants to play ball he wants one he wants to and he didn't get that that story that story was it kerner who told the story yes i i want to give him credit every time i say that story about geo out there you know field and ball whatever in the room and bring it out and lemay yeah geo dj outside of that who am i missing because gary sanchez no labor torres no uh aaron hicks no i mean and don't give me the aaron hicks oh but you got you're saying just because if he's injured nope no there was that whole [ __ ] there was that whole [ __ ] with the protests on earlier in the year and trust me i sympathize with all that [ __ ] i'm a person of color don't even try it with me right to say that i'm not playing because of whatever when you could have gone out there and made a statement with your play yeah it was bad that was bad it looked bad it was a terrible call was stanton was was with you right and was another one who was kneeling for the anthem and everything but didn't he go out and play and stuff like that what was your excuse bro i don't want to hear it and stan really has less incentive stan had less incentive because he's already getting paid he's already making 20 million he has less incentives than anybody but he was out there playing under the booze under all that [ __ ] so yeah hicks no not you know what also would tell you a lot about the yankees if they go yeah yeah we know we can't move hicks but he gotta earn a spot he's the fourth outfielder and they pick up a centerfielder that right there i tell you right now and a half [ __ ] like that ever happened you guys gonna see me on here with a different tune oh because i'm telling you guys i've been saying and francis you know everybody knows i've been saying i've been talking this [ __ ] like this for so damn long i can't have i can't see brian cashman come up there and give his same [ __ ] well you know we're uh we're we're a dead star you know we're ready to go um we're gonna be looking at everybody it's kind of what we do every year and uh you know yankee fans you're gonna buy into my [ __ ] aren't you so you're gonna come back you're gonna buy some uh 30 30 bucket chickens and doesn't no i i'm done i'm done no my prediction right now one or two moves that's it what yeah like one or two moves to actually take short stops they'll get something to take a little fancy a little bit they'll take a little fancy it might be correct yeah it might be safer yeah they'll take a lot of fancy little things i feel like look if you look at uh and won't get into the career thing because i know we just mentioned korea so everybody's ears are going to go up they're going to go we'll definitely get a chat about them a little bit we'll get we'll get into that but i think the point is and i and i i sympathize 100 what you hear pete like look we're i don't know if we're the only ones saying it but i'm not hearing it a lot of other places like some of you guys sound like you're going to be okay if they make two moves and it's going to be like all right let's let's watch and that's all i want to know what team have you been watching i am telling you we are not crazy to think that we need to see four to five different names in that opening day roster than the names that were on it than the names that were on it in 2021 and look i'll help the yankees out i think me and you agree with this i think we said this before i'll help the yankees out yeah i'll count rizzo as a new name he wasn't in the he wasn't in there at the beginning okay so i'll already count gala as a new name i'll be i'll be nice catcher needs the change catcher needs to be but in there i could see i could see a new third baseman i could see a move at second base but see these are things that we could see we could see these things happening now they have the balls to do anything like that that's another story that's the question it's another story question because all of you saying that we're crazy we we're right to doubt because they've given us every reason to doubt they've always done this how many look i mean come on let's let's be real let's be real here when we talk about this and and when i say be real i know francis is gonna be real but i'm asking you guys who are listening to be real with us when we talk about the track record of what the yankees do you can't sit there and tell me that you can't hear the conversation already come spring training from brian cashman well we got a healthy aaron hicks back in center field we feel we greatly improved you you don't hear that already i mean i hear i hear it right now so i'm just sitting here saying this team really needs to show its fan base that they are willing and ready to make the right changes simple as that and it can't be a correa it can't be hey we got the big shortstop all right 28. here we come we're ready for it now it can't just be on him that's the thing that people don't understand is like look i don't even like i again like i'm not even what i forgot i think i said i was like under 20 that they would sign korea on the last episode yeah that percentage that percentage has gone up slightly i'll tell you guys why in a second but let me tell you it's still not even over 50. so don't like it's not but say they did go out and sign carlos correa the best shortstop on the market right now arguably one of the best in the game or the best in the game some people say he's about some people don't whatever that's not gonna be enough i'm sorry it's not going to be enough and to put that pressure on carlos curry would be [ __ ] ridiculous because he can't do it by himself it takes a full lineup and you have to work together look at how atlanta just did it antopolis didn't just go out and get one outfielder at the deadline and say hey i got it i know we were struggling at outfield so i went and grabbed one no he went and got four four one two three four hell of a fielders four outfield and again i'm sorry to cut you off right there i don't know but i want to bring this up because you're right you brought this up but going back to freddy freeman's speech he's he specifically said what the front office did for this team the players took it in and said let's go amen that's why i always talk that's a really good point and look cashman did it i pat him on the back we gave him his flowers for when the time was there definitely we definitely did it's not the right message and it's the right message to the club sent the right message it sent the right message nobody is saying that he didn't do that so so fyi but what i'm saying is how important a deadline really is what it means to a ball club it's very important not just a deadline not just a deadline but an off-season off-season the same way the same way that that deadline was as important as it was for atlanta i think this off-season could be even more important for the new york yankees you put out that video that this this is probably arguably the most important offseason of brian cashman's career i agree with the proof he got too much to prove i agree wholeheartedly there's too much there's too much first of all there's too much out there for you to like it's not a year where he can get away with the excuse there really wasn't much out there we didn't have a lot of options whatever there are options galore not just free agents guys the trade market if you guys have been paying attention the last week or two the trade market is already starting to take shape and we're not like i told you guys we're not even in the real heat of it yet yep this is really early for us to already have an idea that the oakland a's are gonna be shopping chapman and probably olsen and maybe some other pieces it's really early for us to hear that there's a possibility that cleveland might entertain offers on jose romer like there's gonna be a lot of players to be had cashmen will not be able to hide behind there weren't enough options because on top of all the players available to be had there's a lot of teams who are not necessarily punting but they're not going to be in the market the way that the yankees are the way that the mets are the way that detroit will be the way that the angels will be the way that the texas rangers are going to be like there's i just named what five teams just like yeah yeah that's five teams that's five teams and we're not even talking about the dh internationally yet it's going to open up a lot in terms of trades from the yankees no sanchez even luke like dude that's why miguel ander anders another guy i mean look if i'm a team out there that's like maybe we get some value in somebody and build them back i'm looking all over miguel andhar the h come on man the guy could put the ball play hits the ball hard sign me up he's not going to cost you he's not going to cost you much let's not forget to a hot he was getting before the injury gail gail anderhall was one of the regulars in the lineup he took that spot again yeah he was battling himself back again so yeah he's a hitter the thing with android is miguel anthony is a natural hitter so he's gonna figure it out and i think anybody who's watched him so far in his young career realizes that this guy can stay healthy he's going to hit he's just going to be one of those guys he's a hitter and he produces right and again i'm not saying that because oh look we're looking for some beautiful trade no guys no it's not going to be we're just not going to trade him for olson right but the one thing i'll give brian credit brian cash from some credit for and the analytic guys is they found some guys for nothing right look if clay holmes could be one of the best relief pitchers in baseball next year per his stuff alone on how we look with the yankees look what we gave before look what we gave up for him so again when you guys say well these guys aren't worth anything hoy park wasn't really worth much he had triple a numbers the yankees didn't even want to play him and you think about it that too and the yankees had nothing for him they didn't like them exactly his value couldn't have been that high because his own team devalued him publicly yeah that's right i don't think he can come up here and hit and they still got clay holmes for lay homes that's that's again like you just said like we're gonna we i think we've we've been pretty fair with brian cashman like when he does make good moves we have been you know at the forefront saying hey that's very very moved good job like or whatever like so we've been doing it what we're saying now is we have to see like i told you guys that was just a different level yeah it's you know we have to see you guys i feel sure of this roster yeah i told you guys i feel i feel optimistic the reason i feel optimistic is because of the deadline that we had but me saying i feel optimistic isn't me telling you guys nah they 100 percent signing until we find out the deadline was the off season exactly or they'd be like they 100 they're 100 gonna uh sign starling martay or they're gonna 100 trade for cattell marte they 100 gonna move gary they're 100 no no i'm not 100 on anything i knew that i feel i feel optimistic why because i am choosing to feel optimism because of the deadline that they had but that doesn't mean [ __ ] until we start seeing where they're going and we're going to start seeing that very little in a very incremental way early in december let's see what happens with the tenders the non-tenders or whatever again like pete said they tender sanchez and duhar that doesn't necessarily i will tell you right now bro and again like you said like i think you were about to say if they tender and they could still get them back no like that they could still trade them right right right you can still you can trade them and move them but mine's a good point to be made they can still move these guys if the yankees really make that decision guys i will tell you right now even with boone coming back the start is good i'd go for my f minus which is not even a real thing but an f minus to ac immediately huge jump it's a huge jump immediately and i'll tell you what francis i'll hang out with you a little bit on that optimism optimism yeah cause you'll start seeing something i'll hang out with you a little bit on that but we'll be out out to sea together and we'll just wait around and see what happens what the waters like see what the waters are like i'll wait out there with you because at that moment i'm already seeing to me in my opinion of the club one of their biggest problems are have now gone away and they will go for a catcher that's defensive minded more 100 because if they move on from gary that's what that's telling you exactly they're not going to bring in another guy that can't catch and hits a little bit they won't do that and look i'll throw this name out there too keep a close eye on mike zunino the option hasn't been exercised yet no keep a close eye on that if zunino is ever available the yankees need to immediately act on him hell yeah i don't care if they say we gotta wait have some have a handshake agreement have something in place would do to say we want you here no and he's one of those interesting cases who he is a possibility that if you jumped on him quick enough maybe you get it he might he might accept the deal why because of all the uncertainty with the cba and everything and some guys zanino's not a young kid he's a veteran like he might just want to know nah i need to know where i'm playing so like let's do this quickly if this is going to work let's do it i can get my family situated and everything let them work out that cba but i know where i'm going come february because he's a catcher so he's going to he needs he reports earlier like he might be one of those players who wants to get one don't forget about him he actually is back with the race so that's oh yeah he he exercises they gave him a one year seven million deal good for him look at that he gets seven million dollars and these people are getting mad because i'm saying that we don't i don't want to pay gary sanchez over 10 million dollars to do it right it's crazy no way no way come on why should we they should it's not worth it i'd rather pay 10 million to zanino yeah not look non-tender gary if you could deal them you deal them you get what you get for them seriously and guys you move on you you know you do be a be a gary sanchez supporter and hope he catches on somewhere and does well that's the best thing you can do because that's what i am gonna do i'm not gonna [ __ ] on gary sanchez when he's playing some i hope gary sanchez does well guys simple as that guys when we traded when we traded for sunny great i was one of the happier yankee fans around i always liked sunny gerk felix always like on that damn deal man he was right it still balls me to this data i got to say he was right over me i always liked i always liked them always liked them because i i saw the potential in the kid he came over here couldn't cut it in new york had some awkward moments you know walking on the mount smiling or whatever but he has a lot of things you know with him going on so that was a whole but he got traded when he got when when he left and he got to cincinnati i was rooting for him to be successful when he found some a little bit of success over there i was really happy for him brian he wasn't doing it for the yankees i recorded the video driving home when he was trading i remember saying exactly that i said now let me tell you guys this don't be shocked if he goes over that becomes an ace don't be shocked and he did immediately he was he was one of the better pitchers in the national league immediately so some people of course that can happen with gary and i think you'll see a change in gary immediately if he's out of new york just not having to deal with the media being out of the eye like a lot of the criticism is not going to be the same in new york you feel the criticism when you're playing for the yankees you can feel the criticism gary said colorado he will take a big breath in and a breath out and it feel like his world has changed yeah it's it's it's different and i think i i said the same thing like with with a guy like labor torres i was like look it's not saying oh trey moved labor because he's going to be terrible the rest of his career no there's a difference between saying a guy is just like with aaron hicks i just think hicks is just ass like aaron hicks i don't think he will be better in other places i just think he's not good like that's i want that to come off clearly i think gary sanchez has the potential to go somewhere else and still become an all-star yeah i a hundred percent think if labor tours went somewhere else he would definitely become an all-star when i speak about them it's just the fit with this current roster that's all i'm saying it's not saying that these guys are bad that's not what i'm saying correct even gallo like with the criticism that we have for gallows like he was just fine in texas doing that because he fit over there it made sense over there like it's not always that a player is no they're just never going to be good you want it with us that too and you want to know the difference of the media none of us knew about a gallow tick or these little problems he has he came to new york and was a big story immediately all year i mean and again we don't know how that's gonna affect him personally i talked about this a lot we don't know how that's gonna affect the play we don't know if he can handle all of this we don't know that those are stuff we gotta say and that's why kevin kernan even said he is shocked or he doesn't know he said i don't know but i assume either analytics has taken over so much or scouts who notice stuff don't get brought into a room or that that that conversation is not as valued as it used to be because look coming to new york a big part about it is your personality and you know me and francis we were going back and forth on a whole coal situation and one of the things i brought up i said well if the yankees knew this guy was awkward or couldn't handle this then he shouldn't be here and i mean that's the same thing for a lot and again we don't know we don't know what coal is yeah they we don't i don't think even i don't think they do their homework with that though that's one thing that said that kernan said that is i think it's 100 true i don't think that they're doing their homework with that because like when gary cole like here's the reason i get off saying with gary cole like saying like oh this guy's he's he's a weirdo he's awkward i read an article about him in pittsburgh where he did something weird after getting shelled one time not like he didn't blow up or anything but like he got like he got upset with like a reporter who like questioned him about like the outing it was a pretty bad outing something similar happened in houston and after that happened i was like i'm going to watch this guy closer because like i like him like i wanted him to be a yankee so like now i'm like i'm gonna watch this guy whatever and i would just see him like in the dugout times or like even whatever like in the bullpen whatever and like just the way he would act i'm just like yes this guy's a little bit of a weirdo but i still would would sign him to the deal that we signed him to 10 times out of 10 because that's not something that i think should preclude us should preclude us from signing a guy with his talent level i just think it's something you need to be aware of right because if if you know that then maybe you go into the clubhouse and say oh brett look i know you play these pranks on everybody but like him he's a little like i would you know steer clear of him or you know get him in on it first like work him into it because he's a little yeah he you know what i mean right but if you don't if you don't tell him that then he's just going in blind he's just gonna do whatever whatever if you don't say hey guys by the way joey gal is gonna be here whatever you know we don't want you guys you know putting certain things out about him because like we think it's insensitive like to put out things about his tick or like the way he puts on his uniform but if you don't say anything then the media is gonna take it and run with it like that's these are just consequences of you not doing homework i guess in a sense because if you do you can protect players in a sense if you don't they're going to get vilified the new york media is cutthroat they're going to visit yeah they're no joke they're no joke they'll they'll attack them they'll go at them so imagine they imagine imagine they sign corey seeger and corey seeger is like shy or some [ __ ] yeah it's not good i mean yeah they're gonna kill him and it would be like well the yankees didn't do their homework yeah before they signed them like that's what's going on here so it's just it's a it's a big part it's a it's a big part of the game it's a big part of the game so i mean that that is something that obviously should be discussed that should be talked about more now i hope that it actually is but um moving on to i believe what will be our last topic today everybody's hype about this oh yeah i'm going to say it real quick and talk about it carlos correa is in the um square garden tonight yeah and uh attending the ufc event and martin maldonado martine maldonado send out the little the thing about uh what was it again um he's ready or something like that and yeah you know he had the little yankee jacket on and all that and you know he's in new york so he's a smart dude you know he has a everybody always jokes about like the um type of attitude he is you know let me tell you what type of attitude carlos correa is are people going to get metal he's a cheater let me tell you something i know these type of people like that and it's called confidence guys it's called confidence it's not necessarily cocky it's not necessarily um you know i see people people read confidence at all different levels they think is like self-centered it's this and that he's a confident dude and he knows what he has coming to him he knows that next week don't be shocked if you see him in an angel's hat then again he might rock the yankees so hard that he's like guys i want to like i'm trying to show you as much i want to be there let's get this [ __ ] done like i want to be here never know you never know but all i'm saying right now me and francis talked about this a little about i don't want to make this all about corey so i'm going to bring i'm going to bring the big man into the story lock up judge before you give correa a big deal that's all i'm saying now i know some fans are saying well p they probably can't do it well then you better make your [ __ ] mind up to be quite real with you going back to what even david cohen said uh with his new thing with uh john boy media over there that if you know you don't resign judge your top priority trade them trade them i mean listen guys some of you guys don't want to hear we were saying it uh we were saying it back uh before the deadline like the yankees were playing badly and we were like hey dude is it time to consider trading aaron judge because they were playing well remember one of the main reasons we said that too is because we said they're not looking to sign him right we said he's like clearly they they haven't had extension talks with him and it's like it's a problem let me put it out here just so you guys understand the designated spit is and i know this because i've spoken with peter about this off the off the air countless times we do not want aaron judge to be on any other team than the new york yankees in fact so understand us a hundred percent we we think that this guy is a yankee and he needs to be a yankee what we are saying is the yankees have dilly-dallied long enough like these extension talks should have started before last winter like if they don't happen this winter i mean guys can you really be upset if aaron judge goes and chooses another team in free agency it's a joke cause guys he's have to sit there and watch garrett cole get paid which is it's no it's not a knock on gary cole but it's like for judge it's like hey man i've been here like congrats to you cole i'm happy you're here because you're gonna help us win the championship hopefully but i gotta get paid too right no then he had to watch aaron hicks get extended then you have to watch severino get extended yeah and it's just like i mean it's not russell this off season they're gonna spend some more money it's like aaron judge it's like bro what what do i gotta what am i gonna do to get some consideration out here me and francis want the sexy new name as much as everybody you know what i mean we want to talk about on here with you guys so so trust me when i tell you that we want the sexy new name too you can't pull that [ __ ] on judge though i'm gonna keep it real take care you can't bring in carlos carr and guys i'm not even talking about that i see somebody pissed oh you can't bring karate in because what he did shut up shut up that [ __ ] don't got nothing you you bring carlos correa in if you want to bring carlos gray's ass in and yeah it's not like the players are gonna bring it down yeah they keep trust me bro bro if they got correa you're gonna see fans on twitter saying i hope he apologizes to them before anything shut up the [ __ ] you got [ __ ] to apologize for when he comes into the game i get it everybody can be mad about it i'm mad about i i understand but but we go we're about to enter 2022. okay the commission ain't doing [ __ ] about it none of that was gonna happen you bring that type of talent to this club look all you gotta do though you can't throw out another major contractor bag hey judge we're gonna hold off and we'll talk to you next year cause if i'm judge i don't care how much i love the yankees i'm sorry fam i'm out to cali i'm mountain cali you gotta symbolize that i'm going back home i'm done aaron that's disrespect aaron judge was asked about this towards the end of this season um maybe some of you heard it but he was asked about like the contract talks or if anything's happened whatever he said no it hasn't happened and yeah it's it's a little you know weird that it hasn't happened yet but you know i understand you know some business whatever and i'd like to be a yankee of course i want to finish my career here he said all the right things but it's time for the yankees to start saying all the right things like hey aaron what you know let's what's it going to take let's uh let's understand you know we we understand we you understand we want you here we understand you want to be here let's figure out what it's going to take to make that happen um they're playing cheap let's be real they know the arbitration number is going to be lower than what his annual a is aav is going to be for sure everybody knows that 17 18 million whatever it is that's not going to be what it's going to take it's not going to be the yankees are holding it out they're holding out as long as they can here's the thing the reason that players get extended is because they they earn it i mean don't get me wrong i'm not saying that it's just you know the yankees signing people aaron judge has looked at a lot of people get extended on big deals that's fast that's fine that's not just the yank he's he saw he saw acuna get extended that's fact he saw tatis get extended that's fast you know so it's like you know he's looking at these other guys he's like whoa like what's happening here like these guys are getting paid or whatever like i'm playing you know what i'm saying like it's hard to be one of the top 10 players in baseball or i mean and then in terms of like just hitters like when he's on when he's on he's probably top five and you're like you're like the only one who's not getting paid like it like it's it's tough and he's not 24 25 he's 30 years old this contract this this could be it this will probably be it for him this this would probably be the contract that aaron judge is going to get either with the yankees or with another team this off season or after next season this will be his career contract like this is it this is where he will make the brunt of his money as a baseball player that's right it's important to you know incentivize and say hey look judge you've [ __ ] been here you've been putting up numbers you know let's get out ahead of it we're going to up you know screw the arbitration we're going to up your aav to whatever the contract is going to be this year and we're going and we're going to extend you however many this is what it's going to be right yep i mean when he's your own player one and he wants to be there to like you're probably not gonna have to pay him 30 million dollars a year to get him to stay but if you freaking wait until next year you never know what could happen you might have to overpay him because he's right he might be embittered that's right and when you're right on top and then factor that with the up with the possibility that he'd just go back to his home state of california and get paid ridiculous amounts of money to play for the angels because the angels would love nothing more than to pair aaron judge with mike trout and shohei ohtani or the giants the giants want that big home run hit her back come on bro like there's it's gonna be hard for him to turn all that down and this is not a guy who said no yeah no matter what i'm testing the water as a free agency when i heard him questions about that towards the end of the season he gave off the complete vibe that it's like no i was i've actually been looking for these extension talks right right they just haven't happened and it's like that's it's it's sad it's mess it's that more than anything it's [ __ ] up he's playing and and in reality he's playing a good guy role because he could be an [ __ ] about it he could because he could be an [ __ ] about it so because look look at how look speaking of speaking of our the guy we're talking about today career right when everything came out last year at the beginning of the year with correa and the astros that they were far off in a number korea came out and was straight up with his [ __ ] saying like yeah now we far off on the number i feel like the offer was disrespectful like these conversations were public at the beginning of last season yeah like before the season even got underway people were saying yeah corey is gone korea's gone well even his last game he was like yeah this is it yeah you know what dawg he came out he came out and said what was going on aaron judge hasn't come out and said they had to ask him hey you know we haven't heard of any extension talks have there been any extension talk because he hasn't come out he's not on twitter he's not doing anything saying like yo these people don't want to pay me or what and if he was doing that he would be you know within his right to do it but he hasn't instead he's been a stand-up guy he's been an amazing face of the team and aside from all that off the field [ __ ] he's been their best player on the field he has been their best player on the there's no argument about it even after garrett cole signed judge has continued to be the best player on the team for these first two years at garrett's contract yep you can't argue that no this kid deserves to get his money i'm not saying to give him a 10-year deal no he does not get a 10-year deal it's it's not anyone's fault i mean he came up later he came up older that's what happens he's not a 10-year deal guy but he deserves to get his money he deserves to get his pay he deserves to you know get his [ __ ] so they should do that but speaking about correa being in the big apple i mean twitter twitter was in a frenzy because he had on the navy blue jacket with the white sleeves he's in new york he posted up a picture with the with the caption nyc time everybody's going crazy everybody oh my god that whatever listen guys this is going to be fun um it might it might end in heartbreak for some of us fans who you know have a higher you know whose hopes are higher that the yankees do sign correa um what i will say is that for my 20 i think i moved up to maybe like 25 27 30 let's get i'll be generous 30 chance that the yankees sign korea i'll say why i went up because if korea continues doing this [ __ ] it kind of like forces them because of pr right right even if they didn't really want to even take a meeting with the guy now it's going to be like shin you know if he keeps doing this like and we don't me like this is gonna look really freaking bad with the glaring hole that we have at shortstop and this guy frolicking around new york in yankee colors commenting nyc time and all this stuff like so if he continues to push like yeah it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna force it's gonna force the yankees and i think we can make the announcement now i think we could we could say this with confidence carlos correa wants to be a yankee that i don't think not even not even based off of what happened today no i think he's mentioned many times before yeah that he i think there's actually quotes of him being like who doesn't you know want to play there or whatever or the yankees the yankees he said it multiple times so this stuff is out there guys i mean with with everything him going to houston and everything like that stuff kind of got put od on the back burner like people didn't want to hear it but now that he's a free agent i think all that stuff's going to come up i mean he's a puerto rican kid grew up over there i mean listen guys let's be honest like a lot a lot a lot of people coming from puerto rico are going to say yeah like i always wanted to play for the yankees and stuff like that or whatever he is just like really hamming it up i mean we're only in november and it's just like yeah he's like oh msg i'm there baby watching my ufc fight i'm gonna throw on this navy jacket with the white sleeves they already know what colors these are tomorrow like you said he might throw in the angels i think it was actually a yankee jacket no no it was so you might have saw the picture was that a fake one yeah the thing oh okay so i got the fake on it yeah yeah i saw that they put the yankee patch on okay i got faked out on that yeah he wasn't he wasn't wilding like that okay i thought he was going to but the colors he knew he knew what he was doing he put the colors on he's there whatever if i was as good as a player as carlos cabral correct correa let me tell you this right now i walk around with an empty briefcase carlos what's in the bag yeah what what what's in the bag you're gonna find out very soon yeah really you're gonna find out very soon what's in the bag exactly that's all i'm gonna tell them i'll put it in the bag you show up to the meeting you show it put it in the bag what's it gonna take well you just you have to fill this up yeah that's it that's what that's what it's gonna take let's talk after you after you fill this up we start talking about years and all that other stuff right we'll have a conversation nah man look i don't look again i'm not not high on it not because carlos correa is not a good player whatever i think we both said we think he's a great player not we don't not that we don't think he's a fit we think he's an amazing fit yes i know he's right-handed or whatever that when it comes to carlo's career like that has no bearing on anything the glove is too freaking good and the bat is too freaking good the postseason prowess is too freaking good like it's too and he's 27 years old and the thing that a lot of yankee fans don't like i love it i want the attitude i want the personality i want the chip on the shoulder i want the wear better than you i want all of that i want all that confidence on these guys because they don't have it and the manager doesn't supply it yeah no we're missing we're missing that we're missing that that that kind of swag and don't get me wrong i know judges tried it people have tried it but correa is a natural put the box away fam you know what i mean yeah correa is natural with it like listen when the astros are i said it before i'ma say it one more time before i jump like whatever before i end my my comments on this when the astros were playing the red sox i saw something and i can't unsee it jared kerrabas hates harlow's career and he is the pulse of red sox nation the red sox hate carlos correa yeah once i realized how much they hated that guy i've never won i've never wanted a man because that's not my you know whatever but i think i began to want them and i said wait wait wait they they hate him they really dislike all the times they don't like that i was like oh no no no no no god please we have to sign this guy that's exactly what we need yeah that is exactly what we need i need the guy that all he has to do is step up to back in the bot in the top of the first sitting at fenway and they are raining the booze on him that's what i need give me that fire because that's going to light a fire under all these guys ass facts that's going to do it because like you said our manager's not going to die listen we we all know that's not going to come from there maybe we get a player like that we got a shot we got a shot that's hope it'll help it'll help no doubt about it but again my percentage is low because we know what we're dealing with here again they can surprise the [ __ ] out of us no of course of course that that's always an option that's always an option i hope they do like i said i'm not gonna look look guys um i ranted all year trust me i don't want to go into the off season all the way into the season ranting and and complaining about you know what the yankees should have done i you know either way i'm gonna give them their shot you know what i'm giving them their fair share and i'm gonna i'm gonna call it like i see it that's just what i do but i will have to call the offseason the way i see it and i'm gonna stick to my guns if there's not multiple changes made the way i like the way the team should be the way i know they need to be constructed better you know i'm gonna i'm gonna let my i'm gonna let my uh i'm gonna let my spit tell you what i think and we'll go from there but i mean with that being said i mean i'm wrapping this thing up i don't have nothing else to add i'm amazed i'm still awake it was a couple of times where i feel like i'm like oh man though i handled it well i think i think you did i think you did really good man i didn't think i i told i told friends before i got on this down like fan we might have to go for like 45 minutes because i don't know if i'm gonna make it through the whole thing but nah man here i am here i am and the recovery you know i take things i take things as a challenge man and i was talking to somebody and thank you too to all you guys on twitter that like hitting me up they had like rotator cuff surgery and and all these other things a lot of people messaging me and one guy got me pretty hyped today because he's like pete what did the doctor tell you about like your shoulders and stuff so i also got a tear in this one but i got tears in both but this one's not as bad this one could just heal but this one is all destroyed and he said to me goes pete you know the great thing about this i said what he goes you never really understand how strong you are i said what are you talking about he goes since you've had the tears before you can't do the type of weights and everything that you're used to doing so he's like when you're fully healed and you're at that level again you'll be surprised how much working out you've been doing that you're actually going to start feeling then and i'm like huh i never i never really thought about that because he's like yeah the big thing is like he had it um he actually had the whole rotator cuff surgery and all these like it took me six to seven months to feel fully you know better again and um he's like at least you know that you're healed that there's not damage there anymore so that's like a real breath of fresh air but i tell you what wearing this thing while you sleep and everything man it's hard it's hard it is hard man then my elbow because it's like this all day that [ __ ] gets like locked and i gotta finally try to stretch it it sucks it sucks but anybody who has any suggestions that have been through it hit me up hit me up i could take any advice because again i like to learn so if you guys have anything at all about having a you know torn everything in there this location months of recovery let me know let me they're gonna suggest all the drugs in the world all the drugs in the world man that's what they're gonna suggest they're gonna be like yo pete you gotta get high bro that's what it's been that's what i'm telling you man like i did not think i was making it through this so after this um i am literally showering and knocking out cold and i'm done i worked i mean i don't want to say this right here but you got you guys on the background of ny news knows we got a lot of new things coming to the channel and that's all i did all day today i worked on new templates new designs designated spitters is going to have a brand new revamp so nothing's changing it's going to be us but the whole design is going to look way better where do you guys see it all that it all that's going to be here and all the fun stuff's going to happen so francis take it away with the with the great clothes y'all already know guys the next tune in because the next episode is the best episode i love it i love it and you guys know we will never come whack on a designated spitters track you guys know the deal again guys appreciate you and we'll talk to you all again very very soon thank you i really really really wanna

06 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Yankees Make Roster Moves, What Does It Mean? @SimonettiSource


hey everybody what is going on pete simonetti here for ny news getting started here a little early we got about four minutes during that time i asked that you guys go ahead and share this out as i will be doing the same right about now give me a couple of seconds here i want to tweet this out so we can get everybody in here so we could talk about some of those roster moves the yankees made today and then also of course the off season because i know everybody is very very excited about what the new york yankees will do this off season so with that being said let's go ahead and mute that there let's go ahead and share this out if you guys are not sharing please go ahead and do that if you're in like facebook groups and any other yankee group out there make sure they know that they are talking um or subscribe to ny news as we got so much stuff in store coming to you guys so i'm gonna share that right now one second it's very hard to type with one hand live chat give me a second guys okay okay i think i made it through there live chat me paste that link all right shared on twitter that's the main one that i share too so we'll give it a little bit of time i just share that out there if you guys don't mind sharing i'd appreciate it um you guys know that's always one of the main things i ask of you all so we definitely got a lot of people jumping in here i appreciate that let me pull my stuff up here see who's in here uh d and e what's going on matt g what's up li yankee king what's going on my friend reuben what's up fam kent jared uh rudiger i think it says i think that's ruediger rodiger i'm not sure how to say that but yeah man thank you for being a new subscriber i appreciate that brian my friend thank you tyler what's going on luis what is going on thank you for being here 161 river ave what is up uh jared again i said that already and everybody else who is joining dale what's going on come on and join guys and we will go ahead and jump right into it and talk about today's moves and what what it means for the yankees um uh what exactly um the breakdown of that is why they did what they did and then of course talk about what everybody wants to talk about right now and that is the offseason what are the new york yankees going to do and you know what does this mean for the yankees moving forward i've seen a lot of people kind of break down these moves and talk about what does this mean for the yankees going forward is this is this uh is is this the the start of the yankees having a very different roster well you know we'll get there we'll get there and we'll chat about what basically today means and again answer some questions so let me pull up the last thing i need to pull up here then it is about to be 7 30 and we will jump right into it let me just make sure i got all the guys here i think i do that's one that's two three yeah that should be all them right there one two three and four yep that's it yes one two three and four okay excellent so we got all that stuff and i'll announce those first and then go from there bingo it is 7 30. so everybody that is in here thank you so much for being here um thank you for everybody with the get well soon yeah yeah man i'm uh i will be stronger and better than ever after these four or five months of fully healing ella yankee king man thank you so much for starting us off uh with the super chat um and then yeah if you guys got questions i'm gonna get to that after we talk about this stuff but i don't think that's really a question there by la yanking i mean the roster moves are just a clear clear roster space on popular opinion it would be best if yankee skip on the top shortstop class eli greatly appreciate your support man and we will get to that and i mean yes spoiler alert i feel like ella yankee king you just did the spoiler right there for the beginning of the video but we will talk about that we'll have a lot to talk about when it comes to that um and i will of course get to those things but first let's go ahead and start off with the moves the yankees made today and go from there what it means uh also to everybody in the comments again thank you guys so much about um uh wishing me some best wishes to get well i'm good i gotta go see the shoulder specialist um next week then i'll find out how much damage is actually in there we already know rotator cuff is torn up ligaments are really torn up and beat up bad um and yeah of course the the hardest part which was the dislocation and getting that baby back in that was fun um if you ever want to see stars go ahead and do that a couple of times um but yeah thank you guys for worrying but doesn't stop me from doing this so i'm right here it doesn't stop me from anything coming up big for ny news which got a lot of them so stay tuned stay here and thank you guys but let's get right into it the moves made today by the new york yankees we'll go over them one by one again guys li yankee king said it in the super chat this is the clear a lot of roster space right but one thing i'm going to talk about that a lot of people aren't talking about is the guys that can be added to the roster the rule five eligible guys that a lot of you guys may not know about i do we'll talk about that first move first the pittsburgh pirates claimed outfielder greg allen off of waivers from the new york yankees i tell you guys about this stuff a lot i have a lot of friends in pittsburgh i actually know quite a bit about the pittsburgh pirates organization their system because of these friends and they actually give me a lot of good information on their players a lot of them were asking me today about greg allen and he's a nice little piece for the pirates right i mean he did well for us we enjoyed him doesn't really have a spot on this team i understand if everybody said maybe he's a replacement of gardner all right but um not a major loss here for the yankees and again it does the job of clearing a spot next one is tim lecastro as claimed by the boston red sox and infielder andrew velasquez was claimed by the los angeles angels kind of funny on this one man people were really up in arms i made a joke i said well next year le castro's gonna steal 15 or 14 bases off the yankees he's recovering from an acl injury so guys it's a joke the thing that's not a joke is the reaction of the squid all i said about the squid was throw him back in the ocean who cares throw squid back in the ocean there's a lot of yankee fans who wanted him to be the starter coming up this year no fam come on look i like squid i like the story get him out it's fine i'm okay with it maybe he'll be the starting shortstop when seeger is our starting shortstop who the hell knows but um i'm okay with this i know a lot of people were um a lot of yankee fans really loved the story they really got attached to the player they liked who he was they liked what he brought to the table so i understand what yankee fans came on that but this is not some major loss this is not a major loss and the last thing is the yankees went ahead and um optioned rob brantley to triple a rob brantley then went ahead and decided to elect free agency so rob brantley is a free agent going forward so this clears up a lot for the new york yankees as you guys know um and what it also sets up for is some really important rule five eligible players to be added to the 40 man roster unless you might have another um what's his face another garrett whitlock out there and i have a name that could actually be that so you know it is what it is right that's that's where the new york yankees are right now and um you know we'll see so let's let's forget about that forget about the moves li yanking my friend man thank you so much i greatly appreciate that do they add anthony volpe to the 40 man roster they don't have to yet they don't have to yet but that'll definitely happen of course in the future volpe is the future of the yankees prospect pool and a lot of what they will be doing i think will actually be based around anthony volpe so getting into the rule five eligible guys so guys i'm gonna throw some names out there for you i'm gonna give you a list of these names some of them you're gonna know some of them you may not so i'm gonna run through them here's a couple of them randy vasquez and i'll go over to guys i believe will be on there everson pierre matt sawyer steven ridings you guys should be familiar with oswaldo cabrera if you guys are not familiar with be familiar with them trey ambergee you guys are familiar with jp sears left-handed pitcher ron maran you know what gets me so mad when i see an italian name and i don't pronounce it immediately ron marinaccio is a right-handed pitcher very good greg weissert sean simple trevor lane johnny brito and matt crook so guys out of those players i don't know how many of you guys you know know all of these players but there's a few of them i will go ahead and immediately tell you they're going to be on the 40 man the yankees aren't going to miss out on these guys so with that being said let's go ahead and jump into who those guys are first one oswaldo cabrera if you guys do not know who oswaldo cabrera is know his name now he is gonna be a guy that's gonna be talked about a lot during spring training he will be in a major league spring training camp no doubt about it and he will be on the 40-man roster if not a team will get him and he'll be on a major league club somewhere that's the talent level of this kid 22 years old triple a last year i'm actually played on uh two different teams double a and triple a both of them he was terrific more time in double a than anything but overall on the season 29 homers 89 rbis 21 stolen bases 272 average 330 on base percentage 863 ops switch hitter uh throws right-handed fast pretty good defense plays all over the place this is a keeper this is a keeper this is a guy no doubt about it that you can easily easily see on the yankee 40 man roster he will definitely be there oswaldo cabrera do not forget that name second guy on the list and guys right after we discuss all of this we will jump into the yankee off season i'll answer your guys questions so oswaldo cabrera guys remember that name here's a guy who can help the new york yankees next year everson pierre or everson pierra however you want to say it i'm trying to be as proper as i can there another guy outfielder 20 years old playing high a last year actually went through three teams rookie ball a ball and then hudson valley which is high a and he actually played the most in hudson valley but really came not necessarily came out of nowhere but really put himself on the prospect map 20 home runs last year 57 rbis 303 average 398 on base percentage and a 1.084 ops slap your mama that is good let me tell you right now here's a guy undoubtedly is gonna be asked about a lot one of the yankees top prospects teams are gonna want him uh he's a guy to also really keep your eye on the next two guys um and again steven writings and ron morenaccio are both likely could be added but i'm talking about the guys you may not know much about ron was terrific in triple a last year and you guys know already about steven writings we seen what he could do got injured didn't finish the year at the yankees but the only reason he was down was because of the injury he would have been back but um i'm not gonna talk that much about those guys because we'll see what happens with him i do expect him to get on there but these other two guys are very important um i think i just got a couple of super chats i want to go ahead and answer those mic because if i don't answer them they'll fall off so we are going to talk about the off season so let me see what mike said mike i greatly appreciate it thank you my friend listen i'm not saying seeger is bad but if he's gonna get 250 million plus i'd rather much sign correa seeger has terrible defensive metrics i don't get it uh and then my good friend anthony medina says pete the yankees at present have 34 players on the roster do you think there will be more because there are a few that are currently on the il yes there will be more openings on the 40-man roster and of course nada we're talking about that yes there will be more there could definitely be some non-tenders also in there so i'm just talking about what's happening today um but getting to the last two names that i want to chat about before we get into the off season and answer your guys questions the next guy is randy vasquez if you guys do not know who randy vasquez is learn the name really really quickly randy is 23 years old uh and uh this year excuse me i'm um ball high a ended with somerset terrific stuff excellent stuff overall in the season eight and four 2.52 era 23 games 21 games started 107 innings 130 strikeouts randy is a keeper learn to name he's gonna be a guy to really look at next year randy vasquez it's very hard to do things with one hand my goodness you never know until you know now i know last guys matt saw a sawyer excuse me i was about to say so i saw you i don't know what the hell i'm saying matt sawyer here's another guy right here uh throws very very hard could be a whitlock type if the yankees let him go could be a whitlock type highest he played all year was in high a hudson valley but on the season five and six 4.69 era 23 games 21 games started 111 innings 127 strikeouts he definitely piles up the k's throws very hard a lot of people believe this kid is gonna actually end up being in the bullpen and a lot of people think he could do that right now he is extremely talented really really good player we'll see what happens there rodiger i hope i'm saying the name right get correa for shortstop and move him to third um we are going to talk about all of that and you are actually right on time because we're gonna talk about that stuff right now jeremy sweeney greatly appreciate the super chat also my friend uh thank you so much so guys let's go ahead and get into it throw your questions out there uh let me know what you got what you want to talk about uh when it comes to the off season and we will go ahead and go from there uh let me see my give me one second guys i think my camera's messing up on me one moment all right give me one second i might have to switch because with one hand i don't think i can move this thing around one second everyone all right guys i am still here i have not gone away i think i'm gonna have to switch to my webcam sorry about that guys one moment let me see if this works hopefully it does there we go all right let me see if this works on here all right cool guys perfect a little close let me push this baby on back a little bit all right we are back in business guys i'm sorry about that okay so let's go ahead and get to your guys questions as of right now ramon i see you immediately jump out what do i have any information as of right now guys no um nothing new besides what i've already reported and what i got out there so i don't have much new information i obviously have my own thought process of what the yankees may do and i think we talked about that on the um no i was about my goodness on the designated spitters podcast so yeah please let me get to your guys questions let's do this right now anthony medina says do you think gardy will be back i will say never say never but if you guys do remember i reported on that video of my friend who talked to brian cashman and i was told then that they don't believe gardner is gonna be back i mean the words that i heard were they don't expect that gardner is gonna be back but i'll tell you right now you you will never know you'll never know pete can you do the ymca ryan fam nah mag just one all i got is the one right now that is it so i would say as of right now i'd say right now no gardner is not back i'd say right now i don't think they bring gardener back but it wouldn't shock me one bit at all that wouldn't shock me at all um trade gary sanchez for a let's go brandon t-shirt we'll see what happens with them luis heal starting the year in the rotation says matt g no i don't believe so matt um and if that's the case i probably wouldn't be too happy because look one of the mistakes that yankee fans uh tend to make a lot is they're putting a lot of value into what the rotation did in 2021 and that's fine but to repeat that you know you don't want to just sit back and go with the same guys you don't want to go with the same gang i've said this i'm on record of saying this i've said this on the designated spitters podcast you guys can see it if you guys watched it you would know i am not a fan of not improving the yankees rotation i do believe robbie ray should be a main target i do think the yankee should also go out there potentially make a trade maybe a sean minaya maybe a basset maybe there's another name out there that can make some sense maybe arizona's willing to move um zach gallon maybe that's a young guy the yankees could put some prospects towards and pick up maybe john gray these are all guys i will love and i really really believe the yankees need to go out there and do that i still believe pitching is key i know offense needs to do it but the yankees got a good situation believe it or not with their offense this is the thing that a lot of people don't don't understand when i talk about gary sanchez one of the first things people goes will pete how are we making up that production well what production and you don't need production like that from everybody but you need role players that can make some good plays you need guys if you get rid of gary give me defense give me defense because that's better than what gary was giving us so a lot of those things like that need to work out that way but um there's a lot of good the yankees can do i just hope they improve the rotation significantly pete i'm surprised that and this is uh from li yank king ella man thank you so much i appreciate the super chats man really do pete i'm surprised that no one is talking about the number one priority this offseason signing aaron judge to an extension hey eli i'm with you i've said that you've heard me say that multiple times i thought the yankees would do it it it's starting to look a little like we're not hearing much about that but we'll see right we will see um we'll see what happens but um i know you guys heard me say john gray i would die and i may go against my own word that the yankees may never win a world series with aaron boone if the yankees make all these significant changes i am not confident that they will i've said this for a long time and i'm not gonna change on that i am not confident the yankees will make the changes they need to make which is a lot mind you i don't think aaron hicks should be the center fielder i don't think gary sanchez should be the catcher they obviously need a short stop and they need a first baseman i count anthony rizzo as a new guy i count anthony rizzo as a new guy because anthony rizzo was not here to start the year so i still count him as a new guy tyler says edit my trade before jason dominguez laboratories medina and gomes for jose ramirez and nick woodrin um look i don't care about nick honestly if you could get me jose ramirez you do it you do it folks i'm gonna throw it out to you right now i'm gonna throw it out there to you right now would you include jason dominguez in a jose ramirez deal and i swear to god i better get the right answer i better get the right answer fam ramon yeah i would count gallo as a new guy he wasn't there on 21. he wasn't there in 21 so i would still count gallo as a new guy so guys let me let me see those let me see those answers in there cleveland calls you up and cleveland says guys we will talk as long as jason dominguez is in that deal what do you do greminator i know you're better than that vamos brandon i know you better than that griminator i know you better than that this is the easiest answer in the world fam yes yes you do it yes my base is smarter than this oh god i'm i'm actually surprised that i see some of you saying you wouldn't do it really riffle you guys know who i'm talking about here right jose ramirez jason dominguez is a super raw talent now we know the kid could be terrific we understand that this is a super raw talent guys jose ramirez has a great contract and he has everything the yankee offense needs are you guys serious right now you wouldn't trade jason dominguez would you guys do it straight up now i'm kind of concerned here fan i'm concerned right now great point great point ramirez is the type of player you hope dominguez could turn into and he's the guy right now we gotta win now fam you gotta you gotta do it now fam you gotta do it now me me yes 100 100 ramirez can go he could take over third base absolutely terrific i would do that in a heartbeat and of course look if you called up the indians and he said hey dominguez for him they'd be like yeah shut up not happening it's gonna cost a lot it's gonna cost a real lot to get a guy jose ramirez i i'm on record saying this he would be my guy he would be my guy before any free agent and kent you're right there most people believe jason dominguez is about four years away so we'll see pete um this is from li yankee king again pete i'm about i'm all about jram trust me but the window is shut time to sell off pieces not bring in players i would deal dominguez but not now you know here's my thing about that here's my thing about that nobody has you know i've been anybody who has watched me for a while knows the way i feel about the yankees and what they have to do this off season unless i will rip them a new every single day i think you guys know that about me already or confident that i will do that um no matter how big ny news gets which is gonna be very damn big by the way i'll always rip this team a new when i have to and if they don't go out there and do what they need to do you will hear me talking about it all year long the only shot this team has of winning with these guys is one or two years tops i believe that if they're gonna go for it they gotta go for it now they do have a lot of young kids coming up that could really help them but they gotta do something now they gotta do something now they gotta do something now yeah i mean pierre could pierre could but i mean there's a lot of good things you know um griminator i don't know too much about suzuki the center field of the the right i believe he's a right fielder actually um i know he got good speed so i don't i don't know much about him to honestly talk about if he could be a new center fielder for the yanks i i don't know that much about him um i i honestly i don't know much about him again i haven't done any too much research on them and i've i haven't heard of any connection for the yankees i think chris taylor would be terrific i think chris taylor would be a nice one now a lot of people see chris taylor and they look at the strikeouts i just see versatility with a guy like him i see versatility and he does well in the postseason you know he doesn't fold under that pressure i think i already told you guys what my infield would be rizzo at first ramirez at third catcher would be stallings shortstop look you either sign somebody to a low-cost deal maybe an iglesias uh maybe give it to peraza and then second base is dj that would be my club that would be my club but we'll see uh tyler says much love from canada appreciate all you do who's gonna who's gonna man center now with the gardner allen roster uh with the garden al ross opening up cheers um tyler i hate to spoil um your day and excuse me guys i'm sorry i'm that's my damn eye here my goodness i hate to ruin your got your day maybe but it's probably gonna be aaron hicks unfortunately it'll probably be aaron hicks aaron hicks will likely be the center fielder for the new york yankees i mean just as what it is aaron hicks will likely be the guy in center field for the yanks he's saying it but probably would be anthony my friend thank you pete the only way i would trade dominguez is that the anchors can get ramirez but it's gonna take more to the to get him of course 100 right but i do it i go for it guys i go for it that's what a winning team needs to do that's what brian cashman needs to do that's my i forgot it's my webcam now and maybe a little careful that's what he needs to do that's what he needs to do you cannot come at this team this off-season okay we added seeger we're good to go no you're not and i urge yankee fans don't fall for that don't fall for it if our off season is a free agent shortstop stay home stay home let me do the dirty work because trust me i will you think my rats were bad last year wait until this year if they don't do what they need to do stay home go buy a bucket of chicken at kfc forget buying a bucket of chicken in yankee stadium for 30 dollars let them keep it let him keep it they can't come out here and say we got two guys we good to go we got hicks coming back we got severino coming back gary's improved blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same if that's what brian cashman does forget it guys then then li yankee king is right sell guys you might as well sell that's the case you might as well go you might as well go oh there'll be a lot of ranting for me next year my blood pressure's good though you know what i mean 2021 was tough on your boy almost died in january got covered shoulder stuff all messed up all in the same year blood pressure always stayed good fam i'm ready to go trust me i'm ready look this ain't this ain't gonna stop me all right i'm ready to go i'm waiting and i got a huge team coming behind me in january stay tuned for that guys december wait until you hear what ny news got planned for you and who's coming on board and what we got you're gonna have yankee galore everywhere so much content you ain't gonna know what to do with it so much content you ain't gonna know what to do with it johnny johnny by the way how's the baby doing my fam my son said what's up look at that i didn't even see that before johnny i didn't see that before what up little guy your gut feeling from what you heard what things you predict to happen who is the shortstop woo all right um you know johnny i'm gonna take the easy way out um because if i'm gonna go off of everything i hear you know what people tell me off record um you know after interviews and things like that everybody believes seeger is the guy um everybody believes seeger um i go a different route i i go a different route guys i really do um i go a different route uh i i look to sign pitching i like john gray i like robbie ray um i think you can make a trade for a big name whether that's olson uh whether that is ramirez who i read that whether that's cattell marte um uh whether whether that is um carson kelly there's a lot of things out there that new york yankees can do um if you guys saw my video earlier that i released what might have been yesterday i think uh you know there's a lot of these guys i'm not about um rodiger said move correa to third when the prospect is up you know i think that's an idea for um what they plan on doing even if they got sega um seeger i think their idea would be to potentially move in the third but you know i heard something about anthony volpe and this was actually from cashman himself um in that conversation that i got to listen to um he believes and a lot of the yankees and the the yankees uh mino lee guys believe that anthony volpe is actually going to become a second or third baseman because they actually believe he's gonna fill out his body's gonna fill out more which may slow him down but they believe this kid's actually gonna have more power than they ever expect him to have ella yanking my friend you are being way too generous today but um thank you that's all i can say because all this stuff helps build the channel actually helps towards what is happening in january so li says pete here is my thing yes you have a window with coal but let's be honest the team is constructed horribly and trading the guys i've said before is what the yankees need to do uh but here is the guys too and i'm guessing you're gonna add more to that um but eli no i don't disagree with you and i've said this before but it's about who you trade and how you go about it there's no reason to lock aaron judge up long term if you don't expect to win there's no reason to go out there and sign free agents if you don't expect to win so the thing is we got to live in the reality of what the yankees are we can't live in a well this is what we would do yeah that's fun and all we can always talk about what we would do that's an easy thing to do what we would do but that's not going to be reality and we know that by living in brian cashman's world for so many years my concern is i don't know if brian cashman is the guy that could make enough moves and one kind of kick his ego to the side and go these moves didn't work these moves didn't work aaron hicks hasn't worked so whether aaron hicks is our fourth outfielder and he gets playing time now and then or we attach a good prospect to him and move him that's my thing i don't know if brian cashman is that guy who could do that i don't know if he's that guy and that's the truth i don't know if he's the guy that could do that in all in all seriousness i don't know if he could do that stuff so we'll see but that is my honest opinion of where they are right now uh let's see i got hey simonetti soar sign chris bryant and if the yankees do sign clayton kershaw make him a reliever uh no i think i think a lot of that is off um i don't think anybody would be too upset with brian i think brian's a good player i don't think it happens with the yankees and i would say no with anything with clayton kershaw i don't think kershaw's gonna want to be a reliever uh mike says do we bring tanaka back there's the rumor again that like i said person i got that information from 100 legit no doubt about it we'll see we'll see i wouldn't mind that if the yankees got a guy like right with him i wouldn't mind if the yankees got a guy gray with him uh danny says attach some good prospects and move hicks to arizona for martay you know the thing is danny um why would arizona want hicks that's the problem with aaron hicks he he has no value you know what i mean he's not even a we saw last year you know he started to not even be a good he started to not even be a good center fielder anymore so i mean with that being said and on top of that it's a team that's looking to rebuild so i i don't really know i don't really i don't know i i don't i don't know you know where hicks could be moved his off his salary is very movable so there's a lot of people you know is his salary movable yeah his salary is is is extremely movable you could no doubt about it move his salary that's not hard to do it's just about doing it it's just about doing it adding a prospect it's got to be a good prospect too li yankee king you are being far far far too generous today my friend um i really really appreciate it fix it long time ray yes but yamamoto bring him in jonah heim iglesias and you have the left side of the infield uh long-term volpe at third peraza shortstop moving dj yes is unpopular but needs to be done uh where to start with this one fix it long time with rey yamamoto jonah heim i like jonah heim i don't think jonah heim would cost much um he's a younger pro younger catcher i believe he's a switch hitter a pretty decent defensively texas rangers um wouldn't be a horrible option if i'm the yankees and i'm looking to win jacob stallings the guy i go to if i'm looking to have a guy who could potentially you know come into his own and be a really all-star caliber catcher uh carson kelly is that guy but um there there's not many others out there i think i i believe and i said this before i think jacob stalin's the best bet for the yankees if they're trying to win within the next two years that that's my honest opinion trade hicks to minnesota for buxton trade hicks to any team for a year's supply of unicornios for boone that would make sense that would make a lot of sense sports talker my friend how are you doing matt olson is the guy to yankees need a package of heel peraza voigt and wesneski uh should net the yankees matt olson it would save the a's around six to seven million and net him some very very good prospects i'd be okay with that i'd be okay with that um i've said that i've said that for um a while i'd be okay with that and and at least sports talker you got the prospect that it actually would cost to be in that deal unlike a lot of times we see these deals and we're like uh yeah that doesn't make any sense at all so um no you are definitely spot on with that one i greatly um i appreciate that comment because that's that's very logical makes a lot of sense and i think yankee fans would be happy with that i'd do that deal i would do that deal on the heartbeat um no question about it also saves the yankees money in a sense of locking in anthony rizzo long term who i love and i'd be happy to see him back but maybe that money then could go elsewhere maybe that could go to a starting pitcher maybe that could go to a john gray maybe that could go to again whoever shortstop they get um you know maybe that goes to a couple of a couple of role players potentially anthony medina my friend thank you so much pete if yankees cannot extend aaron judge this year or next maybe they need to consider trading him i know people will get mad but i'm being real it depends on what the yankees do look if the yankees don't lock this guy in long term it's it's not going to be too cute i'll tell you right now because you'll have teams like the giants you'll have teams like the angels and it's home for aaron judge lined up they will be lined up um to get him they'll be absolutely lined up to get him no doubt about it and um you know a guy like aaron judge at some point you got to feel disrespected don't you i mean at some point don't you feel a little disrespected by your team just a little disrespected by your team to say i don't know about it guys i've been here for a minute i've been kind of quiet we gonna do anything about this i don't know i don't know you you would expect you would expect that that something will get done here soon it's kind of ballsy for the yankees to wait it'll be kind of ballsy but uh we'll see we'll we'll see what happens there well i expect aaron judge to be a yankee for good all right guys i am gonna get a r get ready to jump off here think the medication is kicking in starting to slur my words a little bit i swear to god there's just water in here there's just water in here that is it or is it no it really is it's just water in there um guys i keep telling you guys this i keep saying this and it's hard for me to stop talking about it january rolls along man um actually december you guys will know all the changes that team ny news is doing but i want you guys to be subscribed i want to hit 6 000 subscribers before january um and you guys are gonna see what terrific stuff we have in store and the people that we are bringing over new faces that you guys are gonna be like whoa when you see who is joining our team and it's who is joining team ny news for the jump which is january january starts immediately the programming begins so you guys are going to be i'm telling you're going to be really really happy what we have coming for you guys so much yankee content by so many different voices that's what i really like uh whether people agree with me they may agree with somebody else that is on our page and ny news is gonna always do one thing we're gonna keep it real no matter what even if the voices change we're going to keep it real no matter what even if the voice is changing it's different people will always keep it real on this on this um channel so again guys thank you so much everybody who contributed today thank you for being here everybody who did the super chats thank you so much for all of that all of that is going to what we are building i promise it ella yanking again man thank you so much you really didn't have to do a super chat on that one but judge contract nine years 270. we'll see we'll see what that is but i'm telling you man yankees be smart do not disrespect judge you never know you've never known a lot of teams will love him i think the giants will be all over them you guys heard kevin kern kevin kernan told him personally you might want to see what the giants offer you so we'll see what happens um the january yankee talk with chad curtis and john wetland you know guys ryan's always going to be here too ryan's always gonna have fun with us so everything we're doing now though is not going away so just to give you guys a heads up if you like the live chats they're not going away there's actually gonna be more of them you hear that there's actually going to be more of them if you guys like designated spitters it's not going away it's just going to be better if you guys like yankee podcast by different people it's gonna be a lot more of them and better than they were before if you guys like live pregames and post games you don't want to hear the yes network live post game or pre-game we'll be here for that if you're a new york yankee fan i'm keeping it real with you there's no other place to be especially for next year guys i appreciate you have a wonderful night i am gonna go lay down because the medication is kicking in and um i will talk to you guys again very very soon again you guys are the best stay tuned subscribe like share you guys know the routine and we will talk again soon so yeah thank you guys have a good night want me

04 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Who Will Be The Yankees Catcher In 2022? @SimonettiSource


what is going on everybody pete simonetti here for nyy news guys this is gonna be a topic of conversation for the longest time until we know for sure if gary sanchez is gonna be back or not this is gonna be a topic of conversation we know that it's gonna be one of the hottest topics you guys i think already know my opinion i've made it be known i've said it i said what i think what well i said what i would do which is a lot of what this video is about and i've said what i think they're going to end up doing which i don't have confidence the yankees will really make a change at catcher i got a gut feeling and hopefully i'm wrong that brian cashman said ah one year more let's let's go i'll give him another shot or whatever and folks i think that's completely the wrong move i've already stated my cases on why i believe that i've also already shot back on the naysayers regarding my opinion on this like oh the production production production what production what are you talking about the yankees don't need to rely on catcher production to be a good team and that's the thing i think people got to get in their heads and the guy we are seeing seems like it's either a i am not who you guys thought i was thing or a cry for help i need to get out of here let me go somewhere else that's not as scrutinized and maybe i will become this really good player with the national league having a dh open that'll be a great spot for gary sanchez by the way a great spot for gary sanchez maybe you know a brewers would need a bat miami would be terrific i think there's a lot of good spots open out there for for gary sanchez but for now let's talk about the yankees um i will again go ahead and go over some of my griefs with gary you guys have heard them all many years ago it feels like many years ago now your boy right here you're looking at him the guy who broke the story the guy who broke it down for all of you the guy who started the conversation about gary sanchez being quote-unquote lazy not coming to camp the way the yankees asked him to hitting weight goals and things of that nature and everybody on pete because god forbid you talk about gary you better be right source come to find out pizza manetti of ny news was 100 spot on a-rod then followed up after that he had an ex-yankee coach follow-up after that many in the industry followed up after that that gary sanchez has an issue hell there's even a scouting report the year he was called up that basically questions his heart that questions his ability to actually become a better defensive catcher so again this was never and i said in those early videos way back in the day when i broke the story about the yankees brass not being happy with them i even said it back then this is not a knock on gary sanchez this is just c you know i'm putting out the information that i am told that i know is accurate and i put it out there so you know a lot of people started this oh pete hates gary and a lot of you guys who have followed me for years now you guys know that that's the case and i've always said i hope gary sanchez is the best catcher in baseball year in and year out for the yankees i also said me and felix and i think felix actually said this before me trade him for real mudo get jt real muddle back then the yankees didn't do it hey that's all history we can't go back to that now gary's who he is the yankees got to make the decision do we move on without him or do we keep him for another year and see what happens we pay him seven or so million or whatever it's gonna cost do we decline him and resign him for less would he accept that um it's interesting we'll see he's a non-tender candidate i think he is i don't think it goes that route personally but we will see i think his value is definitely there to be traded um is it what it was no but i do think for a one year guy especially with the dh coming to the national league the yankees get some good form because if the national league has that dh you could say well look guys there's really never been a question about his bat now if you want to talk about batting average well you know i'll throw slugging percentage numbers at you i'll throw homers for catchers at you i can throw those things at you so we're gonna have to get something decent that we'd want in return to move them but you know a lot of the things gary did um earl from twitter shout out to earl um who had to ruin my morning i wake up and i see the play against the mets when gary sanchez got the ball about 20 feet ahead and walked away basically and pulled away from the bag and allowed him to score still to this day i think that's the worst catching play of all time i i don't think that would ever happen with many other catchers maybe none and i almost feel like i could put my hand on fire for that one um i don't think that happens with many people but it did it happened and then the pop-up and the bad framing the past balls the not wanting you know cold cole doesn't want to pitch to him and again i wanted to detail about that on the designated spitters pod that i think a lot of that has to do with aaron boone too and kevin curran mentioned this also is getting did he ever get these guys in a room and go look guys hash it out but if you guys remember too a lot of people get mad and i said guys look at the end of the day they don't have a manager with balls so it's gonna be up to coal simple as that they don't have a manager that goes garrett look you guys need to work this out because i'm telling you to so figure out what the problem is work on it together and move on they don't have a manager like that so all year when people argued i was like guys you arguing this for no reason they don't have a manager with balls it's gonna be gary cole's decision simple as that disagree with it or not that's the fact it's garrett cole's decision they don't have a manager who's gonna say nah that's not happening on my club they don't have that so looking forward two names that are now being talked about among most yankee fans again i guarantee you you heard here first nobody and i mean nobody on twitter yankee beat writers or anybody else was telling you all late early last year about jacob stallings as pizza manetti was nobody was talking about carson kelly end of last year into the off season on round tables like pizza minetti was but again not to toot my own horn even though i'm tooting my own damn horn because i can and i want it because you know i'm in pain so i want to be you know this right here hi how you doing it's annoying let me let me let me have a little enjoyment fam okay let me have a little enjoyment anyway let's hope one of these two guys is the yankee catcher next year okay so there's news out of arizona that the diamondbacks may move on from carson kelly because he's often injured i think he's never had more than like 314 at-bats and they got um dalton varshall who is an outfielder but also plays catcher and they think they might turn to dalton a little more to be their regular catcher now again carson kelly shouldn't be cheap he won't come cheap so don't go ahead and say tyler wade and uh and uh let's see tyler wade and uh lucas lucky for him no that's not gonna happen it'll be a pretty decent trade i don't know the significance of it but um i'll let you guys get into that in the comments section below cause you guys are better at trades than i am i hate that whole let's make up trade ideas i don't like doing it it's not fun sometimes yeah you like to get an idea and a projection but not a big fan of it so last year carson kelly had a 2.2 war um decent defensively but again if you're looking at potential for the future and a guy who could potentially be an all-star caliber catcher carson kelly's your guy out of him and jacob stallings there's no doubt about it the higher upside the younger player carson kelly is going to be 27 next year it's carson kelly there there's no denying that last year overall i'll give you guys his numbers now again 2.2 war 304 at bats second highest he's had in his career 13 homers 240 average 46 rbis on base percentage 343 slogan 411 ops 754 and again on the defensive side not bad um he's not a bad defensive catcher at all so you know if you see that i see some people saying well how good is he's a good defensive catcher he's not bad he's well improved upon gary sanchez put it that way um if that's the way you want to see it he is well improved on gary sanchez and again potential wise future outlook wise of talent this would be your guy it's gonna cost a little more um i don't believe he would be a free agent for a while um i don't have that in front of me actually i do he will not be as early as free age will be 2025. so you're looking at 22 23 and 24 with them three full seasons where again he'll be cheap um arbitration will kick in and get a little bit of a raise because he's a good hitter but um the main thing with carson kelly is staying healthy and the workload the workload would be a little new for him i think the yankees either got to commit either one of these guys i think they would have to commit with kyle higashioka getting some reps getting a good amount of reps and giving these guys you know not as much playing time as some of us probably would want i do think these guys need their rest neither one of them have had a ton a ton of at bats a ton of ton of games underneath them the most games that carson kelly has ever played in is 111 and that was arguably or not even arguably that was his best year in the major leagues 18 homers 47 rbis this was in 2019 that was his best year in the majors and that is the most games he ever played most at-bats he's ever had so that was the best of course in kelly a couple of years ago so the big thing for him is health if you're looking at potential this is your guy now over to jacob stallings stallings on his ears you guys know he is right now a finalist for the gold glove award last year i mean he's the finals for gold glove award he's also won the fielding bible award for the best defensive catcher so again with a guy like him let me get his numbers first and i tell you the difference between the two and and why i would favor one over the other actually at this moment for the new york yankees a three war last year 374 bats eight home runs 246 average on base percentage 335 slugging 369 ops 704 it is his best offensive year in the major leagues his most games played 112 in the major leagues and again many around baseball believe this is the best defensive catcher in baseball that is the major major plus now i'm sure you guys want to hear who i would choose because you guys know i love both of these guys i've been talking about them longer than anybody out there and giving you guys the information on both of these fellas for me carson kelly is the potential guy he is the guy who may become a really good catcher for years to come he's the guy that's a little more risky he's the guy you're taking more of a risk on because there's the offense potential there's the defense potential but then there's the idea of the uncertainty of them we are not a hundred percent of who we're getting but we know this guy could be very good there's also the potential that he doesn't play many games now guys get over injuries and catching's a demanding position we all know that but you got to think that way looking forward for the yanks because the yankees need to win a world series under this garrett cole contract before they opt out they gotta try to win a world series where their best guys are young in their prime and give him the best shot of winning in my opinion just looking so trust me if i'm if somebody comes to me goes pete just disclaimer you got to choose one of these two for the next four to five years carson kelly all day all day carson kelly because potential if somebody came to mingle pete you get one of these guys for 2022. it's jacob stallings because defense to me is really what has been missing from that position not offense gary sanchez can hit you 20 plus homers we know that gary sanchez combat 210 have a decent you know good slugging percentage i drive in some runs i do all that stuff i want defense i'm at the point now where i want defense i want my young pitchers and my pitchers in general to know they could bounce a ball in the dirt they could have the confidence in bouncing a ball in the dirt they don't have to be worried about maybe gary not being able to block this pitch i want one of the best defensive catchers on this club period don't give me the nonsense about making up gary's production that's stupid that's a poor argument for the new york yankees if you're worried about that may i remind you may i remind you you got aaron judge you got g and carlos stanton you got dj lemay you're coming back from from injury all year you've got global tours who a lot of you feel like it needs to get a lot of your words gonna be much better at second base yankees also have a hell of a free asian pool opened up i expect them to get one of these guys they also got many great trades they can made a hell of a prospect pool they can move guys around from i don't think you sit back and look at the yankee roster and go look if we trade gary that hurts our offensive production if that is the case bring them back if that's the losing formula that was allowed losing excuse me cover your ears i should have put a warning if that is your formula that is again a losing formula and i will not go with that jacob stalling should be the guy should 150 be the guy the yankees trade for if he's available i don't see why he wouldn't be i don't see why that would be a problem i think the yankees can definitely pry him away um at throwing a pitching prospect you know what i mean again i don't know that all the trade values and these websites you can use and blah blah blah i don't care about that stuff i told you guys everybody's up for grabs to me instead of uh besides anthony volpe who i actually might be seeing in december early december i might i might actually be seeing anthony volpe if i go to the um italian uh baseball thing um the dinner they got for him and tom ferducci uh maybe attending that so we'll see i'll keep you guys updated on that but overall jacob stallings is my guy i'm banking more on a guy being very good with our starting pitching stealing some strikes doing the little things that count and i i think with confidence i can say i think you'll get two really good years from jacob stalin minimum that is until austin wells maybe really significantly improves offensively and could really be a full-time catcher or antonio gomez is ready those are the two main guys i'm looking at for the yankees when it comes to catching i think antonio gomez ends up being a guy if he stays healthy austin wells i think needs significant improvement at catching him there's many people that'll tell you now he's way behind especially at the level he's at his bat will carry him anywhere but in the catching position he's way behind so guys that is my thought on the catching situation i don't see any way you bring gary sanchez back and expect me to be happy i can't i can't i've seen enough of gary sanchez simple as that i know a lot of you disagree i have seen enough of gary sanchez guys it's been a long journey for me and gary it's been a long journey for me and gary a long journey i kind of been marked on twitter by many people as this big gary hater and that's never been the case i just reported what i was told and can you say it was wrong can you say it was not true it's proven true multiple times proven truth back then let alone now now everybody everybody's on captain pete's boat everybody jumped on captain pete's boat but um carson kelly jacob stallings i wouldn't be upset with either but i do think the win now 2022 catcher is jacob stallings you guys let me know in the comments section below and guys we are closing in on our january goal we are about 600 subscribers away from 6 000 subscribers guys please friends family any yankee fans you know share this link say guys follow pete and his team they got huge announcements coming out in january which we do actually coming out in december of everything we got planned in january the big new change coming up all the big additions you guys are not going to want to miss it again like share subscribe comment section below let me know what catcher you would choose maybe it's somebody different than i mentioned uh maybe you guys would stick with gary maybe you nut balls will stick with gary i don't know um let me know what you think about stalin's let me know what you think about kelly and on top of that throw me some trades out there because you guys are better than me when it comes to these trade scenarios so guys again for pizza minetty and team nyy news i greatly greatly thank you guys and i will talk to you again very very soon

03 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

NYYNEWS Mic Pass: Alex Filipponi - Smart Moves The Yankees Should Make & One Under The Radar Trade


how's it going exchanges this is my mic where everyday ordinary yankees fans get a platform to showcase their opinions submit your takes in mp3 audio too and why insider i can help you explode what's going on yankee fans this is alex reporting from ny news felix was kind enough to give me the mic for this uh this rant so thank you felix and i'm gonna go and uh just say what i think the yankees should do that's not about what they will do for sure if this video or this recording came out a couple weeks ago boone wouldn't be there aaron hicks would not be even in the discussion but here we are i make suggestions they make decisions so that being said i'd like to point out a few things that the yankees may do that they probably should do and uh let's just go around the diamond real quick let's start about gary sanchez let's be honest we haven't played him in a do or die game two years in a row how many times we gotta keep playing this he's due to make at least eight million dollars this year it's one more year before he hits free agency he needs to go what more do you want to say he can't really hit he just he's got tons of talent but he can't really hit no pitchers like the throw to him what more do you want i'm okay with the stop gap right now um yang gomes is a free agent we got a couple guys down on the farm that could potentially be that replacement not quite ready just yet um one thing to maybe look out for i don't think it will happen but uh mike zenino does have a club option with the raise if for any reason the raise declined that option five minutes later the yankees should have a contract ready and waiting for him but right now sanchez is the guy under contract he needs to go if we had to get somebody anyone to replace him it's fine with me the guy can't catch you can't pitchers aren't even relying on throwing breaking balls to him he's affecting the entire pitching staff even to the point where our ace has to have a personal catcher which is another issue entirely so then let's moving on to first base you know anthony rizzo i liked him personally i like his leadership i like what he brings to the table but he's not coming back he's just not dj la mayhew is probably going to be our starting first baseman this year we've given him that long contract for a reason i don't see him playing that utility type of role that he originally signed with the yankees for back in 2019 but he's our first baseman if we need somebody for just a glove who's going to be contact we already have him on the roster second base we got glabor i can't bel i can't wrap my head around letting glay rotorus go or trading him right now because his value is so substantially so so low right now and we know what kind of talent he's got he's still young um looking at his build i'm not that confident in his uh his ability to be very successful in the future i do think him moving to second base is going to be a tremendous help if he stays at second base leave him at second base and let him try and work out the problems he's had but right now his trade value is so low to where why you might as well just keep him and hopefully he brings it back i really hope he becomes the all-star that we've seen in the past shortstop that's the fun one we know cashman's already said he wants to he's going to be looking for a shortstop now let's just get this out of the way first everyone's saying corey seeger if those rumors are true that corey seeger for 300 million we can stop talking about corey seeger right now if we're gonna spend that money whether you like it or not carlos correa would be that guy me personally i don't want to see correa come to new york not anything to do with the scandal not anything to do about the 2017 cheating we all know about that but as yankee fans if he came into new york and he hit a couple big bombs we'd all get over it i don't personally don't want correa because of a couple reasons one he is going to cost a fortune if you haven't noticed these yankees are not the george steinbrenner yankees these are the hal steinbrenner yankees where they are very concerned about finances it seems like even to their detriment at some times but correa who's 27 years old if he's gonna get 300 million which he very well likely will you're gonna have to give him a lot of years you talk about a middle infielder who's great now but father time comes for everybody and he hasn't had too much injury history but he does have a history of some back issues which is really concerning for a long-term middle infielder again he's a great player don't really like his attitude too much but he is a great player it is what it is but i wouldn't sign him for that reason alone now the other side of the coin is we have our top two prospects that are short one of which that we know of is anthony volpe who the yankees are not trading for anybody he is a future stud now what may happen is he might become the future third baseman and then number two prospect oswaldo peraza will be the long-term shortstop i do believe that peraza is probably better suited long-term as a shortstop and volpe with his amount of talent will still be a great third baseman as well as offensive juggernaut with that being said we do need the shortstop they've been they've been talking about it for a while now they don't seem to be too inclined on trevor's story i think the move being that you have these two up and coming shortstops is marcus simeon the guy hits the ball the guy obviously he can move to another position when these two short stops are ready and are playing in the field at the major league level simeon's the guy and the biggest thing is he's not going to cost that much probably get away with three to five years maybe 150 million but you're not going to be locked into a very long contract with a guy like marcus seaman who is going to be able to do a lot of things the yankees have not been able to do this past year so moving on still have rochelle i'm sure there'll be some offers made on him um he's not our problem let's be honest he's really not but i'm sure they'll be filled in some offers and i know i missed it but voight will probably have some offers filled in his way as well but um the biggest one was let's talk about the outfield aaron hicks for some reason or another is going to be back again i mean how many games are you going to play 40 60 maybe i mean how many times you got to keep replaying replaying this over and over again we know what he is he's always hurt but he's here that's what they're gonna go with and you know that's my biggest knock on this yankee front office they don't never they never seem to know when to admit when they're wrong i mean hicks is a very good player when he plays but he never plays so it's not about if but when we need to get a new center fielder judge is obviously the cornerstone give him a contract now left field we did trade for joey gallo we have stanton who proved that he can play the field and if you haven't noticed he plays he hits better when he's in the rhythm of playing in the field however my inclination is to have judge and stanton both play right field as well as dh partially they keep them healthy when it comes to left field i honestly don't hate joey gallo as much as a lot of people do he does provide some value that the yankees didn't really have gold glove defense he does walk obviously strikes out a ton but the biggest knock on him is that he thinks too much it's been reported that he thinks too much and that's just not going to fly in new york it doesn't work and i don't get me wrong i like joey gallo as a person i hope he has a great career i just don't think he's right for this team i do however think that there is a left fielder who is perfect for what the yankees need and no one's talking about him so in my choice of a roster gallows traded get some more prospects in we don't have to look too far go to yankee stadium south and go to the orioles and make a deal for cedric mullins we've seen him for a few years now but has anyone really seen what he did last year he batted 291 stole 30 bases hit 30 homers he's probably going to win the silver slugger award and he's 27 years old and this is the orioles you don't have to trade that much for him it won't be you want to give up dominguez you would have to give up volpe or peraza you might package a couple prospects but this is a guy the yankees need he's versatile he was their center fielder so when aaron hicks goes down you have your back up you have your center fielder ready and waiting but as of right now i'd have him be playing in left field left field in yankee stadium's always been known as you need a second center fielder he fits the bill perfectly and let's not forget he's also a left-handed bat the last point i would like to make on is the rotation pitchings actually was very good this year and i know a lot of people want robbie ray and i like robbie ray my only thing is that he he's probably winning the cy young this year and with that being said he had a career year good for him but i do believe someone is going to overpay for them and when someone's overpaying for a pitcher who never had a year like this in the past who's had injury history might not be the best long-term investment if it's me i'm putting my money towards carlos rodon who is a top flight pitcher younger than robbie ray and i believe has more upside beyond that though this is alex from ny news and i'll talk to you soon

02 Nov 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Brian Cashman's Most Important Offseason Ever @SimonettiSource


hey everybody what is going on pete simonetti here for ny news got a big video to talk about of course i also want to talk about this right now so yeah your boy's a little uh a little beat up right now um shoulder completely dislocated left shoulder completely dislocated everything inside there is torn including the rotator cuff um and also bone chips so um 20 21 as you guys know has been a tough year for everybody definitely no doubt about it's been a pretty tough one for for me um hardest year like i said i put a tweet about the hardest year of my life uh when it comes to all this stuff that's happened all this year but also some of the greatest blessings of my life um ny news doing so great and um so many other things coming like i said i talk about january a lot um so much things coming up but guys i want to talk about this today enough about me all about the yankees let's do this brian cashman's biggest off season is right now this is it this is the biggest off for yankee general manager brian cashman no doubt in my mind this is it the yankees right now at a crossroads there's a lot of things they can do there's a lot of things they should do think the majority of the fan base all agrees that there needs to be some pretty significant changes here what that will be is what's going to determine maybe the next few years down the line for the new york yankees like i said earlier they're at that crossroads so let's break a couple of things down here we know the open positions we know the free agents my big thing is what changes are going to be made what true changes are going to be made we know okay the easy things right them they feel a short stop likely uh they'll probably sign a first baseman could be anthony rizzo or if that doesn't happen dj lemayo probably plays first what is it here's the question i'm asking as me and francis leave asked besides maybe those two free agent changes from the beginning of 2020 to 2021 sorry the beginning of 2021 to what it would be in 2022 so i'm not counting anthony rizzo in that and gallow because you know they came in mid-season the starting lineup we need some new names in there i believe and i'm telling you guys this is my belief aaron hicks will be in center field i think cashman loves him i don't think that's going anywhere we'll see what happens with gary sanchez we could see a change at third base maybe unexpectedly uh whoever that might be you guys know i'm a huge fan of jose ramirez i think if that trades out that you open up anything besides volpe in my opinion dominguez anybody could go for a guy like ramirez that is like the perfect get for the yankees um but is cashman gonna make a move at third is he gonna make a move um again at second base is glaber come back he's gonna make the move at catcher he's gonna make move in center a lot of people also get this hold up where they feel like well the pitching was good last year so hey it's gonna carry on right we don't need to worry about that well you do you do because you can't look at previous year of what your team done and say it'll duplicate or some guys are going to get better right severino is going to be better you know that improves us immediately none of that stuff you know i love the idea of robbie ray talked about this a long time and basically this video is i just want you guys opinion i want your guys opinion in the comments section below i love the idea of robbie ray i would love the idea of sean manaya i think you get both of those guys in the rotation because some people probably hear that and go well pete they already got i don't care what they got that's the way this team needs to be looked at right now by brian cashman he has to look at this club like we don't have enough even in the positions we feel like we do have enough we don't have enough severity's back cool now let's pair him with robbie ryan see if maybe you know maybe we make a trade with oakland maybe it's not uh chapman maybe it's not um um um um bassett maybe it's not the big names that we think of the first baseman that everybody wants maybe it's not those type of moves maybe it's something like a sean manaya who i think would fit terrific in the yankee rotation maybe it's a lutrevino for the bullpen but my point here is there's a lot that can be done so looking at salary wise too if the yankees do some non-tendering if the yankees trade some salary if they look to be outside of the box for an example are all this chapman if a team wants to bite yankees off maybe 6 million 12 million on chapman for one year i think you'd have a lot of teams interested and if that's the case is that something you do i would but would brian cashman because that's all that matters at the end of the day folks what brian is that brian cashman's game i don't think so i don't think so this is why i said at the start this is the most important offseason of brian cashman's life as francis said and a few others have said to me maybe cashman saw last year the philosophy or the idea that these right-handed guys are going to be fine the idea that glaber tours is a shortstop we'll make it work he'll learn it he'll get better maybe all that is is a part of learning even though brian cashman's track record goes all the way back and it's kind of never been i learned from my mistakes brian cashman's a guy who is ego driven that is just fact he is ego driven for brian cashman to trade aaron hicks is like i gave up on him the trade didn't work we got to win every trade that's the way it is so people might point out while he traded for sonny gray and got rid of him sonny gray's agent wanted him out sunday gray's agent requested him be traded it just didn't work that's a hard one to fight so there's a lot of things again that can be done here you got a lot of salaries you got a lot of guys on a 40 man that you don't need dude yankees bringing a good role player off the bench do we see a little more balance in that lineup do we see a defensive catcher because i know a lot of people oh my god gary's production gary's open please stop it stop it stop it enough with the gary production really come on come on gary might go somewhere else would be terrific change of scenery is very needed in my opinion and honestly i think the yankees need a defensive catcher i think it's that time they got a lot in their lineup guys you know what i mean if we're being real here do the yankees gotta work about catcher production do they have to worry about catcher production do the yankees really have to say we got to make our lineup okay this guy we got gallo stanton judge lemay you torres maybe rizzo maybe uh geo maybe there's a different third baseman i don't know who it is whoever you want maybe a seeger and center and short we got all these guys check mark check mark check maybe we can trade for holes ramirez all these guys check check check check check yeah but uh we're not getting a lot of production at catcher excuse me excuse me how about we get somebody that you know won a fielding bible award best defensive catcher in baseball right up there best framing does everything great jacob stallings i don't know i i don't know could work could be smart could be a good idea you know especially when he got an ace who doesn't want to throw to your catcher who has declined and declined to decline and declined might be a good idea to make a change for as david ortiz talked about the bill maybe some team chemistry also the manager can help assist in that but we already know aaron boone doesn't do that aaron boone doesn't do that stuff the bullpen leave it leave it you could even trade from the pen you could trade salary from the pen earn yourself some more money maybe put it towards a a um a free agent maybe put it towards an extra free agent deal smaller deal something that's going to help a little more maybe a role player maybe something that's going to really help this team those are the type of things that brian cashman needs to do this off season brian cashman comes out guys i'm telling you right now he has a short stop hicks is in center urchella's at third whoever is at second and first it's the same nonsense sanchez behind a plate maybe they add a starting pitcher it's the same guys so don't buy into the propaganda hype that we go out there and sign the big free agent we back on top don't fall for that trust me i'm telling you right now we've said it before me and francis if there are not significant changes don't expect a significant result if there are not significant changes do not expect a significant result expect more of the same so again this is brian cashman's crossroad this is the yankee crossroad and he's given he's he's in charge of the ranks he's the man this is brian cashman's most important off season of his career you guys like share subscribe turn on notifications so you never miss a wonderful video from team nyy news let me know in the comments below do you agree with me do you disagree and if you do disagree why and if you agree with me let's hear some of those moves let's hear some of the changes that need to be made let's start up some dialogue below in the comment section like the video subscribe if you have not we are doing so well to our goal of potentially hitting 6000 before january we're probably about seven 650 away 648 subscribers away which would be absolutely tremendous to hit that number by january so that is my goal guys again this is pizzamanetti for the one the only ny news thank you guys also for the well wishes i'm doing good i'm here i'll get through everything you guys will continue to see me videos are never going to slow down you guys know that talk to you soon guys appreciate it tell me

31 Oct 2021 by Felix Pantaleon

Designated Spittaz: Yankees Chemistry, We Give Our IF Alignment @1FrancisLee @SimonettiSource


we designated splitters live every week live designated homie cause we spit heat we designated spitters friends we what is going on everybody pete timothy here for ny news designated spitters francis is right there francis i saw those number counts on the followers actually going up you know what we didn't talk about that we've been chatting a bit before we started this episode and i meant to say good luck for the shout out because today today uh you guys are not following francis just shot up i think i got another maybe between 12 and 15 more today man you guys see it right there man go ahead and follow at one francis lee it's right there bam i can't i can't stretch my hand over to that side but i'm finishing it right over there you guys can see it so yeah we got the world series going on right now you guys will be seeing a sunday we got game uh what is it for going on right now in the world series um two to one in the moment and um yeah we'll probably if the if the braves do something i might give you guys a little tomahawk chop and and uh see that uh passing might have a heart attack when i do it but i thought we were gonna call this episode american choppers choppers i thought we were going to call this episode american choppers maybe we could we could just cgi trump in the middle of us you really you really want to explode don't you passive will have a heart attack it's funny because and again you know we don't we don't we don't get too political here at all when we talk about stuff but i was laughing because i told the guys in the chat i said i said watch i i sent you guys the things because i knew it i said okay trump is going to a game you're going to have your adlers you're going to have your your um your martinos do their regular things and like right on cue martino has to write an article on it what really happened how he really got it who cares who cares but my question is why what do you mean how he really got it he's at a baseball game who cares how he cuz apparently when he's when he wrote he was like he was invited by randy levine to come oh and then we reached out to we reached out to randy levine's people and they said that's not necessarily the case he asked to come here who gives a [ __ ] who cares and then right away lindsay adler oh look i'm living in a simulation you go walk your dog you're living in a simulation i was like i just feel like growing up so childish it's stupid yeah it's like it's like listen i uh jeff passing in his article yesterday oh the worst the worst literally the worst article ever you're like we're we're devoting so much time and energy so much time and energy to things that like even if you remove it even if you remove it and people stop doing it what does that really do for anybody nothing nothing what does that mean i all i see is passing and adler and whoever else telling me that people are offended by this but i have yet to see the people that they say are offended by this they're not actually being offended by this they're not where was where was passing and everybody else in 95 in the world series is then where were they at talking about this stuff it's it's the cool thing to do on one side they don't care if you think jeff passing this bothers him you're at your freaking mind you're out your mind it's funny like little things like that it's it's hilarious and i'll be honest i told francis this beforehand my article at kevin kernan put ny news further up on the map i had a lot of former baseball players reach out to me a lot of them reach out to me companies actually reach out to me and thank us for what we're doing because we're keeping things real we're saying what's on our mind we're not holding back we're not saying well i want to go with the flow here or i'm going to make a whole video talking about how i have a native american friend who finds the chop the tomahawk chop offensive i mean it's it's crazy that you know everything's offensive everything's offensive and it's well if i look for me and my fiance were thomas the other i said babe if i if i look to be offended i could look to be offended i could find something to be i could go into an italian restaurant and i could see every italian restaurant has the little fat guy statue with the big mustache holding the tomatoes i don't i don't think that should be in there that offends me because not all italians are fat and cook hey when is the uh the attack to cancel them gonna start it's never gonna start you know why because people like the five dollar pizza pies that's right and you think italian's got a problem with it it's like first of all most italians i know are like that that's won't eat it that's not even pizza yeah we wouldn't eat that i mean you know that's an embarrassment they didn't even use the name caesar but you know what let him have it or whatever but it's like that's what i'm saying it's like if you look for something to be offended by chances are you're gonna find it in today's world you're gonna find it i'm not saying that people don't have the right to be offended by things because i would never say that i don't like telling people how to feel that's not my i'm right there with you i agree what i'm saying is i just i hear people telling me that this is like so offensive and people are angry about i'm like okay i hear you but the people who you say are offended like where they at like i want to talk to them i want to talk to them i don't want to hear from jeff passing like when did he become captain woke man like well that's what i said when did he become the righteous man of what is wrong and right he's on things lecturing a black man about how you talk about an asian guy then he's like he's like a guy to go to to be like oh well he has to teach us who is he who is jeff passing who is this guy a white a white cis male like apparently i don't get it listen to the if you listen to the groups that cancel everybody you are the devil jeff pastor you are a white cis male like i don't but it's like listen to be fair to be fair unfortunately the white liberal can get away with just about anything and they're the ones that are actually offended by it it's not it's not native it's not the majority of native americans i'm not saying you don't have a native american or two or a few that are probably like i i would i would like if they took it away but i guarantee you we are we are the braves new oh the braves a new team that haven't done this stuff i'm like this is all of a sudden new now because it's cool to do this and the left feels they have power over this stuff the woke mob they have power to do these type of things so okay i don't care if you're a liberal i don't care if you're great you could come on the show you could talk to me you could talk to us nobody's saying you know i i don't want you guys in here no that's cool being here i'm just sure me too i'm just saying what we're seeing here and some of you actually know because we actually dm politics back and forth and all that but i keep that stuff out but when it's when it's coming into baseball yeah we're gonna talk about it you know what i mean we're gonna we're gonna definitely talk about it then i've had plenty of people reach out to me a lot of former ball players reach out after the interview like i appreciate how realistic you are they went through some of the other videos and were like they like that you know we don't center on this little wokeness and analytics and all this and i'm not comparing analytics and wokeness to be one but i'm just saying that there's a lot of things that people have strong opinions about and they want to follow along in the trend we are trendsetters we're going to do our own thing simple as that there's a there is a point to be made about analytics and wokeness kind of walking hand in hand but i'm not i'm not going to put that beer i'm not going to poke that beer today i'm just saying like it's an interesting correlation another another show down the line we could definitely definitely talk about but we want to start off with an interesting comment from a former rival talking about our new york yankees david big poppy ortiz let me read it off to you now francis i'm letting you take over immediately on this one so let me read this for you guys here it is on the screen you guys can see it with me there's big poppy right there looking dapper i must say he says they don't need more players by the way this is on his concerns about the yankees lack of new chemistry they don't need more players they need new chemistry they got the talent but the chemistry comes from the talent if you have no chemistry you can have the best talent and you're not going to win so francis i turn it over to you then i will give you my two cents on that one on the man right there and and the words he said about chemistry in the new york yankees yes sir first things first shout out big papi man dominican legend so always shout out to big papi um i don't forgive you for any transgressions that you you know commit against my new york yankees but as long as it was against anyone else hey shouts out to you um i would want to start out by saying poppy's 100 spot on um this is not something that we haven't spoken about already ad nauseam we've spoken about this and we may have been we may have been one of very few people speaking about this and i try to listen to a lot of other guys stuff because i'm just a yankee fan and it was up to me i'll i'd spend 24 7 just consuming yankees content so i listened to a lot of you guys and i remember hearing you guys saying it as much as we were saying that there was clearly something wrong in this clubhouse like and this year it was obvious but we even said that this probably hasn't been just this year thing like it's been a while that there's just been something off with this clubhouse there's a lot of weird personalities there's a lot of weird like awkward you know things there's corniness there's like it's weird stuff going on and then a couple you know a week ago or whatever like we get this article um bob clatt you know b-clap comes out with the article and you know puts out the thing with gardner and cole and then you know judge arguing with the with the yes execs about the camera following him after a strikeout and you know there was this shot at joey gallo getting dressed and you know a bunch of times or whatever and it's like okay that comes out but it's like okay now everybody's like oh wow this was going on like look this is what it is just functional it's like first of all there's probably a million more things that have way more than that way more than that that's what phil nevin decided to discuss with b-clap that date yeah but he got a lot more in his pocket he got some people shivering right now i'm sure it was probably there was probably a million more things to happen probably way worse things that happened than that like and then what dave and it makes with david ortiz that's what makes it spot on like you can see that there's not the cam there's not chemistry on this team right david ortiz some people might say well who is david ortiz to talk about the egg let me tell you who david ortiz is talking about the iges david ortiz was a chemistry guy he was probably the chemistry guy for years on the boston red sox okay that 2013 championship i mean he was the chemistry he was everything like that was he's actually the perfect person to speak about chemistry he knows what it looks like that's why he praises the red sox of today and cora the job that he does today because he looks at that dugout of those guys and he sees the chemistry there yeah you don't see that in the yankees dugout covering the wild card game live and we were saying yo what's going on man like they looked dead after two winnings everything's dead everything's quiet boone is picking his nose it's like what's happening what's going on this was after after the was it the bogart's homer right we all said it was like damn it's like a funeral in the dugout yeah the bulldogs homer in the bottom of the first they came up to bat top of the second and went down like clockwork and we were looking and we're like look at the dugout they're dead they're dead yeah chemistry chemistry like when do you see like a guy up at the plate or whatever and everybody at the top step start let's go jersey let's go whatever we don't see that no we don't see that we just don't see that and then and then when when they're in the clubhouse the stories that we get are like the stories that we just got from bob klapus now there's more than that is what i'm saying that that goes to show you that there's just a disconnect there's just a disconnect when somebody like when somebody like gardner doesn't know whether or not to play a prank with somebody and he has he takes a chance playing a prank on somebody who then reacts in a way that's like you know whatever but like i mean my stan you guys saw my twitter so you know my stance on whatever like i feel like okay this was whatever but when [ __ ] like that is happening and somebody like gardner like does this move because he wasn't 100 sure like yeah is this not going to do it's that kind of that's how you know the vibe is just off in the clubhouse because somebody who's been there should know like i could joke with this guy i shouldn't really joke with that guy this guy depends on the day like you should know that right away but because there is no vibe really in the clubhouse and nobody really knows what the hell is going on well this is how [ __ ] like this happens it's actually like this out and it shows up on the field it just shows up on the field you uh currently brought it up in the in uh the interview you did where uh torres doesn't run out you know uh past uh a well i guess a wild pitch strike three or a pass yeah and willits instead of like interacting with him or saying the web just puts his head down walks back to the dugout it just goes to show you why because that's that that was the vibe it's like it's like they're on a it's like they're on a job that they're just waiting for the paycheck to come friday they get here that's it they clock in clock out bounce it's the new york yankee factory that's what our that's that's what the clubhouse is that's what this team is it's the new york yankees factory and it's like these did it's not players it's factory workers everybody's working like an assembly line and it's like here whatever you know what i'm here to do i'm gonna do my job and you know you're gonna praise me or i'm not gonna do my job and like you're not gonna praise me but oh did they just tie it so lara went deep i didn't know i didn't see it i think swanson just went deep tie game yeah yeah dansby swanson home and fly by the right oh and now solaire just homered back to back oh shh back i went to the game the other night it was phenomenal you know you know you know if they win trump's taking credit for the w you know you know he should no let me stop that he's gonna go he's gonna go i went to the game the game was great one of the best games you ever seen they won because trump was there and there'll be heads exploding around the world you know thinking that the guy's not allowed to joke around or whatever but anyway look at this back-to-back home runs for america's team right now the atlanta braves up 3-2 six outs away from being three to one uh let me get let's get back to obviously where we were listen i was just my point was that look the the yankees have lost their swagger and this is something that goes back to siminetti source videos from probably last season right i remember a specific video where you were talking about the yankees not having a swagger to them right yep 100 yeah and that has carried that carried well into this year and it's the same thing but here's the thing you want to know whether you want you guys want to know where the swagger is swagger comes from swagger comes from having that chemistry that the yankees don't have like swagger is something that like you you admit it naturally when you're in a place that you're comfortable and you're like and you're like yo i feel good i could be myself i could bat flip i could do this i could do that but the yankees it's been awkward i mean you guys remember yeah judge walking down the the the hallway at fenway park with the new york new york on the speaker like a lot of you saw that we're like yeah i remember like i saw that and i was like i was kind of cringing because i was like after two games it's got balls man that's that's a risk i was like i don't know i think i think you i think you tweeted something similar to that like i did i did i didn't like it like the judge playing the music right so we've been on the same wavelength with this for a very long time that the yankees it's not that they don't have you know it's not that they don't try to have swagger they try but they fail it's awkward it's cringy it's crazy you know goes back to what david ortiz is saying yeah history these guys don't play well off each other like and i don't want to say everybody because i do want to give credit to some people like i think judge and john carlo have a really good thing going yeah yeah i think rizzo works very well for them 100 right apparently apparently the rumor is him and judge actually got very very close during the year so so they're saying that's the rumor right now that they're actually very they got very very close um and you could actually see it that's like with chemistry right you can actually see that him giancarlo and judd they would actually gather around with each other talk you could see them doing it they were you know active and and getting kind of crazy in the in the dugout but here's the thing about chemistry so let me um let me let me talk about chemistry real quick here and and how it happens right and i'm not in a dugout but i've asked these questions to a lot of people it starts with the manager it starts with the manager it really does chemistry starts with a magic because france like you said one thing right you said you know um guys don't know if you're supposed to maybe joke around with this guy or is this the best time to do it is the manager needs to judge those moments the manager needs to be involved in certain things like that they got to read their players well they got to know who's who they got to know what personalities like like they say right they got aaron boone because they feel like he'll just be one of the boys how does that work for chemistry how does that work for chemistry can you really go to one of your friends and be like hey that is no no that's not happening on my club you should know that take a seat i think that's the problem and i always reference it to um managing a a regular job a regular store if you're going out partying with your team every friday and saturday night let's just say one of the days all the time then your boss comes in is like you know none of you guys are doing nothing what's going on ah you know we'll be all right comes back two weeks late nothing has changed what's up these dudes performances in the trash can what are you doing i talk to them they'll be okay at some point you're gonna have to hold the manager in charge accountable for not doing his job because at the end of the day i think boone is not comfortable going after some of these players and i hope that god that changes kevin kernan said that that you know maybe now he'll see that i gotta be better i gotta hold these guys accountable a little more i can't be so relaxed with them they're allowed to do whatever they want maybe i maybe i do have to bench them or sit them down or really pull them aside and talk to them um things like that need to happen um but just when it comes to chemistry i mean it obviously yes it has a lot to do with town and we hear that you know we hear things like about brett gardner that he is a he's a prankster cece sabathia talked about in the past that he it's all about living things up i heard cece say that recently he's a good good guy in a clubhouse because he does that he's the guy that kind of gets guys pumped up he's the one they can go talk to so you know when you hear about things like this and you're like okay that's a little bit of story we don't know the full thing of what happened here we don't know what the mood in the clubhouse was because i've read that whole thing top to bottom i read it live and all that stuff on the thing and the way clappage does it he was trying to paint coal as the bad guy in the situation because when i read it i'm like yeah he's he's trying to paint him because he even goes he didn't say that gardner walked right up the coal he said he was parading around the clubhouse when cole got in his face he was like in front of all of his teams okay well he's in a clubhouse so i'm assuming the teammates are going to see was it there yeah and what did he do you know what was cole's reaction did cold jump over something and grab him by the shirt hey enough knock it off or did he just go brett knock it off like what are you doing yeah was it that what what was the reaction like was it in your face what was it exactly but even even with that being said it goes to the organization and and we gotta talk about this because you know everybody knows about the joey gallow the ticks and all that the weird the face he makes and something he's not able to control too easily but then you find out that he's one of these guys too that they lays his clothes out he puts one sock on at a time he puts his pants on he doesn't like the way he fits he takes everything off and does it again there's some people that are like that in life that's reality of life now here's my thing what are the yankees doing that maybe advanced scouting could have told them that hey look there are some quirks to this guy just a heads up because again before any of i'm not i'm not knocking the new age guys but maybe some of you don't know this this happens this is this is also a part of scout's jobs they actually get to learn about a player especially a player teams targeting they learn that background they learn who they are as a person they learn more than just what they do want to feel what numbers tell you they learn a little more so my question becomes were the yankees totally aware that maybe this is not the greatest fit for the person is there a reason why joey gala was like you know what yeah keep me on a team that's gonna lose for probably the next couple of years i'll stay here anybody ever does anybody just sit back and ask these questions and not just hype a guy up because he plays for the yankees i like joey gallo i'm willing to give him a year i don't think they look at i don't think they were they're they're honestly looking at these things um like chemistry and fit like that and i think you know current was 100 right with the points he made um and i've seen a couple people make a similar point like yeah like you know i don't know if they did a background check you know before they made this deal because i mean it would have been pretty easy to know like hey you know this guy's coming in with this or that um and i i worry like with a guy like gallo not so much a lot of the performance whatever because i think we know i think we we knew what gala was before he got here i think we reported on it when there were just rumors like oh yeah he said listen gallo is the three true outcomes guy right the uh walk strikeout home run right we said that that's who he is um so we knew we we at least us here at nyu we knew can i also just say this too we also all agree that he can't be the only move yeah i think and we said that wait yeah earlier we'd like we all said that yeah we said we said i said i wasn't one of those people like no don't get him then i was like go ahead get him but he can't be the only move yeah and he wasn't but what what i think with him is like what i what i worry is this that yeah i mean a guy like that obviously he he should have uh he should have support around him he should have people that he feels comfortable with whatever and i mean i mean yes odor was on the team but like odor wasn't even playing by the time gallow gets here so it's like is gallo out there with guys he feels comfortable with is he is he able to like talk to guys does he have a place that he can go like whatever like just decompress and like be himself or whatever like is he vibing with the clubhouse vibe like is he good with like i don't know i don't know i don't know what has to happen but david ortiz is 100 right when he says that it's not necessarily that they need new players because they need to bring in new talent and i think that's and i think i don't want people to misconstrue the quote because i don't understand this quote as david ortiz saying oh the yankees don't need to get new players i don't think that's what he's saying at all no i don't think so either they do need to get new players but it's not because they don't have enough talent yes they get new players because they need to bring talent in they need chemistry because they need to bring chemistry in yes that's right they didn't have enough talent and when he says that i agree i look at the team that they had not starting 2021 but at the end of 2021 say dj doesn't get injured right yeah and we've got dj going we've got gallo going we've got rizzo going we got judge we got stanton we got rochella in there uh glaber's in there unfortunately sanchez is in there uh and gardner's in there right i look at that and then i look at you know like the other teams here i mean look i mean look at look at look at the braves look at houston these guys get a lot more contact hits and timely hits than the yankees did at all all season well like in terms of like talent-wise or whatever it's like i mean there's there's situations where like you could argue that it almost evens out because of the amount of talent in one player like aaron judge stanton rizzo like there's a lot of freaking talent concentrated in those guys so it kind of now um with lineups like atlanta with lineups like houston it's spread across a little bit better and does have you know two huge stumpers in freaking altuve and correa uh bregman has kind of fallen off the brace could stay the same with a cuny and freeman but akunya's been down all year and look it's freeman freeman has hadley austin reilly really yeah but i feel like with atlanta it's been by committee right it's been by committee they figure it out they added smart pieces they had a good pieces too like a lot of people look people thought they were out right they were saying well atlanta's gone they're done so let's move on and they were like nah we're gonna add a few pieces see what we can do and they added some great ones look at rosario look at them look at jack peterson i mean come on i mean they've added a great amount of talent and and they knew the east was up in the air and there they could potentially what are they six outs away from being 3-1 up in a world series they could potentially win the world series this year it's an amazing accomplishment it would be it would be a huge accomplishment and i think what's important to notice is like yes when i say they do it by committee i think the most important thing to doing that is is the chemistry it is the chem yeah it is what i think david ortiz talks about when he says like this team is not lacking in talent the yankees are they've they've been for a couple years putting out you know talented teams on the field the team hasn't been playing to their talent and i think one of the culprits there you know aside from management because management is part of it and leadership is a huge part of it is chemistry though and i think it's something that yeah i agree with i don't think the yankees have had good chemistry in a long time yeah okay it goes to show you that you know having a spring training and man i every time i talk about this i was like man kernan really did drop some knowledge because i keep wanting to go back to what he said but um he had a country club the country club aspect doesn't always work and it doesn't always lead to chemistry he said something really important there that like i want people to understand he said and i know the yankee he's like i'm not saying that the yankees are the only ones doing right okay right he's right i want you guys to understand that i'm not saying that the yank when i say that i agree that it's true that the yankees run their spring training like a country club i'm not saying that as if they're the only ones who do it but here's my thing okay if the dodgers want to run their spring training in 2021 and in 2022 like a country club guess why i don't give a damn one i'm not a fan of the dodgers two they just want to ring in 2020. yep they just won yeah they've been winning their division like perennially for years okay if they want to start slowing work up to it hey that's their prerogative okay tampa bay was just in the world series last year you know i'm saying they were a playoff team again this year they won the division again this year okay like if they wanted to run it like a country club which i don't think they do but say that they did okay like you you got some recent i get it but for the new york yankees to be running their spring training like a country club like what what's their excuse what have we won we haven't won a damn thing nothing that championship ring is is more dusty than the freaking manager i don't know like what are we doing yeah like you shouldn't be running our spring training like a country club i don't care how many teams are doing it i don't care how many other teams are doing it my thing is the yankees should the yankees be doing that no not with where they are like you said you're right you're right not not with not with where they are right now what they're trying to accomplish that's the biggest problem here is that they're trying to accomplish winning but they're not changing any of the mindset the mentality none of that stuff to actually win and i like you're right you you made a good point on when you're talking about what ortiz said it's he's right he's not necessarily saying you got to get you know new players and you got to get chemistry you got to get new guys that bring a chemistry and a balance to this club and i think a lot of that has to do with leadership i'll continue to stay on that a lot of that and that not just aaron boone not just aaron boone a lot of that has to do with leadership in a clubhouse we don't know who that guy is we don't know who that guy we don't there's a lot of mystery in the yankee clubhouse that we've been asking all year we've been asking about it all yet the most chemistry we saw was at the end because it was anthony rizzo that's the most chemistry we saw and it was anthony rizzo we got we actually got evidence of that we got video seeing what he done we know he helped joey gallo out there's a lot of different things that brought him aaron judge now apparently has talked high about him and how well they actually um gel together so there there's a lot of this there's evidence there that a guy like that a guy like rizzo really helped out in the chemistry and he was a new face so he was a new face that came over and did that they just got to add they got to add more guys and what i hope they do is that they're able to use that scouting more because everything can't be based off numbers and folks this organization is doing everything based off numbers there is not no hiding about this no more this is fact this is just fact this team is doing everything by what the analytical nerds are telling them to do it's it's that's all there is to it brian cashman is a do all end-all he gets what he wants he's being told by people these are the moves to make he's seeing the body of work and the evidence of it and boom let's do it he's not he's not sitting back right now right and saying hey um let's just throw an example out there um uh jack peterson is actually known as a really good clubhouse guy he's a really really good clubhouse guy yeah but i think uh sterling marte is better for us that's what it would be they'll hand him a paper and go oh no brian look at this and look at it the body work okay and i'm not saying i'm not i'm not comparing the players guys so oh pete but he is not comparing that i'm just saying advanced scouts no people they know the player they know a lot more that there's a lot more to the story than what numbers tell you i know a lot of analytical people don't believe that but shocking to know people are people you know they're not me and francis is a number i'm not a number people are people if i was based off of uh what subscribers what based off how many people view us that's all worth that's not true that's not how it works not how life works in general you know what i mean they say you're as good you know you're only as good as your last whatever paycheck whatever it is what yeah amount of money you bring whatever it is uh year you had people are people and we got to get back to that humanness of the game that there are guys that maybe you take over somebody else that's a little more talented because they bring other things to the table they bring other things a question like i said like i told you guys when we were going back and forth on brett gardner the only reason gardner's still here is because he does something in the clubhouse they like that's obvious he's not here because he get hit he's not getting these deals because man he's just some amazing fourth outfielder now he's probably the fifth outfield if you really think about it maybe even further back than that if you really want to go into it you know he's not there because of playing a building he's there for leadership and that's the reason he's there because again they know that but they get a first-hand experience of that so my even with me with that whole thing it's like i don't like that i mean some people took it to the point of saying like oh you know gardner's a clubhouse cancer and that's why he's no come on no okay how's cancer that's clubhouse cancer is a little wild yeah you could be upset about the situation the incident i thought i thought i was i was like in this situation you know gardner's a [ __ ] in this situation or i was like i think i think he was a dick in that situation okay like i'm like garner's a dick like i saw that i was like like my stance was oh garner's a dick or i might not like that that was a [ __ ] move that was a [ __ ] clubhouse cancer though i don't know talking about in this one situation i think that was a dick move or a little bit of a [ __ ] move but for the grand scope of things i don't think i could call them a clubhouse cancer i don't know if the [ __ ] have had a clubhouse cancer did i remember you know like do people know what a clubhouse cancer actually is like well a lot of people felt like randy johnson was but even kearney's at kerner said he was actually really liked in the clubhouse yeah i mean but he wasn't he wasn't like some bad dude yeah clubhouse cancer they're not even here like randy johnson wasn't even here long enough to be a clubhouse cancer no you got to be here you got to be and you got to be a real [ __ ] to be a clubhouse kelly you got to be known as an [ __ ] and i don't think the yankees would keep somebody around like that like a lot of people even point to like when a-rod and judo was around that was never really an issue like the media wanted it to be an issue because it's a great story but it was never really anything that was bad like i said back in oh five i think it was they used to call a-rod [ __ ] tits he thought it was a joke yeah so he never got mad about it because he's like oh yeah that's whatever funny yeah so you know he thought it was a joke my thing about the cole situation was i don't necessarily again i go back to what i said we don't have enough evidence of what the actual situation was we weren't there wasn't enough evidence i read the story countless times i read it from top to bottom like i can't put a blame necessarily on somebody the one thing i will say is i want to see who gary cole is i don't know that person yet and i'm being honest maybe that's just my opinion but i told you before it is this year i'm going to get hard on cole cole needs to prove something because guys look we gotta also be realistic here yes he pitched pretty good after the spider attack but we don't know where his confidence sunk to we don't know the person what happened we don't know none of that we don't know that he didn't get so mad at guard or whatever i'm not even gonna say so mad because all he said was he got in his face i don't know what that looks like i don't know what his personality was and i don't know any of that and like i said i don't know i could make assumptions of what you know might have been in his mind maybe guilt i said about maybe guilt was part of it maybe he knows what he did maybe he knows he was better with spider attack people never and that's not saying nothing bad about him that's why i didn't like the that's why i said like in that situation like i think he's a dick move on gardeners probably because i'm like like cole knows what the [ __ ] he did like he's probably already like yeah man like i [ __ ] up now i'm [ __ ] struggling because i'm using this [ __ ] and i can't use this [ __ ] now so like yeah like i'm like i'm like if i'm on the outside looking in there i'm like even if he looks like he's doing good i'm not gonna make the joke why because i'm like listen it's pretty obvious this guy was using this [ __ ] now he's struggling and i don't know like i would imagine that he's not in the best head space right now because yeah that's just not fun when you go from being dominant as he was it's as shitty as he was because so that's what that was my whole i don't think i don't think like his intent was like now i'mma purposely mess with him no definitely not definitely i mean it was a thing like that no cole reacting the way that he reacted is something that's like yeah like no matter what could have been going on in that moment like if he reacted like in a way that shocked gardner it just goes to show like there's not really a vibe in that clubhouse where it's like you know what because i think if cole is in a place where he felt protected and supported or whatever that joke hits a lot different they agree i actually agree with that i agree with that joke that it's a joke but because he got so apprehensive and i said it in our group you're like i feel like it's common knowledge that cole's awkward or whatever at least it's been that i hope that's not let me let me just say this on that i hope that's not the case because the last thing you want is somebody and you could call you could say i'm wrong on this but awkwardness and not wanting to be joked with in new york you could consider that mentally weak because it's a tough place to be that person in especially when the yankees haven't lost one and on top of that when you accept that contract you're immediately a target people the media is waiting for you to fail they want to see it because they got a story so my whole thing on that like i i think um i asked current about like his personality and so that's when he brought up the guy in oakland that was his mentor and he and this brings up this kind of full circle right is there somebody in that clubhouse that can sit down and talk with him does he have that or is he just a man and that's not fair and i don't think so because i don't think he's like that matt blake has done a phenomenal job or whatever but matt blake is not going to be a mentor to gary cole right this is cece's about the is an advisor but like he's not traveling with the team he's not there we need like remember did you see the way that cece spoke about mike harkey the broken coat yes he had that relationship with hart yep i don't think paul has a relationship with hark i think i think cole needs someone like you know what i mean like obviously and this is not a shot to mike harkey i think mike harkey's you know probably doing a decent job at what he's doing i mean he's been here for quite a while now and he's got votes of confidence from a lot of the guys in the team right i don't like if he's not gonna if he's not that guy for coal i wouldn't be surprised like i don't like i feel like when i when cece said it it made so much sense why him and cc related like just about just him them talking about like the him talking about the backgrounds that they come from and things like that but i was like okay i get it but like who's that guy for garrett well i think that guy for garrett is currently sitting in the booth potentially potentially yeah it's it's cone what are you talking about yeah potentially he potentially could be yeah one of the things michael k was actually pretty early on was like you know saying like he's like listen i know for a fact you david and garrett would have a phenomenal conversation about pitching i remember that yep philosophy and everything he's like i would love to just be a fly on the wall listen to you guys talk you know shop and whatever and you know what i think he's right i listened to david cohn talk during the games and i'm just like you know some people some of you guys probably watch the game you're like it's good i like it but after a while like it gets to be a little too much for me whatever like i think cole would eat that [ __ ] up no definitely he would and like they said he's a um like kernan said you know kernan spoke to him multiple times and all that he actually asked people about his time in houston and he said flat out he's a very he's a student of the game he lo he really does he loves pitching and he wants to know how he gets better and all that i'm not knocking i'm not knocking matt blake here there's only so much a guy matt blake could do for garrett cole that should be real so like even kernan talked about this nicole though he said you know there's there's the best pitching coaches are mechanics and what he means about it you know you go you go drop your car off you get it fixed they don't say add maybe you gotta change the seats the colors of the seats that's kind of what the analytic side does and that's not knocking it it works sometimes it works blake's more of a guy that'll go to the mound and again i got information on this that this is accurate he's a sequence guy he's big in the sequences and we've seen this before guys then all of a sudden they drop a change up into the star and they're ready to go and a lot of pitch coach does that but they said he's very much a sequence guy you're doing this too much let me get you both on track this is the pitch that does wealth this is the one that this right hand it doesn't hit good against this is where you got to go there's certain guys the pitching coach that are mechanics like he brought up brett strom who's great at this he'll tell a guy no look i watched the video you got to get back more on the rubber you got to move more to the left on the rub what it's going to do is going to create this angle that angle blah blah blah blah and he fix his guy he could fix guys in a moment like that boom again no knock on matt blake who's pitching staff did terrific so i give him all the credit in the world okay what all all we're saying here is that maybe somebody else who has been there who has done that who has pitched in new york who knows what it's like when you struggle can sit back and have a conversation with cole somebody could really bounce these ideas off of and go hey garrett i get it you know i get it i i've been uh you don't even got to say that because i know you've been there i respect what you're saying because you've done it you're not talking [ __ ] you've been there and done that garrett needs that he had that he had that with the astros until his mentor passed away and then it was like all right now i'm kind of out here on his own and that's the same thing that if you remember on on the interview that kernan said about a guy robbie ray the pitching coach in toronto i forget his name right now but he's one of the best in baseball and he fixed robbie ray does robbie ray want to take that risk and leave that relationship and go to a place where maybe it's not the same thing maybe he doesn't have that mechanic maybe he doesn't have that guy that comes out the man goes robbie look you're my cat you're you're [ __ ] up again that's the wrong thing that's not how i told you back on the left side of the rubber yeah maybe he doesn't have he needs that maybe cole needs that i'm not saying again not saying there's anything wrong with the way cold pitchers are as mechanics but sometimes it helps clear your mind and ease your mind when you can talk to somebody who's been there and done that i think cole does cole does need somebody to talk to i don't think cole had a you know phenomenal relationship with catchers i mean i know he liked higgy but i think the thing with higgy is more like you're just not gary sanchez like you know what i mean like potentially yeah but i just think like the the love affair between him and hickey is not so much about hickey it's just like yeah like anybody but gary and that's another area where we don't have a manager and that's bad chemistry yeah no you guys have heard me say this because i know some people about people you said that he picks what he wants no no no no i've always said because the manager ain't gonna do [ __ ] about it i've always said it i said so it's gonna be cole's decision even kernin said they should be in a room together he should shut the door and say work this [ __ ] out work it out and that's it work it out no i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you right now though it's interesting in that situation in the beginning the whole personal capture thing i was like yeah i don't know that's kind of like cringy like i've never really been a big fan of like the personal catcher thing um but when your starting catcher is gary sanchez i mean i i guess i got to sympathize with it and maybe i i'm biased because when i did play baseball like yeah i was a pitcher and so i feel like yeah man like i don't know how how much i want to like you know really be working with a catcher who i feel like isn't the best for my stuff and i don't feel confident throwing the ball to him and it's like like if i go out there and i screw up a game i want it to be because i ain't have my best stuff today and i agree i i i agree with i agree what you're saying my my whole thing is did that conversation ever even happen because if you remember randy johnson randy johnson threw to passata it wasn't only one or two games he threw him a lot and then he was like flaherty i work better with i'm going with john i'm gonna work with john so i'm just saying it was kind of it was pretty damn quick with cole if i remember pretty well it wasn't it wasn't too many starts so i'm like were there ever amending was there ever a hey what's the issue with him hey gary here's what he thinks can we work this out i don't know we don't know if that ever happened you're just spot on with that this happened relatively early in cole's tenure with the yankees that's for sure um but again like i said i'm like these these are things that yeah if you if we're honest these things go back to chemistry and things like that because when you have chemistry with a guy of course this you're going to be willing to overlook certain things like i had a friend i had a friend who caught me um for winter the winter ball leagues when we were in between our high school season and um listen his name was kevin he was definitely not the best defensive catcher out there but i loved kevin why because he was he was funny and like he kept me calm on the mount like he kept me calm he was not very good defensive he was he was overweight he didn't really move well like and i knew that when i was throwing to him if i was gonna throw a curveball in the dirt it had to kind of be middle dirt because like i know it would bounce into him but if i was like on one side or the other it might get around them and if i got somebody on it's probably not gonna work and i knew this but i still like throwing to him why because like i said he was funny and he kept me calm and like he would do like quirky [ __ ] or whatever like if i was he would like and i'd be like oh look at this clown or whatever like that so i was willing to overlook some of the physical you know flaws because of the chemistry that we had but when there is no chemistry there to begin with you're not going to overlook matter yeah and that's i think i think i think that's the bigger point that needs to be made like did gary cole and gary sanchez like even really try to make that relationship work or was it just a thing where it's like no i think i'm gonna go with the backup guy and guy who was like hey i don't care yeah whatever and the other thing is too you know how much fighting was there for that job you know did is gary i know he's not comfortable sitting down in a wild card game or a game one but we've seen that that argument has been made and i keep saying it's gonna be up to coal it's just gonna be up the coal because there's nobody there trying to mend that but that's and again man i mean i hate tooting our own horn here but i've been right about boone for a while now for a long time i've been writing about but right about the clubhouse i've been writing about the chemistry in the field another great thing that that kernin brought up was the yankees don't do field and stuff a lot they don't they don't do it they're not out early he'd been a great place that ron washington would be out there seven in the morning he said a-rod jeter they'd be there at seven and he said they don't they weren't just starting their work has been in they said abraham a third of a third of the work a workout would be done by and he said jeter would have his routine he wouldn't go as hard as a-rod but he would have his routine in place and he wouldn't miss it like he said you know there was ron washington's one of the guys that they'll be out there doing fielding practice at seven in the morning you'll always see it you'll always hear it and even the other day that's why i retweeted i was like oh [ __ ] look current's point ron washington was out there it was pouring rain he's doing field in practice with the guys right on the side where it's not covered so i'm like i'm like the yankees don't do that and kern is like well no it's actually not common you know they don't they they haven't been a team that's been like we're gonna focus on this stuff and it shows in the season look at look at the braves right here's the in the the interesting thing about this is that you look at the braves and like defensively they're pretty freaking sound swanson's got a great glove at shortstop albie's is a really good second baseman and freddie freeman is a gold glove you know type first baseman like right right you know i mean these guys do they if they wanted to say like i don't really have to be out here doing these fielding drills or whatever they could probably they could probably get away with it if they wanted to yeah but the reason that they're as good as they are is because they're out there doing that that's right that's what they're out there doing and that to me is like how do the yankees see a team as defensively sound as the braves doing that every day and still think that the train wreck that we put out there defensively doesn't have to do it that's that to me is where the change of mentality needs to happen and it needs to happen fast because we need to have guys going out there doing infield drills it can't just be that they're doing in-field drills after they have a game with an excessive amount of errors no you should be doing that all the time you have to make winning habits you can't make you don't make a habit of know if we have a really bad game in one aspect then we'll work on it the next day no work on that [ __ ] all the time that's right work on one thing and moving runners over work on base money work on defense work on all that [ __ ] all the time it was the last game of the season the last game of the season and tampa bay was doing infield drills before the game at yankee stadium yep to me that was embarrassing as a yankee fan i think that's cersei it is embarrassing i'm gonna reiterate it the last game of the season the team that clinched the division eons ago and is playing today for absolutely nothing because they don't care like this means really nothing to them um yeah they'd like to beat us just because they enjoy beating the [ __ ] out of us but really means nothing to them in the grand scheme of like where their where their next steps are going as a team they're the ones who are out there doing fielding practice yeah while the team who needs this game to ensure their spot in a wild card game is in the dugout doing god knows what yeah it shows you a lot that's why i guess that's why i think all year i really got upset where a lot of yankee fans would argue back on the stuff with boone oh it's not as full as not hold on analytics team art isn't i don't think chiming in on the fielding practice these guys are doing i don't think they're saying guys the numbers show they don't need to do field i don't know i'm pretty sure that stuff's up to the manager to go out there and do get extra working and things like that and i mean maybe you know there's a lot of there's still a lot of change in these to happen and and you know we'll see how it goes yeah i mean the thing too with with the whole like being the player's guy and everything like that is one thing is like yeah i get it but it's isn't it easy to be the player's guy if you're not really pushing him yeah of course well that's what i'm talking about how do you be their boss their manager if you're best friends with them yeah how do you tell them what to do if you're so goody goody i'm i'm part of the team type of guy you can't do that there got to be a separation there got to be an understanding that i'm the manager i want a good relationship but when you don't play you don't play the way i expect you better believe i'm going to be on your ass yankees didn't have that and we better hope that boone learned his lesson because a lot of people are telling me maybe he will so i'll hold off and i'll wait on that and maybe he will but we'll see what happens right we'll see what happens but speaking of managers san diego got a new manager yes sir and it couldn't lead big old bobby melvin well she could have been a measure to yankees but bobby melvin is uh moving on to san diego and right now the rumor is that the oakland a's roster may open up to some more salary slashing yeah they got some ball plays over there no it's uh it's that's a that's an interesting situation i think the first thing to to say what i think and i said in our chat was i didn't realize you know melvin was even available where was the reporting on this but what happened what happened was uh he wasn't necessarily available but they did say like hey if you want if you want to go and you know interview for this padres job you will let you go yep and he went interviewed and the project wanted him and oakland let him go so it's not necessarily he was available but oakland let him go to go to the padres so that was interesting and i think what the what makes it so interesting is that i mean a team who is planning to contend next season doesn't get rid of a manager who was really good with them you know i mean bob melvin is not was not a part of i'm gonna i'm gonna use a cashmanism but it's actually gonna be true when i say it here uh bob melvin wasn't a part of the problem with oakland he was actually a part of the solution with oakland so them allowing him to go take the gig with the padres just to me is a sign that they're probably not uh they're probably planning on not contending for another year or two and they figured hey man this guy's done right by us the best the good the best thing we could do is do right by him and let him know hey look you know if you want to go on some different opportunity have a chance to win uh go ahead and take it because we're going to be going in a different direction the next year or two class act two class act by him because he was on the contract so class act by the by the oakland organization stand-up organization though no definitely i mean yes i know i know uh if you're an oakland fan you're probably not going to agree stand-up organization because you kind of want your team to go for it and i i i agree with you i think i think what i was saying a couple episodes ago when the whole olson stuff started i was like look i i'd love it but i was like the reason that i don't see it is because i was like oakland doesn't necessarily have to trade him i mean they were really in it all year this year and they fell out of contention in the last week like they could run it back i mean they got chris bassett back at the end of the year like yeah i was like running back let's see but i i i guess they don't see running it back in in 2022 i think they think it's prudent to try and move guys now when their value is at its peak and see if they can't make a run maybe three years from now four years from now well the you know the the main thing too that you gotta you gotta think about also is that every team lost money in the co over the year so you know that's one thing too and then you know for them right now they're probably like hey for us to compete we know it as holes we probably got to add a little bit more maybe there's a few guys we can add and they're probably sitting back thinking you know we only got two years left with our best guys and some guys only one year left yeah at this point is it best to maybe trade one or two of these guys with the multiple years left get the most we can out of them now save that money maybe move some other salary around and we start that process already it's kind of ugly because they gave them a great pitching prospect for marte but they went for it you know so i i don't really shut them out for that i want to give them a really good picture process for marte but it is what it is but um you know you look at it as the team and we were doing this before we went live but i pulled up a lot of their roster here you know they got elvis andrus of course who's making the most on the team 14.25 million he's gonna be a free agent um in 2023 so we got the one year left i could see them trying to move that if a team needs a short stop maybe putting some money out there but a lot of it's some of the top guys you know andrew schaefen is one jake diekmann uh matt chapman we talked about sean manaya we talked about matt olson chris bassett chris bassett's going to be a free agent next year's last year so olson has a couple of more years um chapman got a couple more years manaya last year's next year is last year next year's last year so i think they'll move a lot of guys now i know people kind of relate this back to the yankees who could be of interest a lot of them could be i mean chapman could be mania could be olson could be bassett could be all four of those guys fit the yankees i'll tell you right now um i know olson is the is the sexy move right that everybody's like really in um i think chapman is probably just uh just as sexy a move um i didn't want to say just as sexy because i know one of these guys a list of hot player thing oh god yeah we're talking about here with that uh shout out to him though and whoever you know likes that kind of thing but um i think chapman is a move that's just as interesting and i'll tell you why um we brought up i think just last episode the possibility of you know moving on from geo and and us being okay with it because you know geo struggled with being available right and i think we're not getting while we while geo does provide you know decent production at the third base spot the fact is he's not there as often as we'd like him to be and even when he is there he's not really thumping the way you're expecting to get the thumb out of the hot corner that's right so if you upgrade that to a matt chapman and then maybe instead of trading for olson you just resign rizzo and you're going to the year with rizzo man in first and chapman at third well that's pretty freaking good and you had to stop to that again gladores is to me a non-factor at that point when that's what your corners in the infield look like and your shortstop is getting upgraded too and yeah it's a lot but again it's not just that right you said there's a couple of guys they got pitching that the yankees could look at if they're you know actually really considering making you know serious changes i would love to add two starting pictures i think we talked about that we were joking about it right like man what if they did robbie ray minaj or robbie ray and bassett i'd do it i'd do it i would do it because look i and this is the thing about yankee van guys you can't compare what happened last year what's gonna happen next year because i hear people talk about well the pitcher was fine they're okay in 2021 the pitching was fine yeah you can't sit back and go the same guys are gonna do the same thing you can't do that you can't do that championship teams rarely if ever stand pack and rest on their laurels definitely championship teams and i was actually supposed to make this video but no definitely i'll i'll get to this uh to this video probably the next day or so i'm talking about how important this off season is and we talked about we see a lot of people talking about what their infield would look like and and we'll chat about that too but um you know this this offseason i keep bringing it up because i i really believe this i think this is a crossroads off season i really do i think this offseason is so overly important and it needs to have a spotlight on it and when moves aren't made it needs to be talked about telling you guys it needs to be talked about big time everybody's focused so much on who the big shortstop is we're gonna get who's the shortstop what are we doing here what about all the other moves that this team really doesn't need to make i mean and there's so many options i saw somebody today talk about um maybe they get a lesser shortstop but they upgrade pitching a lot okay okay maybe they add some role players that can really make a big difference maybe they make a trade that we don't expect you know maybe they do all that and you know somebody said somebody message me to say pete you should do a video about dj lemayo and it's just conundrum right now on the team where he fits in i said that could be a good idea but i mean i sit back and i think about it too and i'm like unfortunately the yankees got a tough call because let's be real here dj lemay is the best second baseman the team has yeah that's just fact and you could sit there and be like well gleber's younger he could be better he's cheaper i don't give a [ __ ] about that when it comes to the yankees i don't care about that he's not a better defensive second baseman and if you want to be the person that goes well dj lemay is failing and he's not good no more i'll give you the chance to be that guy but if diesel may come back next year and his 280 285 293 305 310 nobody's gonna be shocked everybody says oh you look at you they're gonna do the same [ __ ] as before so my whole thing is as cashman has hard decisions to make because you really got to decide who is best to move forward with if your team next year is a new and we talked about this already but it's a new shortstop same catch behind the plate hicks back in center field and all of a sudden maybe dj lemay who's your first baseman maybe he's your third baseman you're still not putting the best product on the field that's just facts he should be a second bit but i and i agree i agree with you 100 and i think my issue my issue here is is uh very simple like um i think kernan you know again bringing him up a lot because it was a great interview and he's spot on when he says cashman's ego has precluded us from making a lot of the deals that we've had to make and a lot of the moves that we've had to make for a long time that's right and you know it sucks i get it you know to i can't imagine you know being catherine and having to wear those shoes and get up there in front of millions of people and say like yeah you know i dropped the ball with this guy or you like or not even say it you know physically but make a move that kind of says like yeah you know i made a mistake here but um but you got to do that right and that's i think that's that's how you win championships that's how you do things one of the things that i liked about george the boss is that he made changes constantly and i think people think like oh no he but he never admitted he was wrong he would just put if he may if he brought a guy in and made a change a year two years in that's him admitting that it was wrong you're fired okay let me get another guy like that's that's how that kind of works and that's that's my only thing so i feel like with glaber we're at the situation where it's like yeah he's young yes yes there is potential there yes yes there's a lot of controllability left yes yes he's not making money yes but for me all of that is why i trade him right now while that still is a guarantee because what's not a guarantee is that he's going to get better next season just because we have him at second base what's not a guarantee is that he's ever going to hit the way he was hitting a couple years ago right not a guarantee that he does that as a yankee if you trade him somewhere else i would personally go out on a limb and say i think he's going to have a couple of really good freaking seasons yeah it wouldn't shock me at all if he's an all-star again i wouldn't be shocked i want to be shocked if he's and i'll start with the yankees yeah but my whole thing is doesn't make sense that's what i'm talking about right is that your sign how many more years five yeah yeah what are we gonna do what are we gonna do with them so i mean i go i get back to people saying before maybe cash shouldn't have made that no he should have made that that was the right call yeah because you're the yankees yeah so you got that luxury of saying if i sign a guy and they don't pan out okay at least you know we got money still we can still you can make as the yankees gm you are allowed those errors my beef with cashman is when you go out there and you give aaron hicks seven years when you usually do stuff like that like i talked about current a legitimate prospect who you want to hold on to for years to come yeah you you buy out the arbitration years you know arbitration gets expensive now you try to save money by buying out those ears and taking that risk on that guy long term aaron hicks is not a guy who takes a long time he did this with aaron hicks because he said oh man i traded for this guy look how good he is the analytics guys love the same he's excellent great i'm going to lock him up long term this was a steal and it wasn't this is a guy who can't stay on the field it was a steal all right aaron hicks stole from us yeah definitely and and i don't blame him i mean good good job aaron hicks good job you did a good job you made some money i think this is uh to kind of put a button on um the oakland stuff there's a lot of deals to be made there but um it boils down to what we've been saying the last couple of weeks will cashman and his team look to make those deals will they part with the necessary prospect capital that it will take to land one of the big names like uh chapman or olsen or manaya or about it like will will they you know will are they going to actually consider it or are they going to say you know no no we have to hold on to you know uh dominguez and and and volpe and peraza and don't get me wrong i agree a thousand percent of vulpit to me everybody else though let's talk i'm willing i'm wide open for anybody else anybody else is available i gotta i got a little i got a lot of love for luis medina when i saw him i was like yeah this dude was gonna be an animal i could see this guy being an absolute animal but i trade him i would trade them right but here's my thing and the reason that i trade them is not because i don't believe in these guys because i believe in them just as much as the next guy does when we had eli on and we're definitely going to do that again next season because that was a phenomenal podcast yeah um i but like i believe in all the guys that he's bringing up a hundred percent but here's my thing do they fit the window right now because make no mistake about it there is a current window and worse i'm not well i don't agree with the people saying oh the windows closer but i disagree with that but i do agree that the window is closing there it is it's definitely closing it is closing and these guys medina has always got there they're coming but maybe not quick enough for this particular window maybe we need to make moves for them because there are players who fit this particular window better than they do at this time when i say jason dominguez it's not because i don't think dominguez is going to be a beast i think he's going to be [ __ ] phenomenal but if he can get me a matt chapman or olson for right now oh yeah i gotta seriously consider it yep i definitely do that i don't know how you don't do that yep i don't know how you don't do that um oh the braves just won so they're up 3-1 on the beloved hey look at that look at that fam chop post that right now we chopping that baby up oh now let me stop jeff passing is crying right now somewhere we gotta go to a braves game next year bro definitely definitely definitely go to the bar no um so yeah i don't know let's see we'll see we'll see what catchment does maybe he surprises us who knows yeah we can and and you know one of the last things we'll do here before we wrap up is we'll talk about what our infield will look like yeah what our infield would look like and go from there um i actually been writing down um what i like the yankee team to look like and i tell you you guys are going to be like pete how the hell do you do that one of the positions i have a tough time with is shortstop you would think that's like insane like how the hell do you have a problem with sure like isn't that the easiest one to fill there's so many options though because well because i'm putting my money elsewhere and people might be like damn pete i i don't know about that bro i don't know i'm still going towards pitching so let if you don't mind i'll start with mine and then you start with yours maybe you'll give me an idea shortstop but i don't have it i don't have a guy right now that i'm so sold on and on top of it i'm also thinking of it as a business almost and i don't know if i'm dishing out 300 plus million for these guys i don't know and again we're the yankees i get it trust me everybody i would i would buy everything up i agree with that mindset i don't know if some of these guys are worth that money that's my issue i don't seeger should not get 300 plus he's been too injured to get that money so if that's what the real asking price is and if that's guaranteed anyway let me get to what i'm saying first baseman i resigned anthony rizzo i think he's too important to the team i think he's too important my second baseman is dj lemayo my third baseman you ready for this friend this is gonna make your offseason right here jose ramirez and you want to know how i'm getting them okay everybody what's your trade well i don't have a trade right now but jason dominguez is there louise volpe is on a pedestal volpe's not going anywhere i think volpe is going to be an abs everybody that's all everybody believes this kid's going to be a star i think it's that's too hard of one is this a generational talent from what you're hearing leave them and the mindset this is the best part about him everybody says he's a winner he he doesn't he's not happy with how a season went he wants to be better i'm not moving off from that type of guy i'm keeping that type of guy here yeah jason dominguez they they want dominguez they want louise heal they want two other lower guys they want glaibotoras bye jose ramirez is what this team needs desperately box office desperately which hitting third baseman good glove good arm character carrick there you go that's the one that we missed we think of numbers he's a character been there done that the best thing about see it's going to be crazy it's going to be so crazy now but the best thing about ramirez is what he does for like our young up-and-coming hispanic players right of course he is a guy that a lot of these young guys listen to they look up who they like to be around it's like that is i love i love that move i love them i think one of the big problems now is that we didn't have a guy like that for labor tourists or like other guy but continue my bad no no you're good you're good i'm basically wrapped up there but there was you know some of the other names i i you could always look at and and say well maybe that'll work well is because you're looking to free ages and i'm if the yankees are you know with this mindset of what i did here they also signed robbie ray so they got money going okay they got money going elsewhere so when i look at shortstops now i'm thinking okay well what could be one of the best moves they can make who's out there who's available for us a small thing and you know you sit back and you think well maybe story takes a cheaper deal i i don't know that so i'm just going off of what my mind may say here maybe i look at a little more defense jose iglesias stop gap type guy hits pretty well pretty good defender i don't know you know you pick and choose there i don't go back to dd i've seen some people bring that up i don't go back to the oh by the way and i'll let you you you take over so that's my thing that let me let me i'll tell you guys something about masahiro tanaka that i actually heard about recently rizzo dj shortstop i don't know jose ramirez that's what i'm doing and and i'm sorry that i don't know the shortstop but basically what i'm saying on the short stop is i'd find somebody good it's not gonna be your your your stars and people could probably say dampi how do you pass up on this pool i'm putting my money towards i always feel pitching's enough and i think if you add jose ramirez you get a healthy uh lemay you you do other things in the outfit which the yankees wouldn't do but i change up center field definitely and i change up catcher also so you got some differences there whether it's tucker barnhart people like uh jacob stalins who just won a fielding bible award for the best defensive catcher anybody wants to raise their hand on how much we need that anybody out there people get stuck on gary sanchez hits you 20 homers i don't give a poop i don't give a poot the yankees need somebody the pitcher staff goes yeah this is my guy he steals strikes he does everything jacob stalin and yankees always trade with them get me jacob stalin that'll be my whole infield i'll throw catcher in it too jacob stalin's i trade for first baseman rizzo second baseman dj third baseman jose ramirez you just completely got better defensively and you made your batting order better too so that's where i am let me ask you this right um if i can complete your infield for you without adding anybody just saying say they do all that and they just say you know we're gonna we're gonna give the kid a shot peraza he's he's on the right he's on the roster already i would love it even more i would love that we didn't trade him let him let him man it for a little while until volpe's ready and then maybe we'll we'll build some trade value up more friend and we'll move him in a trade down the line but this year we'll give the kid a shot at short well it will remind you of jeter right they had veterans around them they didn't have other rookies yeah so think about that you're the shortstop you're coming to be like wow that's a big position for the yankees to your right is jose ramirez to your left is dj lemayo yeah and you got rizzo at first and rizzo's gonna come to your running back bro catch the ball that's it like you did with the door just throw it okay if it's anywhere near me trust me i'm going to give you a good shot of making that play but friends i'm there with that there you go listen um all right so i had i had a i had a similar thought but in the interest of like given a different look i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go to like my my close second right mike um my original thought was i was like listen say they don't get one of the big shortstops because of the deals that they can make in trades in terms of like getting a first baseman like olsen or maybe getting a third baseman like chapman or whatever so here's what i did um i'm gonna say it might be a little bit less realistic because we are banking on chapman on on cashman making deals for obviously i'm already chapman or whatever but we're banking on him making some pretty serious deals here but here's what i go with one i trade glade rotorus and i don't trade i'm not saying i'm gonna i'm getting a blockbuster thing back for him i don't know maybe i trade him in the deal for chapman or maybe we trade him somewhere else but i move glebert torres and i make dj our full-time second baseman for the same reason that you said he's our best defensive second baseman on the roster there's no why are we playing footsies and playing [ __ ] games here like yeah he's the best put the best there yep um i already said third base i like dealing for chapman i know olson is the guy everybody's talking about and everything like that i like dealing for chapman at third base because now we're moving on from geo right we're grading well we're probably getting back maybe some low-level prospect mid-level prospect maybe we're getting back on a bullpen arm i'd love to trade rp and get a strong opinion on because i feel like geo will get you a pretty decent bulb in arm who maybe has really great peripheral stats but hasn't had the results yet a la clay home can i can i throw you can i throw you some names yeah for him there is a deal that i think about often and a team that i think about i know that um they are gonna likely try to uh the texas rangers for an example are are are gonna try to put this thing in the fast motion everybody expects them to have a big offseason they got some good young guys coming up they got some pretty decent players coming up there but a lot of people expect them to maybe make some some pretty strong moves there's a guy on the team that we seen the yankees face if they can get him i will love it this there's one big guy in the bullpen josh spores i don't know if you remember josh spores yes he throws am i correct yes yes he looked terrific perfect game yep he throws very hard 69 k's and 59 innings but again you know he's he's young he has all the potential in the world he's a guy right now that they i'm i don't believe they feel like this is the next closer i'm pretty sure they probably deal them but those are the things that i'm looking at let's say for a geo or shelter like you know yeah well geo at third we got them for a few more years that's already a big guy there maybe we signed story got a really nice left side of your infield to show to your fans you got um you know you got a good center fielder still the offense could really come around and be tight if you get some pitching you might shock a few people this year so maybe it's one of those things like that where you can do that uh taylor hearn is another guy who's another lefty you could start and and come out the pen so i just wanted to throw it at that because you know people sometimes say that oh well you know or shell has been injured or shelley got value our sherlock got bounced back and people like him because he's a good character he's a good per you could tell people like him because he's a good guy he's a great character um i mean i think what was kernan saying that he was the one that was out there like working out taking him him and uh dj lemay you know he was doing backhand plays everywhere yeah like this is like that that's good i think geo definitely has value even with like the injury questions and things like that decent glove at third um the bat has come along since you know coming to the yankees really come in to insult his own i think there's value there so i'd like to move on from him now and upgrade because i think that we as the yankees should be getting more from the hot corner um so i like making i like going and dealing for uh for chapman um whatever it takes um i think i don't know you know how much it's gonna take but yeah your dominguez is probably gonna be in there to start and you're gonna have to go in there maybe with one of the two pitchers there and heel or medina or you know schmidt has some value but i don't know if it's enough i mean yeah when you pair them with dominguez it does up the ante but i don't know um but it's gonna hurt that's one thing i'm not gonna lie to you guys if you are gonna make a deal for a guy like chapman it's gotta hurt it's gotta hurt something yeah so that i have no you know i have no illusions that that a deal like that won't hurt but that's the deal that i want so so far i got dji second base i got chapman at third base i'm gonna go first base i resign anthony rizzo i like the relationship that he built with judge i think he fits really freaking well this lineup i think he was doing phenomenal until he caught covert and then battling back from covid i think he got back to maybe 75 80 percent of himself but i don't think he got back 100 to himself i was gonna say i could attest i can definitely attest to it yeah i had coveted and let me tell you guys even after i was told i'm negative and i'm into work they said i don't know if this is a normal thing but the doctor said you're in a recovery mode now i'm like okay all right look whatever that means he's like yeah he's like it'll take a while to build things up to right now i'm going back weeks right i still am working on getting my full respiratory back when i do a hard cardio that is like building back up still and there was a time where i told you about this when my body gets tired very very quickly which i never had i'm a muscle ache type tired so knowing that some people get things a certain way maybe rizzo had those same type of effects i know the boxer tyson fury um if you guys follow fighting at all he had coveted before his deante wilder three fight and his dad said he was actually worried about it because tyson fury runs like 10 miles every day they were three miles in and he couldn't breathe so he's like how are you gonna go step in the ring with this monster and fight this guy again when you can't breathe you got to move the day back and say no i'm going to do it but anthony rizzo could have had a major effect from covid he could have had a major effect from coven i think he came back i think he was you know more or less there but i feel like we saw the effect we saw some errors like you know things like that like weird things that i was just like yeah i don't think he's 100 i don't think he says so i'd like to bring him back resign them i don't think it's going to cost ridiculous amount um i do i would like it to not be anything north of four or five years but who knows um if the money's cheap then i they probably extend it who knows but i like to bring rizzo back so so far i have djs second chapman at third rhythm who's the shortstop who's the show something you go for you guys already know i would absolutely positively love carlos correa on the new york yankees don't think it's going to happen for a lot of reasons so he's not the shortstop i went with um i went with seeger and i will tell you why i went with seeger i know that everything came out with the 300 million and everything like that and i'm like okay i get it he's a boris kind of whatever okay got it but there's gonna be you know there's good there's a lot of competition out there with shortstops this year right baez is a free agent also we already said corey is a free agent trevor story's a free agent uh simeon is a free agent where it is wants to go back to shortstop um there's there's not this free then you got lower level guys like your dd's and uh who could be free agents or i'm like i might be messing that up like indeed he got one more year and um over there but you guys you're like i said you're iglesias you're simmons you guys out there justin simmons like you got it's a pretty crowded field and here's what i'm saying i think correa is going to get 300 million plus but outside of that i don't know a hundred percent like in my heart of hearts that corey seeger is going to get 300 million i don't think so either to be honest i think that was put out so that it could be like a barometer saying like that's what we want or it could be a team maybe a team jumps to that number immediately possible that you know what i mean it could be one of those things like a field that okay well you know he'll probably want that so maybe we do it exactly you never know you put that feeler out there because like yeah maybe like we'll get a team that says hey we really want this kid we don't want to [ __ ] around we'll just on the first talk we'll say all right yeah we're willing to go 300 million 10 years like let's do it um but i'm going to say that yeah i'm going to say we get them right in my id in my perfect world i'm the gm i signed seeger but it's not it's not 300 million it's it's not cheap i'm not saying i'm going to get them for freaking 200 200 million 220 but i i feel like if i'm i'm signing them i find i find a way where it works to maybe get them at anywhere from 265 to 285 which i know is only 15 down from 300 million but on the other side of 300 million there's something about that number that i feel the way about so yeah even 285 i'm okay with yeah because seeker is young enough and i think it's possible who knows like we did get really healthy years from judge and stanton this year maybe there's something the cressier approach could do for seeger who knows let me tell you why the reason i go see her is actually not just a play for 2022 and chapman and all this stuff so i'll explain it to you it's because right now that's my infield for 2022. two years later chapman is a free agent i let him walk i move seeger to third and volpe takes over at short and we don't miss a beat in my infield i didn't say catcher who i would like to go for catcher so i'll put out my options i'm 100 in line with you with jacob stallings but i'm going to give a different name just to beat off say i'd go tucker barnhart one or another name that i don't know if anybody's if we've talked about before i also like the kid from arizona carson kelly i don't know how of course in kelly but i don't know if you i don't know if they're going to move him um yeah i don't again i don't i don't know how realistic i said that i said that the other time he would probably be one of my number one choices to go after if they remove him so carson kelly definitely would be my guy bring him up but tucker barhart i think is realistic um yeah definitely you think he's realistic so i would say i would go out and get him but if i could get carson kelly i'd love carson kelly um but yeah like you said jason jacob stallings would be good i mean let's see um but i think that i think the number one thing to note there is that gary sanchez is not my catcher for opening day next year that's that's not what i would do um but yeah that's what that's my plan that's my infield dj at second uh rizzo back at first i signed seeger um the big flashy name but i also trade for chapman which is a big blockbuster trade and two years later i think i'm set up to move on the man third base i let chapman walk but then volpe comes up and takes over a short stop yeah and i feel we'll miss a beat that's how we do it makes sense so that's yours mine again would be we both agree with rizzo or first base we'll be get agree at dj at second base then i'd have peraza at short uh you gave me the idea i like that idea and i'd have third base would be jose ramirez and catcher would be my man jacob stalin's um i think that will make the yankees really better i think there'll be a much better team um for both of those both of what we said both options so you guys let us know let us know in the comments below what you guys think about both of our options let us know what your options would be also something different yeah you guys might be something different so yeah let's start a conversation down there in the in the in the chat and then also in the comments section about what your guys uh what what you would do with the infield and what those trades would look like we kind of got into that a little bit what our trades would look like so um with all that being said i mean that's where we are that's what we think um i think we covered just about everything today that we have to cover uh there'll obviously be a lot more coming we obviously have big things coming up uh winter meetings and all that fun stuff um we're not 100 certain if we'll have an episode next week but guys stay tuned we'll let you know if we don't if we do um not that anything is planned but if there's you know slow news maybe it's not the best time to do it we do other things maybe other videos and stuff like that to cover some things up but again guys if you have not watched the interview with kevin kern and take some time out of your day and do that it's really informative not because of me all because of kevin kevin's extremely knowledgeable so hearing him talk was really fun i know a lot of times i was kind of like man this guy i love that he aligns with a lot of what team ny news says because he's been around for so long and he knows so many people in a new york hall of fame so i mean it's pretty damn awesome uh definitely check that one out guys it's an affirmation when you hear a guy like kevin kernan get up there and start saying some of the things that that you say and that we've been saying because it's like i mean this guy knows baseball i mean 100 no doubt about it the interview i've watched the interview three times now um what obviously to support my the channel and my team but also just because it's a really enjoyable interview it's one of the it's one of the better interviews i've i've watched this year i'm not just saying that because it it was my guy pete doing it with no i think me said it but a lot of people said that what i look for in an interview like that was one of the more enjoyable ones because the talk the baseball talk all of that that was everything i look for and like i feel like look man like to hear him echo some of the things that we've been saying about like how this team just isn't prepared how they're not doing the right things and stuff like that or whatever and i don't think he killed uh boone i know he did it he was honest about him but i like him he said he's a nice guy he said the night he said i know everybody says it because i'm gonna say it he's a really nice guy i know him i know his dad i know his brother i know that whatever but he said he lost respect for what i said hey you know what listen i'm indifferent that they brought him back i think because i figured i had to i resigned myself to it after the wildcard game because i said you know pete's right they're probably going to bring him back anyway so i was like screw it they'll bring him back whatever but to hear current say like yeah but i mean i lost respect for well i was like that's literally was my feel like when he was resigned it's like yeah like i'm not gonna freaking burn down yankee stadium because they resigned boone but i'm not also i'm not gonna also sit here and say like i respect them and it's the same i'm feeling that i have when they sign them the first time like did you did you notice did you like how i had to try to get in and ask current and about the bully thing i can't help it you said you said i've been i've been saying it and to everybody i interviewed because i just can't get over it i can't get over it but curtin made a great point what are you saying and he said you you said it you told us he said you can't be passive aggressive he said that's my thing there if you have something go say it to the young don't say it don't go crying to the media that was a good point yep that was it that was a great point when he said that yeah that was a great freaking point and i think that's what it is like yeah we joke about it or whatever because in the day it was a grown man saying he got bullied by an umpire which is absolutely nuts it's egregious and we shouldn't accept that [ __ ] as fans but we had to yep right aside from that what kernin says is like bro why do that in the post game presser of course do it out there on the feet you're getting anyway that's right now just just go do it like go what's that he's like boom did it once remember that one time he's like that's what the real threw for like a little bit and then we haven't seen that guy and i was like [ __ ] he's right yeah he's right i love the savages in the box ring yeah me too what happened i felt you know i felt it was like a downfall towards not not that moment but as long as it went on it was like are you going to hold these people accountable now right like i don't know but i mean yeah that's right but you're 100 right i mean that was the boon that's the boom we need and like i said i have never once said i disliked the person i have never said that i said he drives me mad i can't stand when i see him because like kernan said you can't even watch his post games anymore you can't watch him because you sit there like okay yeah same [ __ ] let's go next thing you know what he's gonna you know what he's gonna say so he doesn't like being called a puppet but he is but he is there's no way of going around he's a puppet he is i mean again and i think i said this before on one of our last episodes like i don't know i'm 50 50 on the puppet thing either he's i'm 50 that he's a puppet or he really truly agrees with everything that cashman is saying the reason that i have to lean actually is probably like 70 30. he's a puppet because he comes from a family that knows too much baseball for him to really be that one and two he's made to me now there's no denying he's just happy to be the yankee manager when you leave your friends to decide and throw your friends to the dirt because you just want to keep that same position look if that was like okay for an example like you said earlier right somebody comes to us and oh we talked about this offline but they're like hey somebody brings this podcast over to a bigger network early and we're like maybe we'll accept it and they're like okay well we have all ownership of it and one day we go like now we don't want to we're not going to talk about this so well we'll scrap that like now actually no you guys are going to talk about it because now we control that's what we want you talking about and they're like well um and like let's say for example you go well then we're both leaving yeah and i'm like and some people might be like oh don't talk for me i think i want to believe that we'll be like yeah yeah fair we're both we're both bouncing we're not going to do this thing like this if we all that stuff happens no if my friend goes then i'm going to go too like we're going to have each other's back on this thing this man knew nevin was gone then he goes to the media's like well if i knew that was going to happen and i don't know you knew you knew and those are the things that make me lean like yeah this dude really has no control he's a puppet he he's there just to do one or two things and that's it and i'm telling you my dad told me my dad said it a while back he said pete watch his post games he reads he has notes i said i said that too this year i was like you literally see him reading the notes he's reading notes you could tell he's and he can say all his numbers no there's buzzwords and phrases that they want him to say yes yeah so anyway we can rant on this all night and talk about this all night but um anyway guys francis i'm gonna throw it over to you before i say that last thing one thing that came out and it really disproves what cashman said he said that if they would have let boone go he would have been the number one manager on the market but i think all that stuff about him going to san diego i think if they would let boone go boom would still be out of a job right now unless he took them out hey you gonna say he could either take the mets job or oakland i could see oakland maybe coming to a guy like him you get the young guys up running through him maybe boone wouldn't accept it i don't know but baby the whole thing about him automatically going to the padres if they had a shot at melvin and it was between melvin and boom they go melvin i don't think i agree i i don't i don't believe that was ever really again i talked to kernel about this i said it right you heard me i said it's all they were fluffing them up they were fluffing this dude up like it's the greatest move to make in the planet so like i said they were selling themselves on it it's cool no doubt about it it's cool it is what it is we know we know what we're getting we know what to expect as of right now it's up to them to change the perception that's right that's right but the designated spinners don't got to change our perception because we've been consistent all year coming with that fire coming with these episodes fire interviews come on man kernan that interview you got that where at ny news and that's what's coming more and more and more it's going to be coming out of your ears in january guys all types of news there's more there's already so much more i mean there's a there's a hell of a lot lined up there's a hell of a lot lined up but i don't think the tagline will ever change oh no the next episode is the best episode yeah i already know hey you guys already know we will never come whack on a designated spinners track thank you montel jordan did i say montel jordan again no no michael jordan that's it yeah mata williams willie montel williams montana william i'll tell jordan i always give credit i got to get rid of the mantel jordan on that one that's a classic line anyway in a classic song so guys let us know again in the comments below if you are not subscribed subscribe now we are pushing making a run towards 6k that is the goal so you guys know i'm gonna give you guys a heads up by january we're looking to have 6 000 in here and then of course we'll build build bill but guys you know there is no better spot for new york yankee news so guys again in the comment section below let us know what you think about those lineups uh i mean those infield of alignments we had let us know what your guys would be let us know what trades you will make how that would look like and we'll have a conversation in the comments below so until next time talk to you guys later i really really really wanna

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